Castille and León

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    • Day 26

      La croix de la forme!

      May 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 19/40
      Étape #12. Camino francés" Atapuerca à Burgos. Kilomètres parcourus: 22 km. Cumulatif : 517,3 km, 25,9 km de moyenne par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 20.

      Aujourd’hui nous avons surpassé les kilomètres effectués en 2017 (Camino de la Norte). Nous avions fait 480,5 km et aujourd’hui avec le même nombre de journées (18) : 482,3 km, 6 ans plus tard.

      Pour notre aventure, nous avons établi que nous aurions 4 stades du défi Compostelle.

      Les voici:
      1- Souffrances et adaptations
      (Secteur des Pyrénées, montées de 1 240 mètres)

      2-Réussite et et mise en forme
      (Après 18 jours, résistance dans les montées exigeantes).

      3-Endurance physique et mentale
      (Les étapes 13 à 19 Meseta centrale, 200 km pendant 7 jours).

      4- Sommet et accomplissements
      (Arrivée à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle).

      Nous sommes arrivés au 3e stade du défi. Pas par pas, toujours devant !

      Une excellente journée pour ma part, j’étais en feu et dangereusement en forme. On a eu une montée de 1,5 kilomètres pour atteindre 1 077 mètres d’altitude et nous avons attaqué cette épreuve sans s’arrêter, atteignant notre second souffle, super sensation.

      Au sommet, nous avons pris une photo. Merci aux 3 américains du Washington DC pour la prise de photo.

      Puis nous sommes arrivé à Burgos ; 173 000 habitants. Quelle belle ville, la plus belle que j’ai vue à ce jour. En plus c’est : “Fiesta de las Flores “ le festival des fleurs. Il y a beaucoup de monde dans les rues. Marcello a mentionné dans son journal aujourd’hui que les Espagnols multipliaient les “Buen Camino” dans le parc de Burgos, c’est tout à fait vrai. Ils ont un respect des pèlerins c’est remarquable de voir ça.

      Demain c’est congé de marche avant d’entreprendre “L aMeseta Centrale”. Étape de 200 km en 7 jours consécutifs.

      Buen Camino 🤗
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    • Day 18

      Day 17. Ages to Burgos

      June 1 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 46 °F

      Had a restful night in Ages. I put my silicone in my ears and never heard a thing. We took a taxi to our Hotel Corona de Castilla Burgos. Room was not ready so we went to breakfast. Later we found the pharmacy for epsom salt. While Steve soaked his feet, I had a nap. Felt so good to get caught up on some rest. Afternoon was spent visiting the Cathedral de la Santa Maria Burgos. It is said to be 800,000 years old (1221). It had quite a bit of Gothic influence popular in its day. The first Bishop was from Paris and that was the leading style of the time. As it expanded one will find Baroque influences as well. In 1984 it was listed on the UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE LIST.
      We later enjoyed a nice salad with fried chicken and eggs and French fries.
      Steve has done well wearing his sandals and resting. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. Grateful for a new city to explore, grateful for the downtime to heal and grateful to talk with my parents today
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    • Day 35–36

      Day 30- Rabanal del Camino to Molinaseca

      June 20 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Talk about feeling all the emotions in one day!

      It started out brilliantly... cloudy but no rain... noice! Then we started climbing, which I also loved! Being around so many trees and hearing the birds singing again was beautiful. I bolted up this rocky, mountainous path with so much energy and gusto. I truly felt invigorated at the next village - Foncebadon - the sun was shining and I felt I was too! ✨️... I ordered crepes in honour of Kai & his big day ... they were delish and fuelled my engine nicely!

      We continued up the mountain to Cruz de Ferro. It's actually the highest point on the Camino Frances at 1504m above sea level! It's such a simple structure - a wooden pole with an iron cross on top - but an iconic symbol on the Camino de Santiago. Pilgrims leave stones here to symbolise leaving their burdens behind. It's also a special place to give thought to loved ones passed.

      But then it got challenging.... it got so cold again! ... it started to rain, and it just wouldn't stop. It made for a very challenging afternoon as we still had 12km or so to go. The sand was now mud, the rocks were slippery, and we were going downhill! At the next village we sheltered in a bar for a while but the rain was relentless... I may have cursed a little! 😬... we didn't arrive in Molinesca until 5.45pm!!! A big 10 hour day (incl 2hrs for rest). It was so great to be on steady, flat ground again!

      I'm going to sleep well tonight after todays efforts and in preparation for 27km tomorrow! 🙌
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    • Day 15

      🏰 Die Kathedrale von Burgos

      December 4 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Mehrere Tiefdruckgebiete ziehen gerade über den Norden Spaniens hinweg ☁️🌧🌦☁️ und deswegen gibt es eine Richtungsänderung ↙️.

      Die berühmte Kathedrale 🏰 im gotischen Stil in Burgos war heute mein Ziel. Sie ist eine Etappe auf einem der caminos 👩‍🦯👨🏽‍🦯 nach Santiago de Compostela.

      Und deren 🏰 Geschichte geht so:
      "Alles begann im Jahr 1080, als Alfons VI., der König des alten Königreichs Kastilien, den Bau einer Kathedrale im romanischen Stil in der Stadt Burgos förderte: die Kirche Santa María de Burgos. Im Jahr 1219 fand in dieser Kirche eine für das Königreich Kastilien sehr wichtige Zeremonie statt: die Hochzeit des damaligen Königs von Kastilien Ferdinand III. mit der germanischen Prinzessin Beatrice von Schwaben..."
      Für die Kultur-Interessierten gehen die Informationen hier weiter 🛜:…
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    • Day 204

      Camino Frances 13 - Teil 1

      August 19, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Gestern morgen bin ich kurz vor dem Sonnenaufgang in Foncebadon gestartet, um die 2 km zum Pass mit dem Cruz de Ferro zu laufen. Das Eisenkreuz auf dem Eichenmast ist für viele Pilger eine der wichtigsten Stellen auf dem Jakobsweg. Hier legen die meisten Pilger einen Stein auf den großen Steinhaufen um den Eichenmast. Das Ablegen des Steins soll das Ablegen einer persönlichen Last symbolisieren. Eine schöne Tradition aber ich muss gestehen, dass mich der Sonnenaufgang gestern Morgen viel mehr beeindruckt hat. Es war ein unglaubliches Naturschauspiel. 😍
      Vom Cruz de Ferro ging es noch eine Weile relativ eben auf der Passhöhe entlang, bevor der kilometerlange Weg bergab begann nach El Acebo. Dort angekommen gab es erstmal Frühstück bevor es weiter ins Tal runter ging.
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    • Day 37

      Rest day in Leon

      September 17, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Yesterday we walked 24 klms along the old Roman road instead of along the highway from Sahagún to Mansilla de los Mulas.
      If you know yer Román roads then you know they are made up of layers and layers of rocks. So it made for a bumpy and slow walk. We had to stop a few times when there was shade (hardly any on the way) and give the feet an airing, it helps to prevent blisters forming. Take boots and both sets of socks off.
      We decided to bus 🚍 the last few clicks into León as we knew it was just car dealerships and factories for another 18klms ,no guilt felt whatsoever. There are pilgrims who walk every single kilometre and feel like they have cheated if they don't, that's their choice, I chose the bus and we booked a hotel for a rest day. The bliss of real sheets a double bed, towels and our own shower.🚿
      León seems like a nice city, it has a nice vibe. Today after a nights sleep we are chilling with a late breakfast, watching the people go by and not planning on doing too much except pottering.
      We have now walked 461 k's which I can hardly believe so we are over the halfway stage, we plan to walk to finisterre(the ocean) which is another 100 so that will be 900 if we can do it all. That's like walking to Sydney from Brisbane, wow. 😲
      Things I've noticed are
      Spanish don't do tea, no kettle and teabags in hotels and hardly a kettle anywhere to be found. I miss tea! 🥤
      They eat a Lot of bread, I love bread but I am getting a bit fed up of it. 🥪
      Europeans in general smoke a lot. 🚭
      Older guys go to the local bar for a few drinks and play cards or dominoes with their friends in the afternoon, I thought that seemed like a nice thing. 🍻
      Spanish ladies can be feisty. 🔥
      Spanish ladies dress beautifully on the whole, lovely shoes and outfits. I have often felt a bit underdressed in my Pilgrim attire that I wear everyday.
      Some days I have even had to commit fashion crime and wear socks with sandals to protect my sore blistered feet. 👡
      Yes you can walk on blisters!
      It's amazing how little you actually need to live.
      I have 2 outfits and 2 sets of socks to wear.
      1pr sandals 1 pr boots. 👢
      My whole pack weighs less than 6 kilos now as I've gotten rid of useless items like a swimming costume, evening top and things I've forgotten about.
      Happiness doesn't require stuff 🧐
      So till next time, adiós amigos 👨‍❤️‍👨
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    • Puente Duero To Penaflor de Hornija

      September 19, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      .An early start this morning led us onto more farm track into a meseta like landscape for 24 kilometres. At least there were 3 towns with cafe bars to break up the day and to top up our waters.

      The sun was very strong this afternoon, and necessitated a smothering of sunscreen.

      The final approach to town was extra broooootal, as there was a final long uphill stretch to get into town.

      Our group of 5 consisting of Paul (Australia), Petya (Bulgarian), Marie (France), Gerard (Ireland), and myself are now resting in a great albergue. Tomorrow another 24 kilometres.
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    • Penaflor de Hornija to Medina de Rioseco

      September 20, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      A long 24 kilometres stretch today, with about 10 kms of road walking. The scenery is getting more Meseta like. Very dry with large open spaces.

      We are relaxing in an albergue here, the used to be a convent.

      A very nice town here. Have a look at today’s pics!
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    • Villalón de Campos To Santervás de Campo

      September 23, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we started off with a great breakfast for a change. At the albergue, they had some milk, eggs, and bread. I cooked us up some French toast with this. The hospitalerio also gave us some melon. We hit the road full for a change.

      Most of the walk was thru farm track today. It seemed to go on forever. Fortunately, the weather is cooler.

      The albergue where we ended up at in Santervás de Campos is really something. The volunteer hospitalerios Isadoro and Reyes are fantastic host. The fed us well.

      This small village in the middle of nowhere, it turns out is very noteworthy. It was the birthplace of Juan Ponce de Leon! He was in charge of the expedition following Columbus. He was the first governor of Puerto Rico, and discovered Florida while looking for the fountain of youth.

      We were asked if we would like to see the museum, and agreed to go have a look. To our amazement, the museum was in the basement of the albergue! We went down into the cavernous space, and low and behold there was a complete museum with incredible displays.

      A truly incredible day.
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    • Sahagun To El Burgo Ranero

      September 26, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      A relatively easy day today along the Frances. What a difference it is along this trail. Many other pilgrims along the trail, and at rest stops. The trails are all well groomed, and shaded by rows of trees. The villages are much closer together, and there is always food and drink at hand.

      Staying at a hostal tonight. Many more choices of places to stay compared with 2013.

      On the downside, a pilgrim told me last night that their friend in Santiago had to wait 3 days to get their compestela. There are so many in Santiago that you have to stand in line to get a number, then follow your number on an app that you download to monitor it’s progress.

      Anyway just a few pics today.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Castilla y León, Castilla y Leon, Kastilien und León, Castille and León, Castiella y Leyón, منطقة قشتالة وليون, كاستييا و ليون, Castiella y Llión, Kastiliya və Leon, Кастылія і Леон, Кастилия и Леон, Kastilha ha León, Kastilja i Leon, Castella i Lleó, Kastilie a León, Καστίλλη και Λεόν, Kastilio kaj Leono, Castilla-León, Gaztela eta Leon, Castilla i Lión, کاستیا و لئون, Kastilia ja León, Castille-et-León, Castilye-et-Lion, Kastylje en Leon, Castela e León, Castilla lâu León, Castille a Leon, קסטיליה ולאון, Kastilja i León, Kastil ak Leon, Kasztília és León, Castilia e Leon, Kastilia e Leon, Kastilía-León, Castiglia e León, カスティーリャ・レオン州, Castile-Leon, კასტილია და ლეონი, Кастилия және Леон, 카스티야이레온 지방, Kastil ha Leon, Castella et Legio, Komunidad Otonoma de Kastiya i Leon, Kastilien-León, Kastilija ir Leonas, Kastīlija un Leona, Castile me León, Кастилја и Леон, कास्तिया इ लेओन, Castile-León, Castillān īhuān León, Castilië en León, Castilye et Léon, Castelha e Leon, Кастили æмæ Леон, Castiil a Liion, Kastylia i León, Castija e León, کیستلا تے لیون, Castela e Leão, Kastilla Liyunpas, Castilia și León, Castigghia e León, Castile an León, Кастиља и Леон, Kastilien och León, แคว้นคาสตีลและเลออน, Kastilya ve Leon, Кастилія-і-Леон, Castilia e León, Castile và León, Kastilië en León, 卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂

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