  • Dzień 32

    Sort of a magical walk to Sahagún

    23 września 2018, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Today was 22 kms into Sahagún, but the magical thing was that the day became a memory exactly of what we did 5 years ago. Firstly our Hostal offered breakfast from 6.30 which is great if you want an early start to make the most of the cool morning air. We had gone to sleep early last night as dinner was also early (6.30!!) and our open window was just above where the outside bar tables are, so the conversations below were quite soothing background noise and we dozed off when it was barely dark! So we had an early start at 7.30 when it was just light enough to see the way and follow arrows....and it all came back to us, this is just what happened last time, and we saw the sun rising mystically behind us. Just a lovely time of day.

    At the first little village we stopped for coffee, as the breakfast coffee was too terrible to drink (this is unusual) but this place had just excellent coffee, so we were all happy and had a good start. Then we continued along rolling fields, the usual, but pretty, not as dead flat as yesterday- it did get hot as the sun got higher, and we were very glad of the early start.

    The next magical thing was that as we approached Sahagún and could see it in the distance, we passed a field where last time we saw a man harvesting sunflowers for the first time....well, today he was at it again!! And we also saw more detail...there was a tractor attached to a big container at the corner of the field, and as we watched he drove his harvester over and a big crane-like thing went up and out poured seeds into the container. We didn’t actually see the seeds pouring in as we had gone just round the corner by then, but we did see him drive the harvester over, and Jim took and showed us a video he took of the seeds pouring!! So interesting.

    Then next we came to the spot, just on the home run into Sahagún, where last time we were photographed by the Google maps car! It is near a little chapel, the Hermita of the Virgen del Puente, and there are picnic tables, and columns announcing the “geographical centre of the Camino” this is a half way mark from St Jean to Santiago, though over the last 2 days we have passed several announced half way points!!

    So we walked on and our hotel was the first thing we encountered before even entering the city...bliss, as it is now hot. And this is another luxury experience, 4 stars, and very modern! Only downside is that wifi is not at all strong, photos may be a problem... Amr and I walked into town after washing and showering, just for old times’ sake. It was searingly hot and bright, and the city really isn’t all that appealing. Last time we had 2 nights here, and so we spent a day visiting all the historic sites (which ARE interesting), but this afternoon we made our way to the Plaza Mayor where we had stayed in a little hostal last time, had a glass of wine there, checked the hairdresser where Amr had had his birthday haircut - he would have had one if he was open, but it was totally shut - and then we walked back to our oasis hotel, and plan to have dinner here with Jim and Melanie, and 2 women from New York, Joan and Mary Beth, who are also all staying here. The Canadian sisters have been nearby most of the walking day, but are staying somewhere else.

    We are really now into this life, are expert at packing and unpacking just what we need for the night, and feel we can walk on forever!!! Hope that continues...we are not smug, just really enjoying living the dream.
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