  • 日4

    Very Cosmopolitan

    2015年12月17日, オマーン ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    This cruise as opposed to the last, our evening company only contains one couple that we've met before, that is Colin and Julie.
    The rest are a mix of Brits, that's Peter and Chris, from Wolverhampton, Terry and Jill from Ascot, and mother and daughter, Monica and Phoebe from Grimsby, who are a really fun couple and remind me of the Ab Fab characters Patsy and Saffi.
    Monica the mother is Patsy always up for a laugh and a good time, and Phoebe is Saffi, quiet and reserved and always trying to reign Monica in, and mostly failing miserably LOL.
    An American lady called Barbara, a Norwegian couple, Morten and Ida, and finally a German guy called Reinhold who happens to be the only pinnacle on board.
    So luckily enough it's another good lounge, not quite as noisy as last cruise, but still great fun.
    Oh yes this afternoon we did the VIP galley tour and brunch which was very interesting, one of the unusual things about it was that for each course you went into the galley and got it yourself.
    The starters and the desserts were laid out in the galley buffet style, but with the main course you went in to the galley ordered your main meal from the executive chef who then did a Gordon Ramsey thing and shouted your order to the sous chefs, who prepared your meal in front of you, which was quite cool.