  • Dag 3

    In the rail corridor

    18 oktober 2018, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    A rather dreary walk along roads and beside the rail line through industrial buildings, enlivened by a bit of felonious activity. I failed to see the turning arrow and continued along a rough path beside the railway line and eventually found myself locked into the rail corridor - main line with all kinds of trains rushing past! I definitely should not have been there. I wasn’t going back - but could not get out due to high walls. Continued until the next platform another 3km. Flung poles and pack up and scrambled on. Phew!

    Tonight I am in a good municipal albergue in Azambuja with lively company - and an enjoyable restaurant meal together. Lots of Italian speakers, so that’s a challenge for me. My first taste of pulpo, Portuguese style.

    Somehow I have grown the most enormous blister on one foot - I think my feet are baby tender from winter. My body feels pretty fit but obviously the cross trainer does not toughen the tootsies. So considering my options for tomorrow.
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