• Day 5

    Beach day

    September 15, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    I woke up every 90 minutes during the night thinking that it was time to get up. I am still not used to this time zone. At least I was able to get back to sleep 😴. Getting out of bed was tough. I can feel our hike from yesterday. Glad we decided to have a day to chill and relax.

    We decide to have breakfast at our hotel this morning. The restaurant called Gazebo is famous for its breakfasts with its view on the ocean. We have to arrive before the restaurant opens to get a place. There is quite a big lineup when the restaurant finally opens. The food was good, I had the omelet called the Big Kahuna 😋

    After that great meal, we decide to rent snorkeling gear and head over to Honolua Bay to marvel at the coral and variety of aquatic life. We get to see so many colourful fish and coral. We also get to watch two sea turtles. We swim in a school of fish that Ben spotted. I try to take photos of all the amazing views but our water case is not the best. The focus is not working as well as I would like.

    We have a quick lunch at a local place and then head over to the market for supplies. We get some nice steaks 🥩 for supper👍

    Back at our resort we decide to head over to the beach nearby 🏖. The waves are pretty strong and have lots of pull. If you don’t fight it and relax it’s quite the ride. The water is very warm and the sun is hot. We need to go get a bit of shade.

    We head back to our room and finish our afternoon near the pool while enjoying the view of the waves on the ocean 🌊 . Quite a nice day for recovery.
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