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  • Day 9

    Homer to Seward

    June 28, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 97 °F

    Today we left Homer to head to Seward and then to the ship. We made a stop to an art studio which was owned by a local artist and his works. He had many lovely paintings. After we headed for lunch at a nice soup and sandwich shop. Then onward to the ship. When we arrived we passed an eagle nest. It was a double decker condo style nest. The eagles must have been using it for many years for it to have gotten so large. Arrived at the ship at 3:00, said our goodbyes to Paul and Craig, got checked in and onboard. We found our cabin, met our cabin steward Romeo. Then took a tour of the ship. After, we found our luggage had arrived so unpacked. Went for a drink in the spinnaker lounge then dinner, then a show with a comedian who was very good. We called it a night. We get limited internet time so posting will be as we can.Read more