  • Hari 10

    Going Solo

    26 Februari 2017, India ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Today was our first day of doing activities on our own! We headed off to a cable car ride which took us to a viewing platform that has 360 degree views of Udaipur. The view was incredible. There was a group of young men in the queue who were particularly interested in us but they were quite far back in the line. After 10 minutes of being at the top of the ride they also made it to the top. What happened next was just surreal. One minute we are standing looking at the view the next minute about 30 men descended around us posing and taking photographs with us. At one point I think 10 cameras were aimed at us. It was a crazy experience that they came to see the view and looked straight past that to have photos with us! After that happened we had a lovely walk back into town by the lake after being offered a ride from about 20 different Tuktuk drivers. After some wondering and lunch we went back to chill by the pool and try and teach our tour leader how to improve his swimming skills. In the evening we headed to the Monsoon palace which is at the top of a hill. Luckily you aren't allowed to walk it because of wild animals so we got a ride up. Surrounded by monkeys and amazing views we watched the sunset. It was a particularly hard moment for me as I lit a candle in remembrance of a friend who passed a year ago. We rounded off the day with dinner at a rooftop restaurant overlooking the lake. The whole day was beautiful.Baca selengkapnya