Otterly tiny penguin Baca lagi Villach, Österreich
  • Hari 145


    23 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Um die Erde herum läuft der sogenannte Kaffeegürtel. Das ist breiter Ring, der die Regionen beinhaltet, wo man Kaffee anbaut. Generell in Äquatornähe. Für Kaffee braucht es nämlich bestimmte Vorraussetzungen. Bei uns wächst der nicht, nee.

    ABER! Für manchen Kaffee braucht es mehr, als nur die richtige Temperatur und viel Wasser. Jaa. Für manche Kaffeesorten braucht man Katzen. Naja, nicht die Hauskatze von daheim. Das Tier nennt sich Luwak. Es frisst Kaffeebohnen und verdaut sie. Irgendjemand hat herausgefunden, dass der daraus gekochte Kaffee besser schmeckt. Dieser Kaffee ist Zuhause ziemlich teuer.
    Wir waren auf einer Kaffeeplantage mit Verkostung hinterher und ich habe ihm probiert. Schmeckt nach saurem Kaffee.

    Warum das Luwak gerne Kaffeebohnen isst weiß ich nicht. Aber vielleicht hilft es ihm wach zu bleiben. Ist nämlich nachtaktiv.
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  • Hari 142

    Rocky cliffs and sandy beaches

    20 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    A bit of relaxation is important when traveling a lot as it can be very exhausting at times. We had a nice relaxed time at Nusa Penida, an island near Bali. There's not much on the island. Jungle, rice paddies, palm trees, beaches, rocky cliffs and millions of tourists.

    The beaches are beautiful. We liked the Diamond Beach and the Angel Billabong (beautiful cliff with a tidal pool) most, but most of the tourists go to Kelingking Beach.
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  • Hari 140

    Bali: temples and monkeys

    18 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    We went to Bali and met my mum! She flew all the way because I wanted to see her and travel with her. 😊 Our first stop was Ubud, the spiritual heart of Bali. That's how they call the city. The vibes here are not very spiritual, but instead very touristic and super busy with a horrible traffic jam. But the palace and temples are beautiful. We went to the Ubud palace and the Saraswati temple.

    The best part was the sacred monkey forest, a monkey sanctuary in the middle of the city. Very green, peaceful, relaxing and with a lot of trees and monkeys. The monkeys did very strange things there, check out the video.

    In the end we realized Bali is filled with monkeys. 🐒 Monkeys with bananas. Monkeys with corn. Monkeys with sweet potato. And monkeys with smartphones.
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  • Hari 137

    Ingwer ernten

    15 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Das Wetter war sehr wechselhaft und wir waren gerade eigentlich erst wieder trocken an diesem Tag. Und eigentlich wollte ich mir von William die geheimen Wege durch den Dschungel zeigen lassen. Aber nochmal zwei Tage Klamotten trocknen lassen macht wenig Spaß, daher sind wir daheim geblieben.
    Auf die Frage, was William stattdessen heute macht, sagte er, er müsste noch zehn Kilo Ingwer ernten. Während der letzten zwei Jahre gab es für kaum jemand Arbeit und um Geld zu verdienen ist er dann eben Gärtner geworden. Gärtnern heißt in dem Fall: man steckt irgendwo zwischen den Bäumen und Palmen Dinge in die Erde und verlässt sich darauf, dass es wächst. Gute Erfolgsaussichten, hier wächst nämlich so ziemlich alles, wenn man es nur lässt.

    Es gab nichts anderes zu tun, also sind wir einfach mitgegangen und haben den halben Tag mit ihm im Dreck gespielt. Am nächsten Tag waren wir bekannt im ganzen Dorf, weil er Videos von uns auf Facebook geteilt hat 😄
    Und wir mussten natürlich noch bei ihm zu Hause essen.
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  • Hari 137

    We finally found our tribal village

    15 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    It only took us 3 months from our first attempt to visit a traditional tribal village in the Philippines. The first try back then only led us over a very bumpy "road" (in Europe this would've been called a hiking trail) and through several rivers that we had to cross on our motorbike.

    But here in Indonesia, after 3 months of searching, we finally found it. And not only one, many of them. People still live in those villages and they are beautiful. I had never imagined myself seeing such a place in real life and up close, let alone being allowed to walk around in the village. The houses are made from wood, bamboo and thatch and they always have at least one stone megalith in the village, which they use for sacrifices and rituals.

    The houses are built in a rectangle around a central space which is reserved for the megalith and the men and women symbols. The men's symbols are huge umbrellas and the women's symbols are tiny houses. For each clan living in the village, there is one men symbol and one women symbol.

    When there's a problem that has to be solved, the men of the clan gather in the women's symbol to discuss about it and solve it. We've been told women are very important in those villages, but to me it seems pretty patriarchal with men solving all the problems. Not sure though, it's a completely different world.
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  • Hari 136

    Ein Wasserbüffel kostet 25 Mio

    14 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Das habe ich herausgefunden. Umgerechnet sind das etwa 1600€. Ein echter Schnapper. Und dafür, dass die echt süß sind, eine wirkliche Alternative zu einem Hund.
    Doch wo wir gerade sind, hält man keine Haustiere. Das bedeutet, sowohl Büffel als auch Hunde sind entweder zum Arbeiten da oder kommen in den Topf. Oder - und das ist interessant - werden für die Geister und die Ahnen geopfert. Es kann schonmal vorkommen, dass man eine Kuh in den Vulkan wirft, wenn man Zeichen für die Notwendigkeit dafür sieht (ja, wirklich).

    Aber auch im Alltag ist das relevant. Will ein Mann ein Haus bauen, verlangt die Tradition des Stammes dafür Opfergaben. Büffel, Schweine und Hühner. Je nach Rangordnung und Größe des Hauses können das bis zu 20 Büffel und 80 Schweine sein, so erzählte man uns. Uiui. Ganz schön viel.
    Die Knochen der Tiere werden dann außen am Haus aufgehängt. Im Inneren des Hauses gibt es einen Altarraum, wo man täglich ein Feuer anzünden muss, um das Böse fernzuhalten.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 134

    Color-changing lakes

    12 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Mount Kelimutu, a 1639 m high volcano crater is home to three lakes. Kelimutu translates to boiling lake. After learning about its name I understood why people aren't allowed to get close to the lakes or swim in them.

    The three lakes have different colors. When we visited the mountain, one was blue to turquoise, one was turquoise to green and one was black. But those lakes don't want to be boring little bodies of water. They change color nearly once every year. A few years ago, they even changed their color six times over a period of 12 months. The black lake for example used to be white and the turquoise lake was red.

    To the local Lio people, Kelimutu is a sacred mountain and the final resting place for the soul when people die. Based on your age and character, your soul will enter one of the three lakes. The black lake is reserved for the elders, the blue lake is the lake of the youth and the greenish lake is where the bad people go (lake of the villain).

    The last two pictures show a comparison of how the lakes look now and how they looked a few years back.
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  • Hari 131

    Jungle Spa

    9 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    What a crazy place! We found a hotspring in the jungle. It felt like a spa or a thermal bath at home. It's the place where two rivers meet and form a little pool you can submerge yourself into. One of the rivers is freezing cold, maybe 15°C or even less. The second river is is boiling hot, heated by the volcanic activity of Mount Inerie. Benni dipped his for into the hot river and told me it's around 60°C. No thanks, I'd rather keep my distance. 😅🥵

    In the pool where the two rivers meet, the temperature is comfortable and changing from one side to the other. The temperature ranges from ~41°C to ~17°C I think. This gives you the opportunity to pick the perfect spot for you and even take a hot and cold bath.

    I love this place! We had such a nice time here, we were the only ones and it was peaceful and relaxing. 😍
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  • Hari 129

    Living on a boat

    7 Ogos 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    We joined a liveaboard for four days. For the first time in our lives we were living on a boat. Eating, taking showers, sleeping and waking up on a boat feels so nice. It feels as if you're completely free, like you can go wherever the wind and the currents carry you. And of course we were diving from our beautiful wooden boat. We did three dives a day and saw so many dive sites around the Komodo national park.

    It was one of the most amazing things I ever did in my life. Completely detached from a normal life on land and so close to nature. We dropped down to the bottom of the sea and found so much life. The reefs here are among the prettiest in the world (same as in the Philippines, both island nations are part of the coral triangle) and the fish are huge. I've never seen so many big, huge, massive fish!

    And then we saw manta rays! Mantas are extremely elegant creatures, the way they move underwater is so beautiful. And they are soooooo big. And very peaceful. Two of them came very close, their movements looked like they were flying. 😍 We also saw sharks. Whitetip and blacktip reef sharks, two of them we found sleeping on the ground while the others were swimming around. I used to be afraid of sharks but after seeing them up close, I'm not afraid anymore.

    Diving here in Komodo involves a lot of current. During some of the dives, it felt like flying or being on a rollercoaster. The current is so strong that it just takes you with it. Kicking and fighting against the current only keeps you in place but you can't go back to where you've been before. Just enjoy the ride and watch the fishies and coals passing by. 😅

    On one of the days, we also visited the Komodo national park and found some Komodo dragons. They can only be found in the area of the Komodo national park and the islands surrounding it and are an endangered species. They look a bit like monitor lizards but can grow a lot bigger.
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  • Hari 125

    Byebye MCP

    3 Ogos 2022, Filipina ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    This one was one of the hardest and saddest goodbyes I've ever had.
    Over the course of our stay we found some of the most wonderful people and made friends with them. Living together 24/7, learning, working, helping, sharing stories, laughing, created strong bondings, close relationships and live-long friendships.

    Thank you all for making our time as wonderful as it was.

    After all, it doesn't feel right to leave. I don't want to leave. This was one of the best things I did in my life. It was fulfilling, meaningful, satisfying and important. I'm so happy I did it.
    This will forever be one of my best memories.
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