  • Gün 31

    Trouble in Paradise...

    30 Temmuz 2017, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, and traveling has it's ups and downs too. Social media often skews our perception of reality because we only share the positives. So we want to share this part of our trip as well.
    When we returned from exploring Cordoba, we found the driver door of our car loose and the backseat down. OMG someone had broken in! And they stole both our packs with most of our gear, including our electronics. Right there in the middle of a public place, along a busy road in broad daylight. They definitely knew what they were doing. Thank goodness we had had our passports and bank cards (and luckily all our photos) with us.
    We checked to see if we had remembered to lock the car and we definitely had, since we couldn't even stick the key in the lock to re-lock the car. We sat down on a bench to process what just happened. Waves of emotions were washing over us, anger, frustration, worry, and the feeling of losing temporary faith in the world.
    But adrenaline kicks in fast and you soon you start to focus on what needs to happen. We immediately went to the police office to file a report, contacted the car rental and insurance companies and found a last-minute hotel for the night. The next day was a long day driving back to Faro (Portugal) to exchange the car and shop for new underwear and charging cords. Know your essentials ;) After that we were able to head back to Spain to make the most of the last few days. Fortunately we had insurance on our gear, once we got to Calgary we worked on declaring our lost items.
    Okumaya devam et