  • Gün 4

    Big fountain and Little India

    18 Şubat 2020, Singapur ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    With 80% chance of rain today, we had a plan up our sleeve to do some indoors activities, but as the morning looked promising, we caught the local bus to the Fountain of Wealth.

    The fountain is built among five tower blocks which represent the fingers and thumb of a left hand emerging from the ground, and the fountain is the palm of the hand. With an area of 1680 square metres, it was the largest fountain in the world until 1999. During certain periods of the day, the fountain is turned off and visitors are able to walk around a mini fountain at the centre of the fountain's base, three times for good luck. We were there during one of these downtimes, so did our laps.

    Next stop was Raffles Hotel, home of the Singapore Sling. They quite often have a queue out the door of punters keen to hand over $44 for one drink, but at 11am on a Tuesday you could choose your seat. We wandered in for a look, but didn't partake (a local beer was $28 if you prefer!)

    The rain still hadn't arrived, so after lunch and a quick look around the National Library, we headed to Little India, an eclectic mix of restaurants, temples, churches and mosques. We caught the bus back to our accommodation and had a swim, before tea at the local outdoor cafe again.
    Okumaya devam et