The beach in Queens NY

Shows how much I know about basketball lol this is the Boston Celtics Coach 😂
Receiving a pilgrimage tattoo that Christians took to show their LOVE ❤️ for God at a time when punishment was death. This was an emotional experience for both of us, going back in time, feelingRead more
Gethsemane/Mount of Olives is a sacred site for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Setting at the base of Kidron Valley and holds over 150,000 Jewish Graves, including Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
ThisRead more
This was built to house and protect the Rock of Agony.
The rock on which Jesus prayed and His tears were of blood. For the first time Jesus knew He would have to experience the shame of sin as he bore our sins.
Matthew 26:39 / Luke 22:44