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  • Jour 46

    Day 45-46 : Dempasar

    28 juillet 2023, Indonésie ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    I took a flight between Flores and Bali. (I KNOW IT'S NOT ECOFRIENDLY but it's really hard to find an other way. There is no ferry, or not enought (like twice by month) it's expensive and long....

    In the aeroport of Dempasar I met Maude , à frenchgirl I met in Java a month ago.

    We share a room with Picolo Fabio, just to sleep well. To be honest, it wasn't my nest night ever. But better than the last fiveteen nights...
    Fortunately, my days are not busy because my night also..

    It was so funny, I show a picture of Fabio I took the day before. I compared to him to Tarzan (please tell my on the coment if I'm alright..(Sorry I fell too much like an "influenceuse")).
    He turn on the TV, and ... it was tarzan. 😅😅 amazing coincidence 🤣

    DAY 46

    Oh God! I took my shower, put soap on my body (yes yes yes), and when I clean my body, I feel hot water 😍 you can't imagine how I was so fucking happy to take a hot shower !!!!

    I didn't like Bali, and Dempasar is not 'the place to be'. I didn't visited a lot around me. (I just slept all the day or almost). BUT I love this place, I mean, It's not amazing, but I feel so good here. Maybe it's because there are not too much "white people".

    For the dinner, we took something on a nice place. We were almost full. We were looking for something else, like a desert. We walked on the street, suddenly I heard music on a small restaurant. The owner was playing guitar and singing. Just to enjoy the moment we took something in this place ahah. We asked them to go on to play. I love this kind of moment.

    By the way, I did the account .. good I spend too much money. (Transport and accommodation are more expensive than expected).
    My budget (normally) : 35€/day (33€ for a backpacker in average)
    My real budget is : 41€ or ~ +275€ (sans compter 40€ d'hors forfait inutile, et quelques aléas...)
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