Adventure mine

Temmuz - Ekim 2016
Adventure mine tarafından 94 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 74

    Day 9 :

    27 Eylül 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 55 °F

    Woke up early this morning to a heavy fog that had settled on the coast. I rode into Bandon which is a quaint little fishing town just south of where I camped last night.

    There i stopped on the dock to get a cup of coffee and met another biker named Erik. He is slowly making his way up to Washington from Orange county. Like me, he was also 44 and hadn't been on a bike since he was a kid and just decided to pick up and go.

    We talked for a couple of hours, then I headed toward the beach. I walked around till the fog burned off, revealing yet another pretty day. Bandon beach is my favorite so far.

    I stopped in Laurel Grove at Something Awesome to browse the gorgeous chain saw wood carvings of some very talented artists. I was even lucky enough to get to watch some work in progress. A giant Groot.

    I stopped for a snack in Langlois at a store that advertised the world's greatest hotdog, so I had to get one. It was the best damn hot dog I've ever had. I went back in and got another. They made their own pickles and mustard, then added some onions. It was sooooo good!

    Next came Port Orford. It wasn't as nice a town as I had hoped, but the ocean was a beautiful green! I had planned on eating at the port, but the hotdogs ruined that.

    I ended my 32 mile day at humbub mountain state park. Got everything setup for the night, then walked to the beach where I ate my dinner of Van Camp's beans, spicy pork skins, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and watched the sunset.

    A perfect ending to this perfect day.

    And I passed 300 miles!!!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 75

    Day 10 :

    28 Eylül 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

    Woke up this morning to a bad case of vertigo. This has happened to me a 4 or 5 times before. It sucks! I had to stay where I was and pretty much sleep it off. I really needed an off day, but this was not how I wanted to spend it.🙁Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 76

    Day 11 :

    29 Eylül 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    It turned out to be a pretty darn good day.

    I wasn't feeling 100% when I woke up, but much better than yesterday. I definitely wasn't staying in the same spot again.

    I got an early start around 8 o'clock and headed toward Gold Beach. About 2 hours into the ride I was starving. I saw a sign for Black Forest sausage kitchen. I rode almost a mile thinking about what I was going to eat only to find out that they were only open for dinner. I was so disappointed! All I had for two days was nuts and tuna. I was ready for a meal!

    Had to pedal 7 more miles to Gold beach before I got one.

    After having a mediocre burger at the port cafe, I finally broke down and did some much needed laundry, and made a grocery store run. I may have also been procrastinating because I had another huge hill in front of me.

    I wasn't feeling super great. I almost got a room for the night, but decided to tough it out and save the room for a rainy day.

    I stopped for one last break before the big hill and had some Noosa yogurt. Well two Noosa yogurts:) By the way is delicious! I always thought yogurt was just ok. This is amazing!

    After the yogurt I felt much better. I think I have been under eating. Evidently I am burning an insane amount of calories. So I can eat whatever!!!

    I biked a long day of 49 scenic miles then stopped at Harris beach state park for the night. I got there just in time to see a beautiful sunset on the water, and barely got camp set up before dark.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 77

    Day: 12

    30 Eylül 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

    Goodbye Oregon....

    Hello C A L I F O R N I A ! ! ! ! ! !

    I've officially ridden a few less than 400 miles and crossed my first state line. Quite an accomplishment I would say!

    I realized today that I am ENJOYING packing everything up, putting it on my bike and just riding. I was going to take an off day, stay in the same camp, and do a few things around Brookings, I even had everything off my bike and was headed out, but I turned back and packed everything up.

    Whatever I needed to do my stuff could come with me. I decided to take a short day instead.

    The day was overcast and chilly, The 26.5 mile ride was flat- ish, and the headwind was pretty strong.

    I didn't rush. Went into Brookings and had breakfast of French toast, eggs, sausage. Stopped in Brookings Harbor on the docks, walked around, had a double scoop of Umpqua ice cream. Huckleberry cheesecake and triple chocolate delight. It was delicious!

    I set up camp at Jedediah State Park right inside the Redwoods forest. It is beautiful and peaceful here. I am surrounded by tall redwoods, and right near a rushing river. I am going to sleep well tonight. I love falling asleep to the sound of water in the background.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 78

    Day: 13

    1 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

    I woke up tired this morning. Could have been the thunderstorms rolling through in the middle of the night. They are scary from inside a tent in the middle of the woods

    It stoped raining around 8am and I was packed and moving before 9. I had to fight the wind the entire 10-mile ride to Crescent City.

    I stopped at a Saturday market and got breakfast, then decided that I was going to get a much-needed room and rest. I have a 1217 ft hill to climb a couple of miles ahead. I was in no mood to tackle that and the wind.

    I got lucky the hotel let me check in at 12:30. First thing I did was run a hot bath and soak my aching body. I then ran to the nearby store to get something to throw in the microwave for dinner and some beer. I haven't had one in a while.

    Also figured out my spoke tool doubles as a great bottle cap opener.

    I spent the night doing small maintenance on my bike, some route plotting, organizing my stuff, drying out my gear, and getting rid of weight that I don't need.

    In a few days this little adventure is going to get real. I'm a little nervous about turning east. After that it will not be such a cushy ride. There won't be state parks with campsites and showers every 30 to 50 miles. Planning my run route will be more important for places to sleep places to sleep, food, and water.

    To be honest, I'm looking forward to getting off 101 and the constant parade of traffic. Being near the ocean has been awesome, but I'm ready for a little more solitude.

    But tonight some normalcy... I get to sleep in a bed for the first time in about 10 nights. Wooohooooo!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 79

    Day 14 : Last night on the coast

    2 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

    A good night's sleep in a bed was exactly what I needed. I woke up feeling great and ready to go.

    Last night I unloaded some stuff that I didn't think I was going to use. Probably about 15 pounds. Was going to the post office to mail it home, but forgot it was Sunday. I had to repack all that weight. :(

    It looked like it was going to storm when I headed out, thankfully it never did.

    First thing, a climb up 1271 feet. Almost double what I've done prior to that. I wonder if there's ever going to be a day that I don't dread the hill in front of me then slowly struggle to get to the top of it.

    As soon as I got to the top the sun started shining and I got to see the ocean!

    Had a couple of coyotes cross the road right in front of me. They are smaller than I thought they would be. If you hear a pack of them howling in the night you world think them much bigger.

    Saw a giant Paul Bunyan, and his best friend blue.

    I stopped for lunch at the log cabin cafe in Klamath and had a cheeseburger. Yummy. Then I took the Newton B. Drury parkway scenic ride thru the Redwood forest.

    The ride was beautiful. The height alone of
    the trees inspired awe. I had to hug one of these old, majestic beauties. One of the trees is estimated to be 1500 years old. It is humbling to stand in front of something that old, and is still living, and thriving. Oh the things that tree has seen!

    When I was leaving Orick I saw a great country store. I didn't really need anything, but I had to go in and buy something. It was so welcoming

    Today's ride was 45 miles. I stopped at the elk country campground for the night.

    Tomorrow I head East!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 80

    Day 15 : East

    3 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

    Woke up bright and early to an overcast ,chilly day.

    After the first 10 miles of fighting hills the rest of the 45 mile ride was pretty easy.

    I stopped in Trinidad at the seascape cafe for a late breakfast. I had the whaler's omelette which was homemade spicy sausage, mushrooms, and mozzarella cheese. It came with a massive biscuit. It was so good!

    After I left Trinidad I found a scenic road that got me off the 101 for about 5 miles. Great for my last view of the Pacific Ocean.

    As great as this ride has been, I'm ready to start headed toward home. Even though home is still a long, long, long way away.

    I stopped for the night on the other side of Blue
    Lake. I found a fairly flat spot in the woods about hundred feet of the road.

    I'm pretty sure I put my tent up in a patch of poison ivy. I'm not for sure, but It has three leaves. I guess we'll see tomorrow

    Sleeping in the woods alone is terrifying. what's the worst that can happen...... ? 😭

    At least I have a big ol can of bear spray...

    Tomorrow I have to climb a mountain. The elevation is as high as 2850 feet. This will not be fun
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 81

    Two weeks and two days in :

    4 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

    I can not believe I left Portland 16 days ago!

    I can't believe I've ridden 500 miles.... on a bicycle!

    Even though I'm getting up everyday and I'm doing this, it still really hasn't sunk in what I'm doing. it feels like it's been a really long time, and I have done a lot, but compared to the whole trip I'm just getting started.

    It really makes my stomach flip when I look at the entire map of the United States. I've traveled about an inch. It's taken me 16 days to ride my bicycle an inch!

    Memphis is faaaaaaaaaaaaar away!

    I am hoping for some flatter terrain in the near future, so I can make up some time.

    Today I had to tackle a mountain that took me up 2800 feet ... Twice. The first one wasn't quite as big, but still big. I did have a little help today though. There was road work going on and they wouldn't let me ride, so they had to load my bike on a truck and took me a mile and a half up the mountain. Kind of felt like I was cheating, but I'm sure there's a mountain in my (near) future that will be twice as hard, and I'll forget all about it.

    It was chilly and rainy again. I got poured on coming down both inclines. It is really cold when you're going 20 miles an hour and you're wet.

    I actually had a reward after climbing so much. Coming down the second mountain i barely had to pedal for almost 8 miles. About thirty minutes. It was awesome! Even cold and wet.

    Saw a couple of backpackers coming off the trail as I was going down. There was only time for a quick hello as I biked past, but in that second, with only a quick exchange of smiles, we made a connection. They instantly became part of my story. These two guys with huge smiles on their faces as they walked off the trail and took off their backpacks. Even though we were getting pelted by rain, we were so happy to be so close to the town that we had worked so hard to get to.

    Willow Creek.

    It was a cute, tiny town nestled in the middle of mountains. I liked it instantly, but as I started to look around I realize that there were lots of.... hippies... They were everywhere! I felt like I was in an episode of Southpark.

    Earlier that day, a woman that was part of the road construction crew, warned me about the hippies near Willow Creek. She said to watch out. That they would steal from you while you're sleeping. I don't know how true that is, but I locked my bike up when I went in to get something to eat.

    After an overpriced, but delicious meal at the mexican restaurant. I biked another 10 miles.
    Totaling 40 for the day.

    I found a primitive campground in Burnt Ranch (wonder how this town got It's name) I am glad that I didn't have to find a place to sleep tonight, but showers would have been lovely... it's been 2 days

    I splurged and made a campfire. I roasted salami and cheese over the fire for dinner, and ate it with my last piece of flatbread.

    It looks like the big mountains are behind me, hopefully. I'd like to try to make it the 50 miles to Weavervilleill tomorrow.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 82

    Day 17 : Almost a perfect day

    5 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

    Had some people come to the campground last night that stayed up late, and were super loud. The bad thing about primitive campgrounds is if there are any problems no one is there to take care of it.
    I had the entire campground to myself before they came.

    Despite the fact that I didn't get much sleep; I was up early. I had to take a little extra time to do some much needed bike maintenance.

    It was a little cool and drizzly when I woke up, but after 1 o'clock the sun came out, and I got to see beautiful blue skies for the first time in a few days.

    Today's ride was spectacular! 299 ran along the Trinity River in the Shasta-Trinity national Forest; through huge tree covered mountains. Because it ran next to the river, the road stayed pretty flat. Not having to struggle left me to focus more on the beautiful scenery around me.

    A couple of miles from my starting point there was some major road work. Both directions of traffic took turns alternating through several miles of construction that took almost half an hour to get through. This left me with the road to myself for long stretches of time.

    What an extraordinary feeling to be surrounded with nature without another soul anywhere around.

    The first 35 miles of my day could not have been any more perfect. Then came the mountain. 3 miles of an insanely steep climb. Made even harder by the fact that it was nearing the end of my day. I was already worn out. It took me 2 hours to get to the top. I was so frustrated that the ride down wasn't even fun.

    At the bottom of that hill was the pretty town of Weaverville. There was some sort of festival going on with music and food. I wish it would have been earlier in the day, and I wasn't so tired. I really would have enjoyed spending some time there, but it was getting late and I had to find a campground.

    I rode 7 more miles before I found the Douglas campground. It's a beautiful spot right on the river. I had to go down a steep hill to get here, so I already know how my day's going to begin tomorrow. Yay me!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 83

    Day 18 :

    6 Ekim 2016, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

    The day was warm and sunny. Had to climb up to buckhorn summit first thing in the morning, then it was basically downhill to Redding.

    Went for a really quick swim (the water was freezing) in the beautiful Whiskey Lake.

    Stopped in Shasta and took a look at the old historic buildings.

    Staying in a motel tonight to gather my thoughts about tomorrow. There's five thousand feet of elevation looming in front of me.
    Okumaya devam et