Travelling NSW

september 2020 - juni 2024
Currently travelling NSW 🇦🇺🐨🦘 Meer informatie
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  • Dag 42

    Byron Bay to Ballina to Brunswick

    2 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We woke at the campsite and it was time to leave our life of luxury and fans and got showers behind.
    We packed up the roof, then cooked breakfast, then had our showers and then put on a wash.
    We left and drove to another campsite near by as we were thinking that we might need to stay at one so we could prove that we were not in a hotspot area. We rang the Queensland border and they basically advised that they didn't know what we needed to provide to show we had not been in a hot spot area and then it was up to the police on the border check on the day. So that wasn't a great help so we are kind of second guessing it all now.
    We drove to Lennox head and walked around and had a coffee and then we drove to Ballina. We stopped in Coles and bought chicken and had lunch there.
    We left Ballina and as were driving out the van broke down just at a roundabout. We managed to start it again and then we just got a bit down the road and it stopped again. We ended up leaving it off for over an hour for it to fully cool off. While we were there I folded the clothes we had washed to be put away and Jake phoned mechanics but none were available until next week. After the hour we restarted it and it worked!! We drove down the road and didn't turn it off until bed time almost in case it went again. I was bursting to go to the bathroom so we drove to one and then we went to Brusnwick head. We went for a little walk around the town. We didn't bother have dinner we just shared a banana as we were still quite full from lunch . We drove to the rugby pitch and we stayed there for the night.
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  • Dag 43

    Brunswick to Coffs Harbour

    3 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    We woke at Brunswick at the rugby pitch. I woke bursting for a wee and the toilets beside us were locked. I drove back into town and just as I was about to pull into a spot the van last power again! At least we were in off the road this time though. We waited an hour again for it to cool off and had our yoghurts etc while we were waiting. Then luckily after an hour it started again. We had been ringing mechanics in the area but they were all booked up until 18 Novemeber and dates after so we knew we would have to move. We decided now that it had started to go straight to Coffs Harbour. On our way we passed Byron Bay so we went through it to get a drone shot of the lighthouse but i stayed in the van so we didn't have to turn it off. We were afraid to use the radio as the first time it broke down that was the only thing we had done different to other journeys by using it so we listened to our own headphones for most of the way. We got there and drove straight to a garage called Job Wights as he said he could look at it after 2 pm. He was really sound and said the issue was crank sensor. He said he would do the best price for us that he could as we were backpackers and Jake spoke to him about the timing belt and the water pump when we is in that area he is going to look and see if they need to be done or if we will get away with it. Before we went to the garage we stopped off at a tab and placed a bet for the Melbourne Cup. We bet on Twilight Payment as he was an Irish horse and he won!!!! And we got $520!!!!! We were so happy as it's great timing to fix the van.
    After the garage Jake got a burrito so I had my first burrito bowl over here. It was nice. We went to a buddha garden center place which was so cool and had so many nice things. We got some gifts and could have got more as everything was so nice.
    Then we went to an Olympic pool as we needed a wash. We swam there for a good while and then got our showers. We went to Coles and got our bits to make prawn pasta and made it just at a playground. A little boy chatted with us for about an hour as he was waiting for his Dad to pick him up.
    We got it all cleaned up just before dark and then read in the van for a bit. We were deciding where to park for the night and then decided to go up to Sawtell beach as we knew it would be nice and windy and quiet because even if we get a fine we don't have an address.
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  • Dag 44

    Coffs harbour

    4 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We woke up at Sawtell beach. I woke at 5.30 needing to go toilet and there was a fab sunrise. Jake got out the camera and got some photos. We then lay down till 7.30. We woke then and read a bit and caught up in our phones too. The American presidential election is on today. Hopefully Biden will get in and trump will go.
    We got into our swim stuff and decided to get into the rock pool. It was so nice and refreshing. There was a man in there swimming so we chatted with him for a while. He was telling us about how the aboriginal people years ago use to burn away the grass of fallen leave around them before they moved on and then that ment fires wouldn't take off as much when there was dry weather and how the government etc are realising that they are smarter than they had given them credit for and should be doing what they done. Also he was saying about how the Midlands of Aus get temps of up to 50 degrees in Summer and one time he stopped in a garage when we was there and there was a 7 year old girl that had never seen rain!!!! Most of the employment is farming too so getting droughts like that dosent do them any favours.
    We then had our yoghurts and we read our books just at the van.
    We decided to spend the day there then as it was so nice and we could get into the rock pool when we were too warm.
    We drove to Coles in Coffs Harbour to get bits for dinner and we cooked it in a park beside it. A little boy was waiting for his Dad to collect him so we stayed with us while we cooked and ate as he was afraid of another boy beating him up. He didn't stop talking 😅 but was very nice.
    Then we packed up the van after he was collected and we drove to beside the beach and parked where we stayed when we were here a a few weeks ago. I woke a few times during the night with the heat so I slept the other end of the bed.
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  • Dag 45

    Coffs Harbour to Sawtell

    5 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We woke up and I was bursting to wee so we drove down to the bathroom and used it. When I came back we just relaxed and we turned on out phones etc. The van was still running and then randomly stopped so we had to rev it loads and do circles around the car park.
    We then drove and got a coffee and drove to Coffs Harbour and had a small look around the shops. After that we drove to Sawtell beach and pulled everyrhing out to take nice photos of the van for selling it. I forgot to take a pic of all the stuff but it is mad how much stuff we have fitted into the van.
    We just got the last few bits in when it started to lash rain, we were very lucky. It was due to rain for the evening so we said we would book into a campsite so we booked into the big 4 campsite in Sawtell. There was a deal if you stay 3 nights you get the fourth free so we decided to do that.
    We got a burrito for lunch as we were so beyond hungry we were nearly seeing stars. Then we went to the shops to get bits for dinner and we drove to the campsite and set up. We got our showers and made dinner.
    We read our books for a while after, we were going to watch something on the iPad but we were too tired so we went to sleep instead.
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  • Dag 46


    6 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We woke up and done some stretching. Jake went for a run and i done my exercises.
    When he came back we went to the pool which is at the entrance of the campsite. It was nice.
    After we came back to the van and had our celery and some oranges. It was really warm so we sat in the sun and read our books. We stayed there for most of the day and sat in the van with the van for some of it too. Jake finished his next book aswell!
    We made lunch and after Jake had a little nap and I tried to train the birds to come close to me but it didn't work great as the turkeys kept trying to be involved.
    Then we drove and went to the shopping centre to get dinner. Before we bought the food we got reflexology done and then an idetox where you put your feet in water and the toxins come out. It was definitely a scam and we don think either of our people were trained 😅 but it was something different and we relaxed.
    After we came back to the campsite. There was an oven in the communal kitchen so we had chips and pizza for dinner. We cleaned up and Jake called David Power to chat about his contract.
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  • Dag 47


    7 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We woke early as we had to get the van to the garage before 7.00. We had a shower and packed up the van and went. The mechanics were actually delayed so there was no rush.
    We left the van then walked into Coffs Harbour to pass the time. We went to the shopping centre and got a coffee and read our books for most of the time. We then got a bit peckish so we went and had lunch at one of the cafes outside. Before we left I went to the bathroom and there was kind of a crazy man chanting about Jesus. On my way back from the toilets he came at me and was pushing me down the street and saying things under his breath. At first i thought he was messing but then he wouldn't get off me so I was trying to push him off and kept telling him to get off. It was the weirdest thing and gave me such a fright. I could see Jake aswell but he was on the phone to the mechanic with his back to me. Eventually he stopped and I ran over to Jake to tell him. He was probably off his head and a bit crazy but it have me such a fright. Then Jake went to meet the man to collect the van off him and I waited at the shopping centre because we couldn't all fit in the van. Then Jake came back and we got bits for dinner in Coles and we went back to the campsite. We sat in the sun for a while and then gathered our bits and cooked in the communal kitchen. It was quite chaotic in there. We cleaned up and went back to the van and got our showers.Meer informatie

  • Dag 49

    Sawtell to Port Macquarie

    9 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Jake woke and went for a run. I couldn't yet with my hip so I am still doing the exercises.
    When he came back we went down to the sea and Jake got in and I put my legs in. We went back up and got our showers, had our banana and packed up the van.
    The bites that I got yesterday have got bigger so we rang around some doctors to see could we get an appointment. Everywhere was booked up but we managed to get one just outside Port Macquarie and we were planning on going there anyway so it worked out ok. I was a bit delayed at my appointment.
    The doctor said it was an allergic reaction to the bites so she gave me steroids and a cream. After I was done there I went to a pathology clinic and got my bloods checked too.
    We then made dinner and then we drove by a river where we saw dolphins so we stopped an watched them for a while. We drove into Port Macquarie to stay there for the night.
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  • Dag 50

    Port McQuarie to Nelsons Bay

    10 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We woke up and possibly had the worst nights sleep. The road we were beside was very noisey, people were walking by, the itch of my bites and then the steroids that I was given had me wired! And every time I moved which was every few minutes, I was waking Jake too.
    So when we woke we were pretty tired. I moved the van down to a bathroom and a little park.
    We done our stretches.
    Then we drove to Shelleys beach and we got in the water. It was so nice and refreshing. We got a coffee after and we were going to lie on the beach there but we decided to move as the reception was so bad.
    We drove just down the road and lay on the beach for about 2 hours we then got too hungry so we left.
    We were going to make lunch but then decided to get a burger. We then went to a pool to get a shower.
    We then decided to drive down to Nelsons Bay before it got dark.
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  • Dag 51

    Nelsons Bay

    11 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We woke up and thankfully had a really good sleep. We were parked down a side street so there was barely any traffic and it wasn't too warm.
    Jake drove to the rugby pitch and we done our stretches. Jake done a big run and I done slower one because it was the first since I hurt my hip again. We done stretches after and then had our bananas.
    We then drove to little Nelsons Bay. Jake gave himself a moustache and then and lay there for a while and got in the sea. It was so so nice. Jake fell asleep snoring with his hand in the air 😅
    After we drove back to the rugby pitch to cook lunch and we went to the pool beside it to have our showers. We drove into Nelsons Bay, Jake had a coffee and then we went back to the van, I had a look around the shops and walked around.
    Then we got prawns and bread and had that for dinner as we were not starving. It ended up being really filling. We cleaned up and stayed there for a while to watch the sunset. We then treated ourselves to a mc flurry and then drove to where we parked last night sleep.
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  • Dag 52

    Nelsons Bay to Newcastle

    12 november 2020, Australië ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We woke at Nelsons Bay. We done our stretching then Aoife and Rachel called me to fill me in on how Rachel got on with the medium.
    After we got in the sea for a quick swim. We dried off then decided to get eggs in a restaurant as our van life is coming to an end. Then we drove to Newcastle and drove to the Bogey hole as suggested by Pat. We got some drone fottage and then we were going to drive to the shops as it was quite overcast but we decided to get the van washed first so we drove to a place that could do it.
    We then drove to Westfield in Newcastle and had a look around for the evening and we both bought new books.
    We then drove to the area near the wharf where we parked when we were here the last time and slept there for the night. There was boy racers going around which was not ideal but they eventually stopped.
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