A 20-day adventure by Lars & Grūnig Read more
  • 18footprints
  • 2countries
  • 20days
  • 281photos
  • 22videos
  • 2.0kkilometers
  • Day 1

    From Switzerland to Ireland

    May 18 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Our annual family holiday started off with a drive from our home in Switzerland, bound for the emerald isles of Ireland. Accompanied by our two dogs Awen and Nessy, our two adventurous Border Collies, our journey was set to be as scenic as it was memorable.

    Our first major stop was the majestic Château de Chambord in France. Nestled in the Loire Valley, this Renaissance marvel is not just a castle but a masterpiece of French architecture, boasting a complex roofscape and distinctive French Renaissance layout. We stayed at a charming small hotel right on the property, which felt like stepping back in time. The grounds offered plenty of space for Awen and Nessy to explore, while we captured the castle's grandeur in our photographs, each angle revealing more of its historical splendor.

    As we continued our journey towards the coast, we reached the iconic Mont St. Michel. Timing could not have been more dramatic; a thunderstorm rolled in, casting a moody veil over this medieval sanctuary. The ominous clouds and occasional lightning strikes created a perfect backdrop for some truly atmospheric shots of the towering abbey, isolated by the tidal bay.

    Our last stop in France was Cherbourg, where we boarded the ferry to Ireland. Thankfully, the ferry offered a pet-friendly cabin, allowing us to stay with our dogs throughout the crossing. Awen and Nessy seemed to enjoy the boat ride, their noses twitching with the salty sea breeze as we watched the French coast slowly fade away.
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  • Day 4

    Ardmore cliff

    May 21 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    After a peaceful ferry ride from Cherbourg, we finally set foot on the lush, green lands of Ireland. The fresh, balmy air was a refreshing welcome as we disembarked in Rosslare and made our way to our first stop in the Waterford area.

    We settled into a quaint cottage, a perfect blend of rustic charm and comfort, setting the tone for what I hope will be a rejuvenating stay. Keen to stretch our legs after the journey, we decided to explore the Ardmore Cliff Walk. This scenic trail, known for its breathtaking views of the Atlantic, was an ideal introduction to the natural beauty of Ireland.

    The walk was a delightful mix of sunshine and brief showers—a typical Irish weather palette—that painted the cliffs and waves in vibrant hues. The trail, taking about an hour, was just right for us and the dogs, with plenty of interesting smells and sights to keep Awen and Nessy busy and thrilled. The ocean, vast and endless, roared beside us as we trekked the well-trodden path, each turn offering a new vista more stunning than the last.

    Returning to our cottage, we took the evening to relax and truly settle into the Irish pace of life. A glass of fine Irish whiskey was the perfect end to our day, warming us as we lounged by the fireplace, recounting our adventures and planning the days to come.
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  • Day 5

    Copper Coast and Mahon Falls

    May 22 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Today's adventure took us along the stunning Copper Coast, a stretch of road renowned for its rugged beauty and historical significance in Ireland’s mining heritage. The coastal route, with its dramatic cliffs and panoramic views of the Atlantic, was a feast for the senses.

    Our first stop was at Stradbally Cove, where the dogs could barely contain their excitement, dashing across the sand and chasing the waves that gently lapped at the shore. The serenity of the empty beach was a perfect start to the day. Moving on, we visited Ballyvooney Cove, where the striking sea stacks and rocky formations provided a dramatic backdrop for our morning.

    At Ballydwan Beach, the vivid blues and greens of the ocean contrasted beautifully with the rugged coastline. The sound of the waves and the salty air was invigorating. Our final beach stop was Bunmahon Beach, where Awen and Nessy continued their frolic, playing joyously around the water's edge, embodying the freedom and spirit of our coastal journey.

    In the early afternoon we headed inland to Mahon Falls, an impressive waterfall set in a deep valley within the Comeragh Mountains. The walk to the falls was windy, adding a brisk pace to our stride as we ascended the path that led to the cascade. The sight of the water plummeting down the rugged cliffs into the pool below was mesmerizing. Despite the wind, the walk was invigorating, wrapping us in the raw beauty of Ireland’s natural landscapes.
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  • Day 6

    Journey to Kerry and Dingle Peninsula

    May 23 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Today marked our departure from the beautiful Waterford area as we set our sights on the majestic landscapes of County Kerry. Our journey was leisurely, with several stops along the way to appreciate the breathtaking Irish countryside and to stretch our legs—and paws—on some scenic walks.

    One of our notable stops was at Ross Castle, located in the heart of Killarney National Park. This historic castle, perched on the edge of Lough Leane, provided a perfect backdrop for a morning stroll. The park's extensive network of trails and the tranquil waters of the lake made for a serene setting, where the echoes of history seemed to blend seamlessly with the natural beauty.

    We also made a stop at Inch Beach, a stunning stretch of sand that juts out into the sea, offering panoramic views and a sense of seclusion that is hard to find. The dogs had a great time here, running freely along the water's edge, their joyful antics a delightful contrast to the calm expanse of the ocean.

    Continuing our drive, we reached Dunquin on the Dingle Peninsula by late afternoon. Our accommodation here boasted stunning views that were truly a sight to behold. The rugged cliffs and the vast ocean stretched out before us, painting a picture of wild, untouched Ireland that one can only dream of.

    The Dingle Peninsula is famed for its rich cultural heritage and dramatic landscapes, and as we settled in for the evening, we looked forward to exploring more of this enchanting area. The peace and beauty of Dunquin provided a perfect end to a day filled with exploration and discovery.
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  • Day 6

    Dunquin Pier

    May 23 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Dunquin, with its dramatic coastline and iconic pier, has long been a dream destination for photographers and nature lovers alike. The reason for our stay here was clear—to capture the stunning beauty of Dunquin Pier, a location that seems to blend the wild spirit of the Atlantic with the timeless charm of Ireland.

    The pier itself is uniquely picturesque, with a narrow, winding path that descends steeply into the sea, framed by rugged cliffs on either side. The views from here are spectacular, with the Blasket Islands rising out of the mist in the distance, adding an almost mystical quality to the landscape.
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  • Day 7

    Day Trip to Blasket Island

    May 24 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Our adventure today took us from the rugged cliffs of Dunquin to the historic and enchanting Blasket Islands. The journey itself was an adventure, especially with Awen and Nessy, who had to navigate not only a ferry ride but also a transfer to a zodiac. Their previous training on stand-up paddleboards and kayaks came in handy, and they managed the transitions like seasoned travelers.

    The Blasket Islands, once home to a vibrant community until the mid-20th century, are now uninhabited but remain steeped in history and rich in wildlife. As we explored the island, the highlight was undoubtedly spotting a group of seals basking in the sunshine. Their playful nature and curious eyes added a special touch to our visit, making our trip even more memorable.

    Exploring the island was a delight. With its lush greenery and the ruins of old stone cottages, the island offered a poignant glimpse into a past way of life, isolated yet full of community and stories. The sunny weather was perfect for our day of exploration, allowing us to see the island in its most flattering light and to capture some beautiful photos.

    After a full day of adventure and exploration, we headed back to the mainland. Tired but fulfilled, we ended our day with a classic seaside dinner—fish and chips. It was the perfect way to reflect on our experiences while enjoying the fresh, salty air and the sound of the sea.
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  • Day 8

    A rainy day in Dingle

    May 25 in Ireland ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    This morning we awoke to the gentle patter of rain, a common yet always charming aspect of the Irish climate. Despite the damp conditions, it provided a fresh, misty backdrop that enhanced the lush landscapes, giving me a chance to capture some moody photographs.

    Undeterred by the weather, we ventured into the town of Dingular—a vibrant and picturesque spot known for its colorful streets, rich history, and welcoming atmosphere. Dingle is a cultural hub on the peninsula, offering a taste of local life, music, and culinary delights. We indulged in some local cuisine, enjoying hearty Irish dishes that warmed us up from the inside out.

    As the day progressed, the clouds began to part, hinting at the possibility of a clearer evening. We decided to head to Clogher Head, hoping to catch the sunset. Our patience was rewarded with a spectacular sunsets.

    The dogs, Awen and Nessy, had a fantastic time too, playing on the shore as we watched the day end with a breathtaking display. The contrast between the morning's moody tones and the evening's vibrant colors was a perfect metaphor for the unpredictable beauty of Ireland.
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  • Day 9

    Cliffs of Moher

    May 26 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

    Today, our journey took us from the stunning vistas of the Dingle Peninsula to the breathtaking heights of the Cliffs of Moher, along one of Ireland's most scenic routes. We began our day ascending through Conor Pass, the highest mountain pass in Ireland.

    Following the Wild Atlantic Way northward, we were treated to spectacular coastal scenery. Our route took us past the lesser-known but equally impressive Kilkee Cliffs. Here, the dramatic cliff faces and crashing waves provided a perfect spot for a mid-journey break and some memorable photos.

    The highlight of our day was undoubtedly our visit to the Cliffs of Moher. Towering over 220m above the Atlantic Ocean, these cliffs are one of Ireland's most iconic landscapes. Walking along the cliff edge, with views stretching out to the horizon, was an unforgettable experience. Awen and Nessy seemed to enjoy the fresh sea breeze, staying safely by our side as we took in the stunning vistas.

    After a day filled with natural wonders, we indulged in some of the local cuisine. Fresh seafood and vegetables from the region provided a delicious and satisfying end to our day. The flavors were a perfect complement to the sea air and the day's adventures.
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  • Day 10

    From the Burren to Connemara

    May 27 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Our journey today took us from Doolin, weaving through the unique limestone landscape of the Burren, and onward to the vibrant city of Galway before reaching the wild and rugged beauty of Connemara National Park.

    Starting the day in the Burren, an area renowned for its karst landscape, we were struck by the stark beauty of the terrain, where rock formations and rare flora create a moonscape unlike any other in Ireland. The drive through this region is always an intriguing experience, with its ancient dolmens and megalithic tombs dotting the landscape, a testament to the area's rich archaeological history.

    Upon reaching Galway, we explored the old town, wandering down Latin Street, which pulses with the vibrant energy of street performers, bustling cafes, and eclectic shops. The city's blend of historic charm and contemporary culture made for a delightful stop, giving us a taste of urban Irish life amid our nature-focused travels.

    From Galway, we continued to Connemara National Park, a place of wild beauty where the landscapes are painted with broad strokes of mountains, bogs, and woodlands. Here, we enjoyed a hike through the park, embracing the serene views and the tranquility that only such remote places can offer. Awen and Nessy thrived on the open trails, their spirits high with the freedom to roam.

    Finally, we arrived near Newport in County Mayo, where we'll be based for the next few days. The area around Newport is known for its scenic beauty and peaceful atmosphere, making it a perfect place to rest and recharge after a day filled with diverse experiences.
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  • Day 11

    A rainy day in Newport

    May 28 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

    Despite the rain that characterizes much of Irish weather, our spirits remained undampened as we set out to explore more of County Mayo's lesser-known gems. The drizzle added a mystical quality to the landscape, enhancing the deep greens and the soft mist that seemed to blanket everything in a gentle hush.

    Our first stop was the area around Lackakeely. Even under the gray skies, the land here was lush and vibrant, offering picturesque views and a peaceful solitude that felt almost otherworldly. The rain brought out the rich aromas of the earth and vegetation, creating an immersive sensory experience as we explored the area.

    Next, we ventured to Betra Beach. The rainy weather meant we had the beach mostly to ourselves, apart from a few other hardy souls braving the elements. The rough sea under the stormy sky was a magnificent sight, and the dogs, Awen and Nessy, seemed to revel in the brisk air and open space, undeterred by the wet conditions.

    Lastly, we returned to Newport, a charming town that served as a warm refuge from the relentless rain. Here, we took the opportunity to delve into some local cuisine, finding comfort in warm dishes that seemed to embody the heartiness of Irish cooking. The welcoming atmosphere of the town, combined with the friendly locals, made it an ideal spot to wind down and reflect on our day's adventures.

    Despite the weather, our exploration today reminded us that there is beauty and adventure to be found in every kind of day, rain or shine. As we settled in for the evening, we looked forward to what tomorrow might bring, rain or no rain.
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