  • Dag 37

    Bream Head and Whangarei Falls

    22 oktober 2016, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    This morning we set off after breakfast for a walk around Bream Head. Breakfast was the usual and we had a little chat with our neighbours again before heading off on the walk.
    We chose to do a route that took us the tip of Bream Head and past the World War II gun emplacements on route. These were never actually used aside from three yest shots but they had been disguised into the hillside and the battery house contained a war mural of the view that had been painted by the soldiers to help with referencing enemy locations. We figured maybe they were just bored. It has lasted through the years though and for that reason is pretty important. I am surprised they even let you in to see it but they do.

    The walk then took us up a pretty steep zigzagging path to the top of the Head and the views along the way were incredible. It looks just as you would imagine an island to look if you just rolled up shipwrecked as the first person to step foot on it. The different trees and bushes in the forest are beautiful and I felt a bit like I was walking through a tropical garden at a display as they were that beautiful to look at. The birds were singing everywhere and the small forest covered mountains stretched right to the waters edge, forest and greenery reaching right to the water, completely untouched. Once again it was a bit like a scene from Jurassic Park.
    From the Head you could see almost 360 degrees and the only downside was the oil refinery to the right, but to the left we could see Smugglers Cove, a beautiful white beach with nobody on it, just nestled between the green with the turquoise water lapping on the shore. This was our next stop and we were glad of the downhill walk at this point.
    We arrived at the beach and enjoyed a paddle in the freezing water before sitting on the sand to take in the view.

    It was then getting on for lunch and so we headed back over the much less steep grassy hill to the campsite and set up camp behind the car for some lunchtime noodles.

    They weren't the best but they were better than nothing and we then headed off for our next stop, Paihia via Whangarei Falls.

    After driving in the wrong direction a few times (my fault) we eventually came across the falls. What expected a bit of a walk to get there but just a few steps down from the car park was a look out and you could hear the falls before seeing them. They were pretty big, not so much wide but long, and they were stunning. We walked over a bridge and to the other side of the river, just behind the falls (note there were no railings, if your silly enough to fall in....tough luck). We walked down the steps to the bottom of the falls and enjoyed the view from here with the mist spraying onto our faces. From here you could also see down the rest of the river which ran gently through a dense forest that rose up on the high banks either side. It was a hit of a ravine really and you could tell the small pool by the Base of the falls would be a popular summer spot for locals wanting to have a dip.
    We didn't have time to walk around the forest and so we headed back up to the car and on to the next campsite in Paihia. Ufortunately there would be no free camping there and so we decided to buy a power lead and fork out for an electric hook up pitch so we could finally charge our devices (which is why I am now able to blog).

    We arrived in town with a fair bit of time and so parked up in the town and had a wander. It was a lot smaller than we expected as it is a touristy area for Kiwis but we managed to find a fish and chip shop for tea. We waited an exceptionally long time for the fish and chips.... ridiculously so, but the fish was great and the chips were OK (they cannot do them like In England here). We sat by the beach and watched the seagulls watching us, just waiting for some measley morsel of food. They didn't get much 😐

    After food we couldn't resist an ice cream on the way back to the car and this time there were no complaints (the Ice cream story of Auckland is yet to be written). The only complaint came from my belly once we got back to camp and unfortunately the rest of the night was spent in a lot of discomfort by me, I have decided no more ice cream for me as this is the second time it has made me poorly 😭

    So the rest of the evening was a write off, except for a couple of blog posts, and soon enough it was once again dark and time for sleep 😴😴😴
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