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  • Day 16

    JP Hunt

    September 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    The main focus of today, given my vanishing funds, was to get some legal documents signed and witnessed by a justice of the peace. As such, I slept in, had my free breakfast at the hostel and began my walk to the Australian consulate. Only to find out that there is no such thing as a Justice of the Peace in Spain and so the next best thing would be to go to a notary. I then walked across the road to the notary, found my way to the right floor, explained my situation, and sat waiting for them to call me over. I got chatting to another guy from Australia, the Gold Coast specifically, and he was saying that getting shit signed in Barcelona can be a fuck around for foreigners - something I would learn throughout the day. We chatted for a while before eventually I was called to the desk to sign the document in front of four people. They then took the form and disappeared for another 20minutes. After about an hour total, I got my documents back and headed back to the hostel. I called my parents and outlined some concerns I had with the documents. It turns out I need my evidence of my identification being witnessed by the notary as well. Not sure why, but I then had to walk another 25 minutes back to the notary, explain the situation again, wait another 20 minutes, give them my documents, wait another 20 minutes to get them back, and then pay for the experience. In total, it was about 45 euros and 4.5 hours of my day. Luckily, I didn't have much planned. By the time I returned to my hostel after this ordeal it was nearly 4pm, and I still had to scan the documents on my phone and send the email. This means my day was completely occupied by the administrative side of travelling. As a result I had a lot to pack into my day tomorrow, but it would be my last day in Barcelona and so I was keen to do something after a whole lot of nothing the past 2 days.

    NOTE: Given how much happened in the next log, I have included photos from the 5th of September to ensure I can include photos of everything. La sagrada Familia and Park Guell will be in tomorrow log and other things (Camp Nou, Casa Mila, Casa Batllo, etc.) Will be included in this log despite not actually occurring on this day.
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