  • Tag 44


    16. August 2017 in England ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Where - York
    Weather - fine
    Distance - 16400 step or 10.4km and 35 floors

    Had a great Airbnb in the little village called Upper Poppleton (doesn't that sound delightful!) which was located just outside York. It was easier to use the Park and Ride system which seems quite common in many places in Europe. Park your car and catch the bus into the city - saves congestion and you don't have to worry about finding a park.

    York is a beautiful city and the original part is surrounded by (most of it) an old stone wall. One of the touristy things to do is to walk the wall and it was such a nice day that it was a very enjoyable activity. It's about 5km and takes around 2 hours (plenty of steps). There are sections where the wall no longer exists but that just gives you the opportunity to visit other things.

    Our host recommended we visit the National Railway Museum and that was quite interesting. It had a replica of Stevenson's Rocket as well as The Flying Scotsman - both engines I had heard about. After walking the wall we visited the York Castle Museum which had a section looking at fashion through the ages and the reason why some styles came in and out of fashion. For example, back when men and women wore wigs, the wealthy and more important had larger wigs, hence the term 'Big Wig'. They used to powder them heavily to make them white but when the government put a tax on powder, wigs went out of fashion. It was all fascinating.

    We could have spent more time in York but we had to be in Edinburgh for the Tattoo the next day so drove from York, seemed to take ages and practicallt rained all the way. A lovely Scottish summer day!