29 year old guy from Liverpool, England who finally give up the rat race to travel. Sold my home, my car and most of my possessions to do so. This is just a list of places I’ve been, so the dates are correct but not the amount of time! Read more Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • Day 1,488

    Asia Tour - Bagan - Burma

    April 9, 2019 in Myanmar ⋅ 🌙 33 °C

    Arrived here at 6am, headed straight for the hostel but couldn’t check in till 2 which was a ballache. Even worse that my stomach was in bits still.

    I managed to get a few hours sleep in the lobby but i was woken up by quite severe abdominal pain ☹️

    So another day wasted due to whatever it is - I think I’m just going to try and live a diet of purely packaged western food cause I don’t believe that this is a bug or anything I do think bits food/drink based so cans of coke/water for me till I arrive in Thailand - suppose the good side is I may end up loosing weight if it continues.
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  • Day 1,487

    Asia Tour - Burma - Yangon

    April 8, 2019 in Myanmar ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

    Again woke up and my insides are still falling out - haven’t eaten anything proper now for 3 days and it’s like I’ve been eating 12 roast dinners an hour

    Fuck sake

    I am going to risk my coach journey later, I’m just going to eat bread and rice and then maybe down 2 Red bulls 2 hours before I’m due to leave to maybe clear me out...

    The bus station is only 11 miles away from where I’m staying but traffic here is fucking awful. It doesn’t move. So I called my taxi 2 hours ahead of time to get there on time

    My coach leaves at 8 - it’s now 7:22 I have to be at the check in counter at 7:30 and I’m still 6 miles away - good chance I’m going to miss this coach, if I do I’m just gonna book a flight out of this miserable shitty place (just moaning cause I’m sick)

    Update: turns out I can’t travel on from Mandalay anytime soon due to a festival and something to do with government restrictions on travel, so I can no longer go to the Shan State - decided to just pay for a flight out of Mandalay (at quite a cost) back to Bangkok -it is a shame really but the country still isn’t that stable. I’m most gutted about not seeing Naypitadaw but I’m sure it’ll still be similar in a few years time

    So - back to Bangkok on the 17th - I’m going to do some of the bits I missed out on such as bridge over river Kwai, Ayutthaya and the floating markets.

    I’ll probably head into Cambodia after that to see Angkor Wat - which will be another thing off my bucket list done.

    I’ll be in early May at that point so I’ll see where the league is at before making any decisions. I might try snd squeeze in either Koh Lanta or Laos in before coming back by the 12th May.

    If the league isn’t likely I’ll definitely do a tour of Loas and the Southern Thái Islands. At that point I’ll be low on money so I may just fly back with a few quid or just go somewhere like Singapore and live like a king for a few days.

    I’d still take a Liverpool league win over anything though


    I had to bail on the taxi and just run, I had no idea where I was going at all, I was just following the crowd and it’s not a bus station. It’s a farce, I’ve genuinely never seen anything like it, it’s a jungle. Extremely exciting but a jungle non the less.

    I had no idea of where the JJ express station was so I was just running around. Luckily a super nice woman could see I had no idea where I was or anything. She told me where JJ express was and I ran around to it and as I ran around to it the bus was out of the station. Again luckily another young girl could tell that was my coach due to the dismayed look on my face. She banged on the coach and stood infront of it to stop it.

    I ran onto the coach and I feel really bad I had no time to turn around and thank her. But she saved me a lot of grief, as if I had of missed it I’d of probably just got a hotel for the night and probably been in a mood and booked a flight out of here in the morning hahahha.

    Tbh I’m not even 100% sure this is my coach - it’s a JJ express coach and it said Bagan on the front. I’ll be unlucky if it isn’t mine hahahaha

    Update: it’s my coach so that’s a relief - what isn’t a relief is that my stomach is making noises and giving me pains. Burmese toilets are woeful, most are holes in the ground with bucket flush. I think I’d rather get piles by keeping it in than go one - i did finally get around to watching venom though. Boss film!

    So it’s 22:07 now so I’ve got 8 hours till Bagan... gonna try and get some sleep but as I couldn’t put my bags under the coach as i got on late it’s taking up the room where my legs would go so I’m extremely uncomfortable. I’m sure I’ll sleep easy though. Slight rocking, dull drone of the engine - always gets me away
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  • Day 1,486

    Asia Tour - Yangon - Burma

    April 7, 2019 in Myanmar ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Another day with my insides falling out

    Not good this - I’ve got a 10 hour coach journey tomorrow i can’t be doing that when I’m sprinting to the toilet every half hour

    Can’t complain too much as it’s been 12 months of going new and different places - varying levels of hygiene and new foods and this is the first time I’ve been sick for a number of days

    I do hope it improves by tomorrow, or I may have to cancel my coach trip to Bagan...
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  • Day 1,485

    Asia Tour - Yangon - Burma

    April 6, 2019 in Myanmar ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Woke up not feeling too good again. It was 1pm before I moved from my bed, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, my head, muscles and even my bones are sore and my stomach isn’t too happy either.

    Did a short walk around the city today but I was exhausted due to the heat and I think sickness. I went the pagoda but it’s under maintenance so you can’t see it (I’ve downloaded a proper picture of it though)

    Went back the hostel and slept. Hope I can shake whatever this is before Monday when I have a 10 hour coach journey to Bagan
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  • Day 1,484

    AsIa Tour - Yangon - Burma

    April 5, 2019 in Myanmar ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

    Landed in Burma - first impressions is that it’s chaotic... but not in the same way as Saigon or Bangkok is... it’s more unorganised or that’s what it feels anyway. All airports and bus stations etc are miles out of the centre. It was over an hour in a taxi to my hostel which is in downtown Chinatown. Only cost me £5 like!

    Hostel is nice, expensive for the quality though.

    Only ventured out local to my hostel as it’s quite late and I’m tired, still not feeling 100% either
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  • Day 1,483

    Asia Tour - Hanoi - Vietnam

    April 4, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    Caught the dreaded man flu - I slept around 18 hours today and didn’t move from my hostel bed.

    I did receive from dreadful news today though. My friend David and his wife Katie lost their dog today in a terrible accident.

    Koda was such a loving dog and I loved spending time with her in St Louis

    She was an amazing dog - RIP in doggy heaven Koda 💔
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  • Day 1,482

    Asia Tour - Ha Long Bay - Vietnam

    April 3, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Woke up today after a semi average sleep and headed on to breakfast. We where due to head to a cave which I wasn’t too interested in but I went anyway.

    After the cave we headed back to the boat for our farewell lunch, before heading back to the dock to go back to Hanoi.

    Overall the experience was amazing and I would do it again without hesitation even if the weather wasn’t as good as it could of been it was still one of the best experiences I’ve had.

    Thank you Ha Long Bay
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  • Day 1,481

    Asia Tour - Ha Long Bay - Vietnam

    April 2, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    So this is what I’ve been looking forward to since I started travelling... going to Ha Long Bay!!!

    I booked a 2 day 1 night cruise around the bay via my hostel. I was picked up at the hostel at 7:45 and it was a 4 hour trip to Ha Long Bay. The annoying thing about travel in Vietnam it takes so long and they always stop for a break at a place for disabled workers which as a sentiment is nice. But you can’t really buy anything there as it’s all statues and paintings etc, and the stuff you can buy you get ripped off hugely on the price - a can of lemon Fanta, a while chocolate bar and some m&ms was over £6 hahahahaha

    We arrived at the bay, and hopped on our tender boat to get to our ship. In Vietnam it’s required by law for all tourist boats to be painted white as it’s shown to make westerners feel more comfortable. The shop it’s self was nice... for Vietnamese standards. By western standards it wasn’t great, but if you want western standards... stay in the west. If travel is too familiar or too comfortable... you’re doing it wrong.

    On my boat was some guys I knew from my hostel - 3 french guys who where also on my tour to Ninh Bihn. They where cool guys, Benjamin, Jemal, and ash.

    We had a few hours on the boat having lunch and a few beers before we set out Kayaking in the Bay to the beach. This was cool but very scary as the water was super deep and I was relying on a Frenchman who also can’t swim hahahah. After a while though I relaxed and had a great time. I even went swimming on the beach which is not something I would have done usually.

    After returning to the boat we had some more beers, and evening dinner which was nice and plentiful. Watching then sunset over the bay with a beer and some new friends was an awesome experience and one I won’t forget.
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  • Day 1,480

    Asia Tour - Nihn Bihn - Vietnam

    April 1, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    Was picked up at my hostel at 7:30 am to travel to Ninh Binh which is known locally as Ha Long Bay on land. It’s where Kong Skull Island was filmed. The journey down to Ninh Bihn was uneventful, however we did stop off at the ancient capital of Vietnam which was cool. We saw some temples in honour of the first two dynasty’s in Vietnam built by a later king as a sign of respect.

    The weather was awful, it was just lashing it down constantly.

    After the tour of the temples we went for lunch. The weather was that bad the restaurants power went out so we where eating in the dark which was a new experience. Food was terrible.

    We arrived in Ninh Bihn around 40 mins after lunch. Part of the itinerary was meant to be a bike ride but the weather was awful, however myself and a couple of the guys on the tour wanted to do it anyway. We where already wet so it wasn’t like we could get anymore wet.

    The bike ride was nice, it took us into a rice paddy, and the views where awesome.

    We headed back into the village and thankfully the weather relented just in time for the cruise down the river. I was paired with Fraser from Oz and Christian from the Philippines who where cool guys. We had a good laugh on the river, had some cool conversations. One of the best thunks about travelling is the people you meet and these guys where cool.

    The cruise it’s self was amazing, the scenery will rival anywhere in the world, even with the slightly crappy weather.

    After the cruise it was back to Hanoi for a few beers!
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  • Day 1,479

    Asia Tour - Hanoi - Vietnam

    March 31, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Arrived in Hanoi at 12pm after leaving Hanoi at 9pm the previous day... I was absolutely shattered so I headed straight to my hostel to check in and get some sleep. I barely made it to my hostel I was that tired. I was so happy to see the bed, it was super comfy and private. I fell asleep and woke up at 9pm extremely hungry, I headed out to find food and went back to bed as I had to be up in the morning as I was heading off to Ninh Binh on a day trip and I knew as soon as I hit the pillow I’d be back out again.

    From what I saw of Hanoi it looks cool, but not as good as Saigon or Hoi An
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