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    • Day 26

      Shiv Niwas Palace - looking for 007!

      April 29, 2023 in India ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Yes, we are staying in a palace for 2 nights, no biggie. 😳😁 Part of the James Bond movie “Octopussy” was filmed here! The palace was built in the early 20th century, in the reign of Maharana Fateh Singh (1884-1930). It was reserved exclusively for visiting dignitaries and guests of the House of Mewar. And here we are! Fair warning - I think I may have to post a couple footprints-worth of photos of this lovely place while we are here.Read more

    • Day 27

      Invitation to a wedding celebration!

      April 30, 2023 in India ⋅ 🌙 70 °F

      We were invited this evening to an Indian pre-wedding ceremony in the neighborhood right outside the palace hotel where we are staying!! Our driver/guide is friends with a man who lives in the neighborhood that was celebrating the wedding and he invited us to come eat dinner and see the celebration!

      This was a dinner and celebration held the night before the actual wedding, and just for family and close neighbors. The groom does not take part in this event. The food was amazing of course, and they invited US up on stage between dancing acts, which was a bit embarrassing but also an honor. That way we were able to meet the bride and give her our best wishes.

      Our host then took us to meet his parents up in their room in their 100-150 year old house, and then up onto the roof for the view. This neighborhood reminded me of being in Venice - skinny maze of roadways-alleys that cars couldn’t fit in, and the bottom floor walls of the 3-4 story buildings/houses were two feet thick.

      This is just one more experience on this trip that we will never forget!
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    • Day 47

      Udaipur Shiva Festival

      February 21, 2020 in India ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We were both awake by 8am and made our way up to the roof terrace to wait for our free breakfast. We were a little early but didn’t mind as we both really liked the view from the terrace. When breakfast came we kept eating more and more, the poor guy who worked at the hostel had to keep bringing more...we had 2 boiled eggs, 4 curry toasties and about half a loaf of bread worth of jam on toast (Jammie dodger jam). Very satisfied and now fuelled for the day we left our hostel and made our way across the bridge, it was a gorgeous day, clear blue skies and a nice warm temperature.

      Today was the Hindu festival of Shivaratri, a festival dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. We walked through the colourful streets and our first stop of the day was Jagdish temple, a large Hindu temple raised on a tall terrace that you had to climb up to via very steep stairs, plastered with beggars and people trying to sell us tat. Upon entering the temple there was a nice atmosphere, obviously fuelled by today’s festivities. There were people sat around a shrine in the centre of the temple singing and playing instruments, which we watched for a little while before walking round the rest of the old temple. Back onto the streets we then made our way over to the City Palace, however before we got there we were blocked by a large group of Hindu people dancing and singing in the street to incredibly loud music. We watched as they had their party and then went to look at getting tickets for the city palace. It was 300 rupees which we thought was quite a lot, but it was one of the main things to do here so we went for it. Inside the palace was quite busy, with it being the festival today. There were loads of Indians, so we sat and let the majority of them feed through before we started our walk round. The palace was really well kept, and pretty interesting as each reigning Maharaja had added bits onto it over a period of 400 years so each bit was different. We were enjoying it as the palace was nice and cool with amazing views out over Pichola Lake and the rest of Udaipur. However, we quickly became annoyed at pretty much everyone else in the palace as all they seemed to want was a picture of themselves in front of some artefact, without even looking at it or taking it in. We were ushered out the way numerous times for one of these photo shoots which we felt was a bit silly...but Indians love a picture of themselves.

      We spend a good three or four hours at the palace before we left to check out a viewpoint we’d seen on It was a pretty easy walk to the bottom of it and not too hot, so we started to climb. There was a cable car you could take up, but you couldn’t get to this viewpoint. On the way up we saw a. Abandoned pink tower which had a little rooftop, so we went off the path and clambered up the hillside to get to it. Up three flights of stairs and to the roof and we were treated to an amazing view of the lakes, palace, and temples of Udaipur. After a bit, we climbed even higher up try hill to get the sunset view.m and found these two pagoda things which seemed to have the best view of the city. We were up here quite early for the sunset, but we got some really nice pictures and just watched the scenery change as the sun went down. It was absolutely gorgeous, and as it got darker the city palace and other buildings started to get lit up.

      After soaking it all up, we made our way down (via the top of the pink tower again) and then began the walk back to the hostel. On the way back, this man on a bike pulled up and showed us a WhatsApp text, it had words like ‘bull’ and ‘guys’ and ‘massage’ in it at a quick glance. We walked on, but I turned to Tom and insisted that was some sort of sexual offering. He wasn’t so sure, but I was certain. Out of curiosity, we slowed down a bit and sure enough the man stopped next to us again. We asked him what he wanted and he plainly responded saying “I want sex, you have sex with my wife”. We were speechless and couldn’t actually believe what he said. He then clarified and said that he and his wife were swingers...we had to politely decline his offer but wished him luck. After this, we were really keen for food, so stopped at a place which looked busy, always a good sign, and we decided we’d get a mixture of dishes after we’d had thali for what felt like weeks. We got vegetable pakora, this guys own veg biriyani and a peanut masala, the latter of which arrived with a flame coming out of it! All the food was amazing and safe to say we gobbled it all up.

      As it was the Shiva Festival today in Udaipur there was a load of people now out on the streets and we got offered this creamy/green drink. This western guy said to me that it wasn’t strong, so we both took a cup. When we drank it we couldn’t even taste any alcohol, so it must have been really weak. It wasn’t the nicest of drinks, so Tom only had a little bit, whilst I had the whole thing as we were in front of the guys who gave it to us and I didn’t want to seem rude. We walked up the street so Tom could dump his in the bin, as two kids followed us desperate for the drink but Tom refused to give it to them. We made it back to the hostel finally and went to the rooftop to chill out for a bit. Up there we met an English girl and a Finnish guy and we were all just chatting about generic travel stuff. It was at this point I started to feel a bit weird in my stomach and I immediately thought the drink had poisoned me. However, I then overheard the Finnish guy say that the drink the locals give out on the street is a ‘special lassi’. In other words it’s a drink laced with marijuana. I hadn’t been poisoned, I’d got accidentally high. Tom has looked over to me and I was in fits of giggles at absolutely nothing at least I was happy high and not depressed. Everything made me laugh, even the name of the state we were in ‘Rajasthan’ and even more so the people called ‘Rajasthani’s’ nearly had me on the floor. This went on for a while, and even Tom started to just laugh, more so at the state I was in. We went downstairs as I had some chocolate biscuits, so we demolished them and then decided we’d go on a midnight hunt for Oreos. We went down to the main door, and it was shut, but couldn’t be locked as you can’t lock people in or out of a hostel. We spent about 5 minutes pushing and pulling, looking for a lever, trying to twist bolts and pulling chains that were on this door but for the life of us we couldn’t figure it out! We had to find and ask the hostel manager how you open the door and he just said ‘slide them’...actually so simple. We got our Oreos smashed them and then duly went to bed. It had been a long and eventful day, but a fun evening.
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    • Day 182

      Underwhelming Udaipur

      March 30, 2024 in India ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Von Udaipur hatten wir uns einiges versprochen, da es uns von mehreren Leuten empfohlen worden war.

      Tja. They can't all be winners. 💩

      Die "most romantic city of India" war hauptsächlich laut und durchschnittlich; uns hat der extrem beeindruckende Jain-Tempel auf dem Hinweg viel besser gefallen als die Stadt selbst... wobei die Lage am See schon sehr schön ist.

      Vielleicht sind wir auch übersättigt. Wir haben jedenfalls beschlossen, unsere Rajasthan-Tour hier zu beenden und mit dem Nachtzug nach Agra weiterzufahren. Das Taj Mahal wollen wir noch sehen, und dann eventuell noch Delhi, und dann Bye bye Indien!
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    • Day 18


      July 31, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We flew from Trivandrum to Udaipur, the city of lakes, via Bengaluru (Bangalore). We were met by our guide, Mr Deepak, and personal driver, Mr Singh, both gentlemen and at our service. We checked into our beautiful hotel, The Trident. What a sight, so peaceful and luxurious. I am not going to lie - the cold beer and hot shower were very welcome, although I would not change our experience at the orphanage for anything. Our dinner was a delicious buffet of local cuisine to the backdrop of Indian dancers and traditional flute playing. We ended our meal with the beautiful Marsala tea.

      The next day after after a huge breakfast selection we were collected by Mr Deepak and Mr Singh for a day of sightseeing.

      We visited City Palace, where the Royal family still reside, the same family since 566. The largest royal compound in Rajasthan, built with granite and marble. It is built atop a hill, overlooking Lake Pichola. Several lakes were constructed in the area, providing beautiful scenery and water to the city. The city is also surrounded by mountains and was never conquered by the moguls.

      Mr Deepak took some time to explain some of the Hindu origins and beliefs and we visited a few temples in the area. We took a boat ride on Lake Pichola, which is encircled by the Aravalli mountain. We visited the island in the middle of the lake which used to be owned and occupied by the Royal family and used as a place of relaxation. It is now a hotel. It is beautifully peaceful away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We were taken shopping to an incredible fabric centre where we could not pass the opportunity of having some locally made outfits tailored for us which were delivered to our hotel later that night. We had a small rest before being picked up once again to witness some beautiful Indian dancing alongside some commentary.
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    • Day 14

      Udaipur bonjour 😌

      March 12, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Hello tous, ça devient compliqué de sélectionner des images car tout est beau ! Très différent de ma première étape. Beaucoup plus dense ....
      Je n'ai pas encore entendu de silence 🤓et je loge dans une guest house conseillée par ma fille et tenue par deux jeunes femmes qui me considère avec beaucoup de gentillesse. Une rue très étroite ou seules les vaches et scooter (nombreux)peuvent passer . Et au vu des maisons les personnes travaillent et vivent bcp dehors....Beaucoup de vie partout,scooters et couleurs dans tous les sens ..
      il faut s'y adapter
      ce matin j'ai choisi une rue au hasard et j'ai marché. L'étonnement est sans fin,le coeur serré parfois aussi devant des très vieilles personnes très pauvres avec a la main un mini seau de lait que je me demande si ça n'est pas LE repas de la journée
      j'essaye de ne pas m'affliger sinon je ne sortirais plus la misère est bcp plus présente mais les sourires restent...

      Hier soir repas sur un toit dominant le magnifique lac, ce midi soupe de millet et occasion de rencontrer une jeune hongroise avec qui je passerai l'après midi à visiter le palais de la ville. Elle vient de Budapest où elle a justement présenté un mémoire sur la peinture indienne on était toute les deux bien satisfaite de nos découvertes C'était magnifique mais trop...trop grand trop de trop 🤪🤩. Je vous salue et file ! Des biz !
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    • Day 15

      Udaipur ce jour

      March 13, 2024 in India ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Yo everybody !
      Quelques images de cette nouvelle bien belle journée bien que j'aie démarré ''tard'' ( pour la température du moins)
      J'ai mis quelques légendes sur les photos c'est plus simple et plus facile aussi pour comprendre.
      J'espère que vous allez bien . J'ai mis des photos de fleurs pour vous faire patienter jusqu'au printemps 😌👍🌞
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    • Day 14

      Cooking lession and fashion style

      October 14, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Am Vormittag durfte ich erlernen, wie man köstliches indisches Essen zubereitet. Ich war eine kleine Gruppe. Ich hatte eine eins zu eins Betreuung. Ich war praktisch den ganzen Vormittag in eine indische Familie eingebunden. Die Tür zur Straße stand offen, ständig kamen Menschen brachten etwas, holten etwas oder wollten sich unterhalten. Zwischendrin liefen ihr Mann, ihre beiden Söhne, die Schwiegertochter und ihre beiden Enkelkinder. Zu acht leben sie in zwei Zimmern. Zwischendurch kamen noch beide Omas und wollten Chai trinken. Ich kenne keine deutsche Familie, wo es so ungezwungen und warmherzig zugeht. Auch diese Familie hat keinen Tisch und alle essen immer am Boden. Es gab kein Brettchen zum schneiden, alles wird direkt aus der Hand geschnitten. Die Gerichte waren leckerer, als Street Food oder im Restaurant.
      Alle Inder haben Metallgeschirr mit Rand, da sie mit der Hand essen und es nicht kaputt gehen kann. Danach kamen wir irgendwie ins Gespräch über Saris und Henna. So durfte ich von Keilash ein Sari auswählen, Haare geflochten und Henna auf der Hand. :-)
      Ich bekomme immer das volle Programm!
      Ich wollte eigentlich morgen früh weiter reisen, aber morgen abend beginnt ein neun tägiges hinduistisches Fest. Das möchte ich noch erleben....:-)
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    • Day 658


      December 22, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Eingebettet zwischen zwei Seen, liegt die schöne Stadt Udaipur. Wir bezogen unser charmantes Zimmer und starteten die Mission „Thali“. Ein Thali ist ein typisch indisches Gericht, bestehend aus verschiedenen Gerichten in kleinen Schalen. Es ist jedes Mal anders und immer superlecker. Meistens gibt es verschiedene Curries, Reis, Fladenbrote, Joghurt, Chutney und kostet zwischen 50 Rappen (auf der Strasse) und 5 Franken (im chicen Restaurant).
      Während den folgenden Tagen futterten wir uns durch die Restaurants und fanden unseren Favoriten im „Neelam Restaurant“.
      Unsere Erfahrungen bisher zum Essen: Wir lieben das Essen immer noch und es ist bisher weniger scharf als wir gedacht haben. Mit Öl und Ghee (Butterreinfett) wird nicht gespart und so bestellen wir zumindest die Fladenbrote ohne Ghee. Zum Essen wird auch immer einen Löffel gereicht und so entscheiden wir jeweils selbst, ob wir mit Löffel oder der rechten Hand essen. In Indien gilt die rechte Hand als rein, die linke als schmutzig, mit der man sich zum Beispiel den Popo wischt.
      Schön ist, dass es in jedem noch so kleinen (Strassen)restaurant einen Ort gibt, wo man sich die Hände waschen kann.
      Die Leute trinken übrigens nie direkt von der Flasche, sondern lassen sich die Flüssigkeit mit Abstand in den Mund fliessen. So werden zum Beispiel in einfachen Restaurants auch Flaschen mit anderen Leuten geteilt.
      Fasziniert vom Essen und den vielen Gewürzen, entschieden wir uns einen Kochkurs zu besuchen.
      So begaben wir uns um vier Uhr nachmittags zu „Durgas Cooking Class“, zogen uns die Schuhe aus und wuschen uns die Hände.
      Schon im Vorfeld konnten wir uns wünschen, was wir zubereiten möchten und so standen wir barfüssig zu zweit mit Durga in der grossen Küche. Durga ist eine liebe und lustige Inderin, die uns zu Beginn erst Mal geduldig die verschiedenen Gewürze erklärt hat.
      Während vier Stunden kochten wir anschliessend unter Durgas Anleitungen unsere Gerichte. Zur Vorspeise bereiteten wir Masala Chai, Pakora und ein Chutney zu. Zur Hauptspeise kochten wir Chana Masala, Shahi Paneer, Reis und verschiedene Fladenbrote.
      Das Essen war mega lecker, wir hatten einen Riesenspass und haben viel gelernt.
      Aufgeweckt wurden wir übrigens täglich von der morgendlichen Müllabfuhr. Diese fährt laut mit der immer selben Musik durch die Strassen, hält ab und zu an, worauf die Menschen aus den Häusern strömen und ihren Müll entsorgen. Das Lied ist ein grandioser Ohrwurm, der uns noch heute unerwartet durch den Kopf schiesst.
      In Udaipur besuchten wir ausserdem den Stadtpalast mit seinem grossen Museum und machten einen ausgedehnten Spaziergang am See entlang.
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    • Day 12

      Indian Railway 1. Class to Udeipur

      October 12, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Ich bin begeistert. Das war bis jetzt die angenehmste Fahrt.
      Ich hatte eine alleinige Liegefläche.
      Das Abteil war klimatisiert.
      Ich bekam ein Laken, Decke und Kopfkissen gereicht.
      Später bekam ich vegetarisches Thali ans Bett.
      10 Stunden Fahrt, 400 Kilomter nur 7 Euro.
      Für die furchtbare Busfahrt hatte ich ähnlich viel gezahlt. Ich werde nur noch so reisen, falls möglich.
      Um halb fünf hat mich ein Tuc Tuc Fahrer zum Hotel gebracht . Jedoch meinte er, ich müsse die letzten 500 Meter zu Fuss gehen.
      Eine Strasse wurde von zwei Hunden bewacht, die mich anbellten und nicht vorbei gehen lassen wollten. Ich probierte es drei Mal. Nicht möglich.
      Ich sprach ein Inder an, ob er mit mir an den Hunden vorbeigehen könne. Er rief seinen Sohn an, der brachte mich mit dem Motorrad zum Hotel.:-)
      Jetzt sitze ich gerade auf der Hotelterasse esse ein Masala Omlette und freue mich über den Ausblick.
      Ich hatte gezielt nach einem Hotel mit Farbe und See geschaut.:-)
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