  • Hari 9

    80 degrees? WHAT 80 degrees?

    26 April 2016, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

    We had packed for a reasonable variety of weather before we left. Just 2 days before departure, reports of 80 degree weather on our route made an appearance. I snatched more hot-weather clothes from the shelves and tossed them in. Then we HIT the 80 degree weather and said, "this is nuts!" We headed for Jackson, WY where there were predictions of snow dusting and cool temps. We were disappointed on the snow front, but not the temperature. In fact, donning all my layers did not suffice, and I refused to wear the sheep skin outside the trailer in case any activists might throw paint on it.

    On our way back to the campground today, we dipped into Sports Authority where they were having a nice end-of-season sale. The selection was thin. I thought one jacket might do, but it was unisex and kind of made me look like a box, or perhaps a murky fish aquarium in need of cleaning. Gordon found a VERY fluffy cold-weather down vest that looked like it would do the job. But the only color was white, and when I tried it on I looked exactly like a marshmallow with legs. Then we found this sweet transitional down jacket which had only one in my size ... fortunately purple. Now if only I hadn't decided I only needed to pack one of my snappy wool hats. I chose the red one, leaving the PERFECTLY MATCHED purple one at home. Fortunately, I'm just about that age where people EXPECT you to start wearing purple and red together.

    As of this evening practically ALL of Wyoming east of us is getting snow. Tomorrow we are going to brave it and head for Lander. I feel prepared for the temperatures, but am now wondering if I should have picked up a pair of those "chains" for your shoes.
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