  • Gün 68

    Vs NZ Barbarians

    6 Haziran 2017, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Made it to New Zealand! I've decided to split the blog posts into the various lions matches which are happening every 3 days, for the next 6 weeks. So the first match is vs the barbarians in Whangerei. We flew into NZ and met up with Ben, Flooky and Amie who we are traveling with for the next 6 weeks. We then went and picked up our hire car Freida and were on our way! Over here in NZ there has been a Facebook group called 'adopt a lions fan' which is basically full of kiwis willing to provide rooms in their house for us lions to stay in. One of the first things we did was watch the first match - but the less said about that game the better! I also managed to get my phone and purse stolen that night so Doug is now paying for everything - ideal! We then travelled north and visited the bay of islands and stayed with a lovely couple. They lent us their paddle boards and kayaks and basically treated us like their children which was just what we needed! None of us wanted to leave after our 2 days there but alas the tour continues! We also visited a waterfall where flooky decided to go for a swim - not on purpose I might add!Okumaya devam et