  • Dag 13

    Apple beer taste different in Coron

    14. april 2016, Filippinene ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    So after 6 days and 5 nights the time has come to say goodbye to Coron. I'd choose El nido over Coron I guess just because El nido has easily accessible beach and Coron doesn't, but in general it was a nice stay in both. Similar concept of town - one main street, dividing into lots of smaller streets to each side. The biggest difference would probably be a port - way bigger in Coron compared to El nido. Island hopping, snorkelling - all available for you. Similar prices as well (maybe even a bit cheaper). But for me the most important thing when coming to each new place is to find this little cozy restaurant where we'll have our breakfast. Brewed coffee might be a big problem in SE Asia, so any place which has a coffee plus eggs, fried rice, maybe even Hungarian sausage or different type of omelettes - I'll take it! This time it was Levine's - lovely quiet restaurant 5min away from home. So last breakfast in Coron consumed ages ago, time to wave the hand and head to Manila. 7 hour boat ride from El nido to Coron wasn't bad at all, let's see how overnight ferry will surprise us. Our journey already didn't start on a happy note - ferry delayed by 5 hours.. So instead of leaving at 4.30pm we are still not moving (and it's 10pm now). On the other hand - we will have less time in Manila which is good as we will be sweaty, grumpy and slow with our backpacks clearly not making the day easier. But no complains yet - lets see how it goes! Either way full heart of excitement as I'll be in the new country soon.. :)Les mer