Travelling NSW

September 2020 - March 2025
Currently travelling NSW 🇦🇺🐨🦘 Read more
Currently traveling
  • 61footprints
  • 1,635days
  • 259photos
  • 16likes
List of countries
  • Australia
  • 4.9kkilometers traveled
  • Flight-kilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 61footprints
  • 1,635days
  • 259photos
  • 16likes
  • 4.9kkilometers
  • Day 64

    Clovelly/Airport to Dubai

    November 24, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We woke up a bit later than planned and have to be out of the air b and b before 10. So it was a bit of a rush but we managed it.
    We got an uber the central station in Surrey Hills and left our bags there for the day, it cost $52 for our 2 big bags and 2 carry on bags for 8 hours.
    We then got a train into the city to town hall.
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  • Day 63

    Clovelly (covid test day)

    November 23, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    We woke up and we were quite hungover. If we got more sleep we would probably have been fine but we had to be up early for our covid tests. We were getting the bus then we just got an uber to randwick to get it. It didn't take long and wasn't as bad as expected.
    We then got food in a cafe in randwick which wasn't particularly nice but filled the gap. Then we got a text that my phone was ready so we got the metro into town hall to collect it! The good news was I didn't have to pay as they said it was covered by warantee and they don't know why it happened. Which made us wonder about the last time and whether it was even water damage, but anyway hopefully it won't happen again.
    We then went back to the apartment and cooked a curry for lunch. We sorted the bags some more and cleaned up around and then that evening we had a pizza and burrito for dinner. We were in Bondi Junction so we got the bars etc out of our flyby points, we had $40 which was great and we only had to had a bit to it.
    We went back to the apartment, watched I'm a celebrity, had our showers and went to bed.
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  • Day 62


    November 22, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    We woke up and had showers. I cooked breakfast for me only as Jake was going to meet his cousin Keith for breakfast.
    I cleaned up around and Jake came back. Then we realised my phone wasn't charging so we decided to go into the city to Samsung and get it sorted.Read more

  • Day 60


    November 20, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We woke up and had a banana and peppermint tea. We both done our stretches and then had showers.
    We then decided to sort through our suitcases and weigh them etc. We threw out a good few bits of clothes that we wore to death on the road. Luckily we are not overweight so that's good.
    We then made brunch and got ready to go to the beach. The weather was really lovely and had a nice breeze too. We were there for about an hour and a half and a huge cloud came.
    We walked back to the house and cooked dinner.
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  • Day 59


    November 19, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    We didn't wake up till 11. It is probably the first time this year that we have woke this late.
    We had a banana and done stretches. Then we had our showers. We made sandwiches to bring down to the beach with us but we ended up eating before we left which we shouldn't have done as we weren't hungry enough. We then walked down to Clovelly beach for the day it was really nice and not very busy and the water was so nice.
    Jake done some sprints on the beach too before we left and we got in the water once more.
    We walked back up from the beach and stopped in foodworks to get some prawns for dinner.
    I was making dinner and could see something red in my hair, but I was chopping peppers so I thought maybe it was that but it was a bug lol.
    We had dinner and watched I'm a celeb. Then Jake went to meet with Tom. He had a burger after dinner somehow 😆 I called Mam. He was only gone just over an hour and we watched some SAS.
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  • Day 58


    November 18, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We woke up and got a shower and dressed as I had my physio appointment at 8.00 am in Bondi. We got the bus and it was starting to rain. My appointment went well but was quite sore.
    Then I met back wirh Jake and we had a coffee in the food court and Jake read his book.
    We then went back to the apartment and we had food and watched some Netflix. It had been overcast but then the sun came out so we walked down to Clovelly beach and read our books and coloured down there for the evening. It was really nice.
    We came back up and had dinner and had our showers and watched telly for the evening.
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  • Day 57


    November 17, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We woke up Jake went for a long run. I done my stretches and some exercises and had a shower. I cleaned up and then Jake came back. He had his shower and I cooked eggs, avocado and bacon with what we had left.
    Then we done a Coles online shop to get the food delivered to the apartment so we don't have to carry it and we planned out our meals for the next few days.
    We went up to Bondi Junction to Service NSW to transfer the ownership of the van. We then got a burrito and I tried on clothes in Zara but bought nothing and Jake got a gift for his Kris Kindle.
    We got bits in Coles as our delivery won't be arriving until tomorrow evening. We then went back home and chilled for the evening and we watched the first two episodes of I'm a celebrity which was very funny.
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  • Day 56


    November 16, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We woke up and done our stretches and had our showers. We made breakfast and put on a wash.
    The cleaners were ment to arrive around 11 to show us what was wrong with the cooker. They were a bit late but eventually we found the switch.
    We packed up our bags and went to the beach for the afternoon. It was really warm and the sea was so nice. We went to coogee beach. After we went to Woolworths in Coogee to get bits for dinner. We made pasta and prawns.
    Jake then fell asleep for just over an hour and I watched telly and had my shower.
    Then we finished the Queens Gambit on Netflix. It was really good.
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  • Day 55


    November 15, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We woke up in the big amazing bed. If felt like I had it to myself. We had so much space it was a dream. And We had air con. Its the first time we have had it since we came here. We had such a nice sleep. And when we needed the bathroom we just had to take like 5 steps.
    When I woke i got a warm shower and it was beautiful so nice to even be able to wash my face with a face cloth. So nice to start off the day like that and then get dressed.
    Jake got his shower after me. We had a peppermint tea and went out for breakfast as we haven't bought anything in yet.
    We went to a cafe around the corner. Jake had a bacon and egg roll. I just had a hot chocolate as they didn't have anything gluten free.
    We then walked to the bus stop and got the bus to the Bondi markets. We had a look around and then got the bus back up to Bondi junction. Jake bought his garmen watch and then we went to the food court and got salads for lunch.
    We then went back to the apartment and relaxed for the evening. We had planned on making dinner but we couldn't get the cooker to start. We spent ages in contact with the agency that own the air b&b but they didn't know what was the issue. They said they could send someone over in the morning. So then we had to get takeaway so we got a thai delivered and afterwards realised they were located literally at the bottom of the stairs 😅 they probably thought we were so lazy!
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  • Day 54

    Manly to Bondi/Clovelly

    November 14, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We woke at the beach in Manly before 6 as there was surfers out. It's our last morning in the van!! Hard to believe.
    We drove to a toilet and it was beside an oval so we done our stretches too.
    I had a physio appointment for 12.00pm but then realised that they had availability at 9.30am. So I rebooked it to get it done earlier.
    We set off for Bondi and watched Tommy Furys first fight since love island and he won!
    We got to Bondi and I just made my appointment on time. It was quite sore and he put more needles in than usual. I booked in for Wednesday and Saturday too.
    Jake parked at Kemenys while I was at the appointment and checked our old post box and we had a few more fines. When I was done I walked down to him and we had breakfast in Bills at Bondi. We then went to the Bondi markets but realised it was the farmers market that was on a Satursday so it was all just food. Then we drove to the Paddington markets for a look to pass the time until we could go into our air b and b.
    We then drove to Clovelly and we didn't have much time to empty the van and clean it before the people arrived to view it. Jake done all the lifting up the 2 flights of stairs and I cleaned. The people arrived with their dog Sullivan and Jake and the boy went for a drive in it and I waited with the girl and dog. They were really happy with it and they said they would take it straight away!! For $12,000. So we were delighted! We didn't think it would have went that quick.
    We went back up to the room and I reorganised it so we could get around and still get at our stuff as it wasn't as big as we expected. So we sorted all that and then got showers as we stank from all the moving. Then we lay on the bed ordered a bettys burger and put the queens gambit on Netflix and we felt like we had won the lotto. We were so comfortable and relaxed it was heaven. 😇
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