  • Día 11

    Roosevelt Island

    23 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    With a very warm&sunny day in front of us, we decided to head somewhere close to the water, our choice being the Roosevelt Island - situated on the East River. If you are in the mood of getting away from the city for 2, max 3 hours, but still to be able to enjoy the amazing views of the Manhattan buildings, then this is the place to be. Not very crowded, it offers you the possibility to walk along the river, to sit and relax on the grass and, if lucky, (as were we) to enjoy the beauty of the blooming cherry trees. If to get to the island we used the subway, on the way back we decided to take the tramway (suspended tram), for an additional joy to the eye (if needed).
    With no other specific plan for today, we walked towards Rockefeller Center and Times Square - to add some noise and light to this (up to then) silent day.
    This city is so immense - we were just talking today that somehow you can not „measure“ it, you can not get a feeling of how big / huge everything is. You get at some point in a little park and when you look around you see you are surrounded by 10 buildings of more than 40 floors high. You walk on the streets, getting used to the high buildings and then you turn right and see a 80-floor-high building. It never stops surprising you with its contradictions: low-high, grey-green, calm-noisy, dark-light, fancy-poor. You are constantly amazed.
    Tomorrow we are supposed to start the day with a long run in Central Park West. Let‘s see what else will the day bring...
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