  • Giorno 1


    21 agosto 2017, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I don't like Jet Lag.

    It was a 5 hour flight back from Boston on Dublin that took off just after 9 and so landed in US time at some un-godly hour - it was 07:30 in Dublin. The hotel laughed when we tried to check in - there would be at least a 90min wait for a room. We manned up and headed out for our day - without the sleep that I wanted and needed, and joined the biggest queue ever to get into Comic Con Dublin. It was a bit of a let down - the stars that were attending weren't that wow. I think my overwhelming memory is of sweaty teenagers, sweaty smelly teenagers. Thankfully not my own - everyone else was over excited we were somewhere between zombies, walking dead and emotional due to sleep deprivation.

    We had lunch and by then it was morning in the USA and we had a short lived moment of being alive, had some lunch and returned to the hotel for a couple of hours sleep.

    The sleep worked and after a shower we were in the restaurant for an end of holiday trip meal - and Jane and I decided to take on the meat challenge this time around - we failed.
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