Part A - UK and Lisbon

июня - июля 2017
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  • День 45


    24 июля 2017 г., Португалия ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    It's hard to believe I am now about to wrap up part A of my trip and start to think about what part B might bring.

    It is the halfway mark. I left home 5 weeks ago, excited, fearful, sad, nervous, and feeling pretty much every other emotion there is a word for. Social media is a wonderful tool for keeping in contact with people near and far but it can also provide a slightly distorted perspective on reality if you take it only on face value. Generally, people choose only to share the good bits and from that it is easy to think that every day is sunshine and roses particularly when people are posting fabulous holiday snaps.

    Don't worry this story is not going too far south, but I will say it has been deeply personal for me and not a single day has passed that went exactly to plan, and my photos from this trip have been missing someone who has been with me every step of the way in previous trips for a very long time. I won't pretend I haven't rattled around a bit this past month trying to work out how to enjoy myself when travelling alone. Part A has had absolute highs and at times absolute lows. Just that constant reminder that no matter where you are and what you are doing, life will deliver its ups and downs.

    Today is my last day in Lisbon, it wasn't part of the plan. Technically I should still be roaming around the UK in my Campervan, but I overestimated the amount of time I would enjoy in the van and the sunshine and culture of Europe was calling my name. It has been a fantastic place to drop my bag and just soak up everything this place has to offer. It can never be done in just 7 days, in fact I am only now learning my way around my own ancient neighbourhood with the tight streets and few street names.

    Tomorrow I head to London for a few days to see some fantastic people who call it home and to get myself ready for Part B that starts on Friday. As my photos have shown I have been to some incredible places, eaten some amazing food, drank beer too often but above all, I have reconnected and been held up by old friends over here and even met new people who I would like to keep in contact with. I have also been supported incredibly by people at the opposite end of the world who have been on the end of the line more often than I can thank them for.

    What I think I always knew but have now had 100% confirmation is that places are beautiful, but in the end, it's the connection with people that makes everything great.

    So thanks England, I will always love you, and Lisbon, you have been just the tonic this girl needed to gear up for the madness that is going to be part B.
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  • День 50

    Lovely London

    29 июля 2017 г., Кения ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Each time I visit London I realise how different it is to the rest of England. The mix of people, the efficient transport, the food options and the crowds. Not better, just different. The crowds are everywhere but surprisingly it just seems to flow. Even when there were "major delays" on the Piccadilly line, I still managed to get a standing spot on the first one that came through, three minutes later, which I have to say is far cry from a peak hour train in Melbourne where it is common for me to have to let 2 or 3 pass before I can squeeze on!

    Yet despite being such a historical city with the royal buildings, old archways and grand parks, beautiful London continues to grow and change to the point where there is always a pocket of the city that is new to me on each visit. This time it was Granary Square in Kings Cross. What not so long ago was a derelict part of town, is now the home of a cool art school, a beautifully designed open space with choreographed water fountains (that you are allowed to play in), home to the London office of Google and the place where a 1 bedroom apartment will set a foreign investor back £1,000,000.

    The 2017 visit was short and thanks to some wonderful people who live in that amazing city the visit was sweet. I am not sure when I will be back there again but one things for sure, next time I do land I am sure she would have had yet another nip and tuck somewhere, while still maintaining her classic beauty. She deserves the seat at the big table of world class cities and I can't see that changing anytime soon.
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