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  • Dag 32


    6 september 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Ok so we might have had a few lazy days but we were up at 4.00am and walked a km up to the bus stop and caught a bus to the Airport. Lucky it was cool that time of the morning or we might have melted.

    Our flight was at 8.00am so we had to be at the airport by 6.00am. Urghhhhh! Still we got to London at 9.30am which meant we had a full day there.

    So we navigated yet another rail and bus system and got to our Air BnB which turned out to be wonderful with great views of the city. The funniest thing was Pete loading our luggage into a wheelchair lift thinking it would take him to the 6th floor and it only took him up the 8 steps to the lift. He looked at ME like I was a weirdo because I said I would walk up the stairs. Well we were a bit delirious and tired but we had a good laugh.

    Anyway we dumped our bags and went off to meet Milton, who is a friend who now lives with his family in England and also Ned who was our Barista at Crackerjack who is now working in London. Took Pete to his first English pub and we had a great afternoon catching up with Milton and Ned, and also checking out the Borough Market. Ned headed off to work and we went with Milton to meet Helen, his wife, and we had Fish and chips and mushy peas. Had a wonderful day and night catching up with them and Ned.

    After dinner we made our way tiredly back to our BnB, and collapsed in bed. Been a long day.
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  • Dag 31

    And Back to Athens

    5 september 2019, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    All good things must come to an end and so today was our last day in Syros. We packed up our bags and Pete stayed at the room while I went and tried to do some shopping. I was amazed I found some warm clothes to buy for when we get to London. Also got a few trinkets, not much as the bag situation is pretty full and way heavy enough. Kostas our great host, helped us carry the bags down the 145 steps to the port.

    We were early so we had some lunch and waited for the ferry. We had learnt a lesson on the previous ferry - don’t eat the food as you pay for it days after!

    Back in Athens we made it back to our hotel and had a mad rush to get ready for the special dinner we had booked at the top of Lycabettus Hill called Orizontes. It was amazing when we finally got there, after the taxi driver took us to the back entrance and we had to rush up the steps so we didn’t miss out on our table. Slight problem as taxis don’t take cards and we scrapped together about 4.30 Euro and the driver let us off the rest!

    After a great dinner we walked down the hill and back to the hotel to walk off all the food! Ready for an early start in the morning.
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  • Dag 30

    Lazy day in Syros

    4 september 2019, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    So if you thought yesterday was our lazy day, nope today was even lazier. We got up late and had a relaxed breakfast. And read our books till we were hungry again, about 2.00. So we wandered down to the local swimming spot, sat in a lovely restaurant right on the water and then started reading again. Oh and swimming, eating and the occasional drink, as you do. Wonderful afternoon and we got up to leave but 10 metres down the path decided to stay and watch the sunset. Very civilised.

    Later in the evening we decided to go to the open air movies and armed with a yummy giros and drink we watched Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, which was a bit weird but seeing as we could hear it from our room we decided we may as well watch it. A late night, finished off with a yummy gelato and a walk up the 145 stairs to our room!
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  • Dag 29

    Day on the beach

    3 september 2019, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Well. maybe not a whole day as we are taking it easy and having slow starts. After all it is a holiday!

    After a breakfast out on the balcony we headed off and caught a bus to a beach called Kini. One of the best things is that it is not busy and so it is much easier getting a bus seat and a seat right on the beach for lunch. We had a lovely lunch and then sat on the beach. I went for a walk along the edge of the hill, but it was a bit of a goat track and dangerous in thongs. We moved to some banana lounges on the beach and Pete taught the waitress how to make espresso martini’s! We watched the sunset and then headed back.

    For dinner we found a lovely little restaurant and had a talk with the owners who are ready to sell their restaurant! No we are not interested but it was interesting how hospitality industry wears people out.

    Lovely relaxing day.
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  • Dag 29

    The Next Paradise

    3 september 2019, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    It’s always good when you don’t have an early start. We enjoyed our last breakfast on our balcony and then returned our hire car and got a lift to the port to catch the ferry to Syros. It was and amazing ferry so different to the ones I caught 35 years ago. One thing isn’t different, they serve crappy food!

    We arrived at the port of Syros and were immediately aware of how different this place was to Santorini. About a third of the tourists in town and really gorgeous small cobbled streets and lovely buildings.

    We met Kostas our Air BnB host at the town hall and he helped us carry our heavy bags up 145 stairs, thank goodness! We arrived at Villa Maria and were really glad we moved to this island, the room is beautiful and we have a great balcony overlooking the town and port. Felt very relaxed from the start.

    Didn’t take us long to set out exploring and first stop was a small cafe that served homemade sangrias so of course we had to sample them. Cafe overlooking the local swimming spot and town. We dragged ourselves away and went and found a supermarket for some breakfast supplies and took them back to our BnB.

    We headed out to find a place for dinner recommended by Kostas and found one of them that was a locals place and we ordered way too much food but it was all yummy!

    It had been a long day so we managed to find our way back and went to bed. Only thing was the movie playing down in the square was so loud that if we could seen the screen we could have watched it for free. We are amazed at the difference between the two islands and definitely prefer Syros.
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  • Dag 28

    Paradise in Greece

    2 september 2019, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    We had another lazy morning, oh no that’s right, I had another lazy morning😂😂. Pete went out to pick up his washing and came back after hiring a car for me to drive! We thought we would five around for the afternoon and check out the beaches. Oh well we managed to get to one beach, it turned out to be a great black sand beach with a great bar and excellent food. We couldn’t force ourselves to move so we spent the afternoon at the one beach.

    Well we are here to relax so we were happy. Driving is pretty much the same as in Italy, just keep moving and stay on the right. Haha not easy when you still have problems working out your left and right!

    We managed to find our way home after a few wrong turns, and then got ready for dinner and another sunset! We went back to our great restaurant and had another yummy dinner and watched our last sunset in Santorini. Heading off to Syros tomorrow morning!
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  • Dag 26

    Cruising the Caldera

    31 augusti 2019, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    It was just perfect to sleep the night with the French doors wide open and wake up to the great view. Another wonderful breakfast and then I settled in to read for a bit. Pete went out to find a laundry while I spent a lazy hour reading and relaxing. When he got back hot we went upstairs for a swim before heading out for our cruise on a yacht.

    We went down to the old port via the scary cable car, and waited for our boat. Once on board we headed out, first stop is the volcano, unfortunately I didn’t have walking shoes so I didn’t have to walk the hour in the heat, up to the top. Lucky Pete did so he could take the photos and tell me the history.
    When we moved on we went to an area by boat that had hot springs. Great fun jumping in the sea, once I talked myself into it!! We swam down a narrow section to where there was warm water and the red mud that they say is good for you. Then back to the boat, and we headed off to the next port where we moored and ate dinner and swam a bit more.

    We headed to another area after dinner and watched the amazing sunset. It was a bit windy and the boat rocked a bit but it was very romantic and we arrived back at the port, tired but happy.

    Went to the cable car to return back to the apartment but was told the cable car was undergoing maintenance. 😩😩 ok so we went and had a drink and snack at a bar at the port until we saw the cable car moving. So off we went to the station, we were the only ones there. We had to sit and wait while they pottered around starting and stopping the engines and conversing in Greek with lots of hand shaking. I was not feeling confident when they finally said ok you can get on now🤨🤨 so I asked are we going to die, they laughed and one of the men got on with us and said we die together!!

    Obviously we didn’t die, though I was really glad to have my feet back on the ground. We walked home and collapsed into bed. Another day in paradise.
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  • Dag 25


    30 augusti 2019, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Woke up to an amazing view! It was just beautiful and we had breakfast on the balcony, so much food. I decided to have a real relaxing day, reading and lying by the pool. Pete headed out for a walk and a coffee and I retreated to upstairs to the sun and the pool. Put sunscreen on, as I do but it was hot up there. I looked like a patchwork quilt after the morning in the sun! Brown, white and radiating red, and blotchy, it the look I was going for, but it will settle down eventually.

    After I managed to drag myself up we headed out and went for a walk, booking a sunset cruise and having lunch. We explored the narrow winding lanes and looking at shops and glimpses of the amazing views. We found out where the cable car was for the next day. I was here 35 years ago and boy has it changed. Now there are two ports and the cable car, when I came there was one port and only donkeys to get you to the top. They still have the donkeys and they look really healthy which is good. We opted for the cable car though.

    We had a recommendation for a restaurant near where we are staying and so we went up there for dinner. Popular spot, there were people queuing up, and we were lucky to get a table inside. We had already watched the sunset on our balcony with a bottle of sparkling, so we were happy for good food, and it was wonderful. Great that we only had to walk a short distance home, well I should say roll home as we were so full. Wonderful relaxing day ❤️❤️
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  • Dag 24

    From Athens to Santorini

    29 augusti 2019, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Who says we are lazy? Up at 7.00 for breakfast then waiting at the gates of the Acropolis at 8.00am. Method to our madness - beat the heat and the crowds!! It was a great time to go there was no queues and the heat was bearable. Amazing sights and history. By the time we were leaving there were thousands of people and we couldn’t wait to get out of there. Still you can’t go to Athens without seeing the Acropolis.

    After getting organised we headed off to the airport again, but this time took the Metro, which was easy and only cost 20 Euro against the taxi which was 55. Made it easily to the airport and again sat around for hours but it was worth it, arriving in Santorini made the airport boredom disappear.

    We caught a taxi to our apartment which is just amazing with an incredible view from our balcony of the sea and the Caldera. Absolutely heaven. Amazing place and the scenery is gorgeous.

    There is one photo of me reclining and trying to look like a model. We laughed and laughed about this one because everywhere we go there are gorgeous girls flicking their hair and posing for photos. They get in your way and you get dirty looks if you dare to get in the way. So we decided to do our own, who says a 60 year old can’t compete!😂😂 well maybe not compete but we had a good laugh.

    Of course we have taken hundreds of photos because you want to capture everything you see which is impossible. But we had dinner on a cliff side and watched the sunset on our first night in Santorini.
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  • Dag 23

    Farewell Italy - Hello Greece

    28 augusti 2019, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    After a relaxing night at our BnB we caught the local train back to Naples and then jumped on an airport bus, as we have swapped trains for planes! Prefer the train though because you waste so much time at airports, waiting waiting. But we finally caught our flight to Athens, where we were picked up a taxi organised by the hotel. Turned out to be a very expensive way to do it. We could have easily done it on the metro but we didn’t realise that at the time!

    Anyway we arrived at our hotel which was in a great spot near the Acropolis and lots of cafes and bars. We got settled in the hotel and then headed out to explore. We had a walk around, worked out the metro system and booked our visit to the Acropolis for the next morning.

    On the way back to the hotel we walked through the gardens and found a Hadrian’s Arch and the Templr of Zeus. And we thought Rome had all the historical buildings!

    Back at the hotel and we went upstairs to the restaurant which has a great view. We ended up there for dinner so we could catch the view of the acropolis at night. Absolutely magic!
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