Backpacking 2015

ноября 2015 - января 2017
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  • День 44

    Laos - The Bolaven Plateau Loop - day 4

    17 декабря 2015 г., Лаос ⋅ ⛅ -13 °C

    I left at 8am the next day, the sun was shining and i was feeling alot better. I decided i would go to a few more waterfalls before heading back to grab the night bus to Vientiane, the capital of Laos.
    First I stopped at Tad Kuyxang and had breakfast over the waterfall. There were a few young Laos people who worked here who were full of energy and making me laugh. One of the guys was so camp and was dancing around the resturant, winding up a few of the girls. There were 5 more waterfalls before Pakse but I only managed to find one, Tad Champi. It was really beautiful here and you could swim in the river. The waterfall was very secluded and surrounded by rock. You had to climb down some very steep stairs to get to it. I climbed around the back of the waterfall and sat here for a while before heading back to finish my journey.
    I would definalty recommend anyone going to Laos to do this trip, it is a very beautiful country once you get away from the city. 4 days, 320km, i just wish id had some warmer clothes!!
    I am now chilling out in a resturant, ready for my next part of the journey... A 13 hour sleeper bus to Vientine 👍🏽
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  • День 45

    Vientiane: Paris without the fashion!

    18 декабря 2015 г., Лаос ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    18th Dec

    I arrived in Vientiane around 6.30am after a not so relaxing bus journey. I had to share a bed with a stranger and the roads in Laos arent the smoothest so every few minutes your being jolted out of the bed! It was an experience though. Sleeping pills definately needed next time!
    I shared a tuk tuk with 4 other people, whom were all local. Half way through the journey the driver decided to tell me the price had doubled. Which i argued so he dropped me on a random street away from my hostel! Prick. Luckily it didnt take me too long to find.
    My plan is to stay here for a few days before heading to Luang Prabang. But first... I need some warmer clothes! The further north i travel the colder its getting!!

    I went for a walk after dropping my bags off in the morning i had breakfast at a french cafe and further down the road was a huge market, so i treated myself to a new jumper and shoes! 8 weeks of wearing the same shoes, they were on their last legs! When i got back to the hostel i decided to plan more of my trip. I think Malaysia is now in the pipeline 😝
    I am going to try and find somehwere to develop all of my film. My camera has broken so i dont want to carry round the film much longer. Then ive heard there is a park on the river where you can watch the sunset and the street comes to life at night which a food market!

    I sat and watched the sunset over the mekong whilst a lady manicured my nails. I could easily get used to this! The market was huge, and was buzzing with tourists and locals. It was mostly clothes so i headed away from the river and found an indian resturant to eat at. I had aloo gobbi which is a potato and cauliflower curry, so good! I met an israli girl in my doorm who asked me if i wanted to join her on a trip to a village tomorrow to see waterfalls but i felt like id seen enough waterfalls over the last few days, plus she was kind of annoying! My plan was to enjoy friday night and go a socialise but I was so tired from the night bus i ended up going to sleep at 9pm!!!

    19th Dec

    I decided to book my bus to Luang Prabang to leave tonight. I want to spend a few days there before getting the boat to Thailand for xmas. I decided to skip Vang Vien as ive read its mostly for tourists who want to do the tubing, which im not that fussed about. Plus ive not heard great things about it. My bus leaves at 6.30 in the evening so i had another day to explore the city. Vientiane used to be colonised by the french so there are alot of french looking buildings, patisseries and even their own verison of the Arc de Triomphe. Its pretty much a basic Paris.

    I wanted to go to the National Museum and learn a bit more about the history of Lao. On the way i stopped for an iced coffee and a Papaya salad. Im not sure why they call papaya salad as it doesnt seem to contain any papaya...

    The museaum was small but interesting. It started with dinosaur bones they had dug up, then went onto different ancient artifacts that had been found in the north. There were pots that had been dug up which contained bones and jewelry. There is also a place just before Luang Prabang called "Plain of Jars" which is a huge field filled with thousands of stone "jars". They believe that they were used to burn the bodies of people that had died, along with their belonging, almost like a grave. The larger the jar the richer the person.
    The next part talked about "the secret war" between Laos and America in the 1950's. Around 80 million bombs were dropped and unexploded with only 500,000 of them cleard today. 1/3 of the land in Laos still contains unexploded bombs. The farmers are aware of this but cannot afford to move, making it extremely dangerous in some areas!

    After i left the museaum i headed back to the hostel to chill out for a bit. There was a nice french cafe across the road so later I had a goats cheese bagguette and an espresso. I sat an watched an old lady batter someones 4x4 with her walking stick because it was parked outside of her gates. She was not happy! The alarm was going off on the car for about 5 minutes while she was continuously walking around it smacking it. Finally a woman came running out of the cafe and moved it, the old lady still continued it beat the car, then waited for the woman to return and shouted at her in Loas. Crazy old bag!!
    The tuk tuk picked me up at 6.30 and took me to the bus station. Each contry in south east asia have their own style of tuk tuk, amongst other things. Hence the saying all over "same same, but different." In vietnam it was a push bike and 1 or 2 people sat at the front, cambodia was a moped towing a little carrage which could fit 4 people in and Laos' is a truck which can fit about 16 people in the back and all the luggage on the roof. The driver was flooring it and the roads in Laos are rediculous. Everytime we went over a pot hole i was expecting to see a bag fly off the back! I also noticed behind us 2 children no older than 12 riding mopeds!
    I got to the station and couldnt have been happier to see that my sleeper bus was single lay flat seats, the same as Vietnam, rather than a shared (not quite a double) bed!! This one was a bit more fancy though, your blanket came in plastic wrapping, not some dirty old rag that had been used and unwashed! There was also a Jason statham film playing AND... everyone got cake!! This time i have remembered my sleeping pills so hopefully the pot holes won't keep me up. Roll on Luang Prabang 😄
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  • День 48

    Luang Prabang & journey to Chiang Mai

    21 декабря 2015 г., Лаос ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    20th Dec

    So after another not so confortable nights sleep i arrived in Luang Prabang around 7.30am. This time i booked a night in a hostel before arriving as its getting so close to xmas i dont want to be stranded. I got in a tuk tuk with 7 or 8 other people and headed for the centre. Luang Prabang is really beautiful. There are small streets everywhere with trees overgrowing into them. Its like the city was build into the jungle. There are to rivers that run through the city, the Mekong and .... I would be taking the slow boat to thailand via the Mekong. When i arrived at my hostel i dropped off my bags and headed out to get breakfast. I found a local resturant that was serving noodle soup so i sat by the river and ate, followed by an iced coffee! I carried on walking and found a temple with alot pf people queing to get in. Across the road there were some steps leading up a hill so i walked up them. It was called.....There was a temple right at the top and the views of the city were really breathtaking. There was a woman selling insence and tiny little bamboo cages which each contained 2 birds. I bought one and set them free. The woman said it was good luck but i just felt bad for the birds. On the way back down there were lots of gold buddha statues and a cave where you could go to pray. There was also a sectioned off area with a huge footprint imprinted in concrete, believed to be the footprint of buddha. After walking around for a while i decided to go and chill out in the hostel. I had a while 9 bed dorm to myself for the time being so that was nice.
    Later i went back out again to see what the evening bought to the city. I walked along the mekong and came across some steps down to a small beach. Yet another amazing sunset from Laos!
    Next i found the night markets. They were huge i couldnt find my way out. There were lots of soureniers to buy, mostly with embroyded elephants. To be honest, i was more interested in where the food was! There was so much choice, fresh and fried spring rolls, different noodles, fried rice, kebabs and other barbiqued meat, and all for 10,000 kip (about 60p). I sat and ate spicy fried rice with some locals who looked like theyd just rocked up from east london. They were really sweet and offered to share their food. After eating i headed back to the hostel, id booked my boat ticket for the following day so it was a 6am start!

    21st Dec

    The tuk tuk driver picked me up in the morning along with 3 other groups and we headed for the docks. I met an american family who had been travelling for 3 months with no plans to return. They were really sweet and offered me to join the for xmas. They were getting the speed boat to thailand which only takes around 4 hours, alot quicker than my 3 day trip on the slow boat. So far it has been worth it though. The scenary is unreal and its nice to just relax and take it all in. We passed elephants, buffalo and children bathing in the river. The mountain views reminded me of something out of jurrasic park. The river is surrounded by jungle then every so often youd come across a small village up high in the mountains. There werent too many in the boat which was nice, you had 2 seats to yourself. Id read that if you travel the other way, from Thailand to Laos it was crammed with people, to the point where they pile plastic chairs where ever they could. So im glad im going this route 😀
    I started to write up my blog when a little face peeped over the chair. His dad was asleep and he was getting bored to we played around with the ipad then i gave him some paper and pencils to do some drawing. He was too shy though and would draw while i was watching!
    9 hours later we arrived at our first stop, a small village in the north of Laos, Oudomxay. You get off the boat and have to climb up the steep bank which is laced with jagged rocks. I kept thinking i was going to roll down backwards with my backpack! Once you get to the top theres another hill to climb, the village is catered for tourists with shops and resturants along the road. There are some nice little cafes selling sandwiches which i will be picking up tomorrow morning for the journey!
    I found a cheap guesthouse, got showered and headed back out for dinner. Noodle soup again! Im going to really miss the stuff when i leave. After i found a little stall selling minature fried eggs (i think they were duck eggs but when i asked the lady what bird they were from she just flapped her arms like she was trying to fly). What ever they were they were delicious! I then found a bar called happy bar which looked over the river, i sat and had a beer laos and waited for the stars to come out befire heading back to my room. Im sad to be leaving Laos, i didnt expect to enjoy the country as much as i have done. Its been nice to spend some time alone in a country that is so untouched and really reflect and relax. I hope that it doesnt change anytime soon but i feel that tourism is slowly creeping in.
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  • День 52

    Thailand-Everybody loves Pai!

    25 декабря 2015 г., Таиланд ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    22nd Dec 2015

    After arriving at the boarder of Thailand a few of us got a tik tuk into the town of Chiang Khong. Unfortuanetly there were no more buses to Chiang Mai so we got a rolm for the night in a guesthouse before going our septerate ways the following day.

    23rd Dec 2015

    My plan was to get to Chiang Mai then get another bus from there to Pai to meet Risyad before he left to go back to indonesia. The bus ride to Chiang Mai was pretty relaxing. I got there around 5pm and purchased my ticket to Pai which was around 50 bhat (£1). I only had half an hour to wait to i went to find some street food to eat!
    I got on the bus and sat with 4 anerican friends who were pretty enthusiastic about everything! They also told me that, Thailand isnt much of a culture shock to them because they live in hawaii and its pretty much the same. I find that hard to believe.
    We ended up leaving 20 minutes late as the bus driver was adiment everyone had to sit in the seat number that was on their ticket.
    The next 2 and a hakf hours consisted of us all questioning if we were going to make it to Pai alive. Ive realsied driving is asia is bad but this was something else. We were driving up and down mountain roads and some rediculous speed, overtaking trucks on hairpin bends in the dark. One of the anerican girls was in the verg of throwing up! We spotted some lights in the distance which i assumend meant we had arrived when one of the girl feeling ill said "god is that you?" Had to laugh! But it wasnt god and it wasnt Pai! It was a security check point. Apparently they have to check the ID of any Thai people travelling.
    When we finally arrived around 9pm I headed straight for my hostel in hope there was a stiff drink waiting for me! I was staying at Darling View hostel, it took me a while to find and just as i got there two dogs came running around the corners, barking and growling at me. I thought one of the little shits was going to bite me! All i wanted was a drink and not to die before xmas! I threw my bag at it and shouted and it backed off. No rabies for me today! i found Risyad drinking by the fire with other travellers. I dropped my bag off and joined them. There were alot of people staying here and everyone was really nice. The americans then turned up, they had stopped for a drink before checking in! Later on i met a scottish guy who was deaf, he handed me his hearing aids and told me to try them! Bit strange but i thought when in rome. It was the strangest thing ever, i was sat outside by the fire and i could here someone having a conversation in one of the dorms!
    After many glasses of Hong Thong rum and drunken conversations it was time to sleep! I was looking forward to seeing Pai in the day.

    24th Dec 2015

    I woke up severly hungover and not wanting to move from my bed. Risyand had some breakfast and rented mopeds to go and explore the area. Its was really hot! After coming from the north of Laos it was a bit much. First we stopped at the temple on the hill or Wat Phra That Mae Yen. As you drive up to it you see a giant white buddha sat in the mountains. There are a few stairs to climb but nothing to crippling. Once you get to the top the views are really spectacular. Pai is surrounded by mountains, it really is breathtaking. I was taking photos when Risyad shouted me over. You could walk all the way around the white buddha and there was knowone else around so it was really quiet. He had noticed that it was so quiet you could actually hear the ants walking on the trees. So surreal! I never thought id say i could hear an ants footsteps!
    We carried on driving around the little villages outside of Pai for a bit and passed a few elephant camps. It was really sad to see them chained up. They all looked so depressed.
    We picked up a few beers and headed for out next stop, Pai canyon, to catch the sunset. It was a really cool place, we decided to take the more dangerous route and climb up and down parts of the canyon to get to the very end. We sat and waited for the sun to go down with 2 guys from south america when i spotted the moon. It was huge and look incredable. The full moon wasnt until the next night but this looked pretty impressive, even if it was still daylight. We were all so fixated and impressed by the moon we missed the sunset behind us.
    We headed back to the hostel to get ready to go out. As it was christmas eve we were up for a party! First we headed down to walking street where every night they have a huge food market with many different street food stall. I wanted to eat everything and i tried! Risyad introduced me to an asian fruit called Dorian. Id seen it around, mostly pictures of it in hostels with a big sign saying DO NOT BRING INTO THE HOSTEL. I later found out its because it sticks of feet and lingers for hours. Before i tried it two Malaysian women stopped and asked if it was the first time id eaten it, then stood and watched me try it! I did think, what am i getting myself into here!? But, it tastes pretty good. The strangest fruit ive ever eaten. Its almost creamy with a weird texture.
    We were recommened a place called sunset bar which was away from the main street in the middle of know where. It was really chilled, lots of backpackers and we all celebrated xmas eve there together with shakes! Magical! We then met "the crazy english man" (as anyone who wasnt english was naming him) called gary who is the inventor of "the twat dance"...its going global.
    After sunset bar we moved onto the next bar called Dont Cry. This wasnt so chilled and was packed full of pissed up travellers! There was a good vibe though, as long as you stayed away from the bar! Ive never seen anything like it. People were like animals, literally climbing over each other to get a drink! Youd think it was the end of the world!
    When i finally got to the bar along with a very drunk english guy, we decided to celebrate with a shot of tiquilla! He was so drunk he kept taking him money out of his wallet, putting it on the bar then forgetting it was his money! Everytime i went to put it back in his wallet he said it wasnt his! Probably should have given him another tiquila! But it was now xmas so who cares!
    I didnt dare face the bar again after that. Instead we sat and people watched for a bit. There was a guy with the most beautiful hair ive ever seen from Hawaii. I asked him to shake his head and say "because im worth it" i dont think he understood why he was doing it but it was entertaining for me!
    We stayed in Dont Cry till around 4. Learnt some twat dancing and martial art moves from gary then headed back to the hostel.
    I got into bed then hannah started to skype me so i sat outside chatting to her and dan, still pissed from the night before, frantically pealing vegetables!

    25th Dec.... Its Chriiiiistmaaaas

    I woke up craving christmas dinner but that would have been pretty hard to find in Pai so we settled on meeting Gary at 12 for Christmas Pad Thai. I felt pretty shattered so after eating we went back to the hostel. Risyad was leaving to go home so we said our goodbyes. I chilled out for the rest of the day before meeting Gary later for round 2 of Christmas celebrations. There was a Psytrance party on but niether of us had the energy so we just went back to sunset bar for drinks. We walked the back way, around all the little streets with the guesthouses. Pai is such a pretty place, i dont think there is anywhere like this place in the world. Even the stray dogs (apart from the one when i arrived) are really friendly, they follow you around for ages if your walking and sit with you. They know how to charm you into getting them some food!

    26th Dec 2015

    The following day gary and i rented mopeds and drove to the hot springs. There are different pools each at different temperatures. You can sit in one and have a mineral scrub and boil and egg in another. After we drove to the Chinese village which was really cute. Lots of little red shops selling all sorts of tea, mugs and tea sets. All the tea you can drink! I bought a bag of "god tea" and a mug for mum and sent it home. Finally we stopped at a waterfall, the sun was starting to go down so it was getting a bit chilly and we headed back.
    As it was the last night in Pai we thought we may as well chill at sunset bar again before getting an earlyish night.

    27th Dec 2015

    We planned on getting the bus back to Chiang Mai about 12 but unfortunately they were fully booked until 5pm. So we spent the day just wondering around Pai, getting massages, eating and buying souvenirs.
    The bus back wasnt half as bad as the journey there!
    Im glad i got to experience Pai! It wasnt on the itinery but after hearing so many travellers sing its praises and tell me to go i had to see it for myself! I definatly recomment it to anyone travelling the north of Thailand
    When we got back we dropped off our bags and went to eat. Gary lives in the fancy part of Chiang mai sobthe street food stalls are run by hipster thais. We got pad thai from the "Pad Thai Moustache Style" stall which is made by a thai man with a crazy moustache but its bloody delicious!
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  • День 253

    A lion, a tiger a bear. Oh MY!

    13 июля 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    I booked to go scuba diving today. I was torn between that and swimming with the shake sharks but i thought $400 was a bit too steep so i decided on the $200 for two dives... And what a good decidcion it was.

    The first dive i saw a Manta Ray and a huge Cray fish hiding under a rock. Among all the other beautiful reef fish and amazing coral.
    We came back up after almost an hour and had lunch on the boat. I sat on top deck with a few others while the skipper pointed out humpback's for us to see. A couple swam by which was so amazing to see! I've never see a whale that close before. The mum was popping up for air every few minutes while her baby followed behind trying to breech. We were all hoping to see a jump but after a few minutes the had disappeared into the sea.
    The skipper, Dave, carried on to our next dive spot, Nick Lumps, but spotted three Manta Ray. He swing the boat around, dropped the ankor and shouted "manta ray, 1 o clock! Everyone get your masks and flippers on and jump in there!" So it was literally all hands on deck! We all rushed to get our gear on then had to slowly slide into the water so we didn't disturbe them. We swam for about 200 meters to reach them. They were such elegant things. Gracefully gliding through the water, not caring we'd come to look. There was a black one which was about two neters long and two smaller white ones. We followed them for a few mins then headed back to the boat.
    Wet were a good 3/400 meters away now and as we turned back to swim, one of the guys on the boat shouted something (i didn't quite here) and the dive master almost had a freak out. My first thought was Shark... She then said " i think they shouted whales!" Apparently it is against the law in Australia to jump into the water when you see a hump back whale... But... If your already in there, then they cant do anything about it. I looked in the direction they were coming from and saw it pop up for air not to far away. The dive master shout "get your heads in the water" and there they were! A 10-15 Meyer hump back whale with her calf swam right past us. It was really breath taking to see such a huge animal that close in the sea. Everyone was so stunned by it and for the few seconds after it had left and we all popped our heads back up it was silent. Then everyone started cheering! A once in a lifetime opportunity!
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  • День 284

    Road Trip to Ularu

    13 августа 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    12th Aug.

    After faffing one last time and packing up the car we finally left Darwin and headed to Alice Springs!
    We drove for around 10 hours and stayed in Baka Baka campsite for 7.50 each. Everyone was so lovely and one couple offered to switch their headlights on so we could set up the tent as it was dark. I've noticed such a difference in people's attitude already tavelling with less people.

    13th Aug

    Hoping to reach Ularu today. We're about 4 hours away from Alice Springs now. Brandons DJing is still shit.
    Me and Do have become pro at playing bag tetras and have managed to balance everything comfortably between us without it falling over every 2 mins 👍
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  • День 357


    25 октября 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    17th aug

    I arrived in Melbourne not really knowing what to expect from the city. I was looking forward to seeing Jodie TBH.
    I took the skybus from the airport to southern cross station, the skyline of the city was breathtaking, the sun was shining and I was feeling positive.
    Common man
    Moving to St kilda
    Sky tower with chiara
    Booking earthcore festival
    Motorbike with Anthony. Botanical garden crap stalk on Swanson. Brittany. Port Melbourne
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  • День 368


    5 ноября 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    3rd Nov 2011

    We left Melbourne and headed to Young for cherries. Me, Emer, Chiara, Venus and Brandon.
    As we drove out of Melbourne in a car crammed with out life, Joanne, the woman from the agency text to say there was no work in Young for at least another week 😣 I called the hotline and now we're in Griffith. We've been told the cherry season is the worst it's been in ten years!

    We found a campsite called showground and have paid to stay a week and hold out for the cherries. I'm hoping we earn some money because I've booked tickets to earthcore and I need a car!!!

    There are a group of Malaysians living here who are so friendly. They invited us into their shallay to eat with them. We sat on the floor while they watched us with huge smiles eat their mackerel curry with rice. They bought us a spoon each but I tried eating with my hands like they were. It's difficult though. Then they gave us a sweet coffee. One of the guys Kei said he wants to work very for 1 year then go home, get married and start a food truck business.
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