Our travel day started bright and early. We set our alarm clocks for 4:15am so we could be leaving the house by 5:00am. I stayed up a little too late making some pretty amazing bandanas as a last minute project, so I was running on MAYBE 4.5 hours of sleep. Anyhow, we got up and got everything ready to go. As we pulled up to the airport, I realized my purse was at home (with my epipen, credit cards, and drivers license 😑) So, what should have been a $10 cab ride, turned into a $30 cab ride. Oh well, I suppose. The flights were good. I couldn't sleep though. We both rested, but I don't think either of us slept in either flight. We had a long layover in Edmonton, an amazing breakfast burrito, the easiest trip through customs and flew WestJet Plus all the way to LA, which was great! We got meals and snacks and more than a few alcoholic beverages to make the ticket price worth it. 😂 We took a shuttle to our hotel, and had a little bit of a rest before heading out for supper. We took our first Uber (where I feel I embarrassed myself by tipping cash, noob). We walked the wrong way into Medieval Times and got SO CONFUSED. We got ourselves set back on the right path and got some Red Knight swag and had a Medieval Feast! It was a lot of fun. (Although it makes me pine for the Arizona Renaissance Festival.) It was a special birthday treat for Wallace so we got cake, VIP Royalty lanyards, and a specialized announcement during the show. Our knight died. But the show was still fun to watch and the food was tasty!
But alas, we are in our 19th hour of being awake on 4.5 hours of sleep and I think we're going to hit the hay.Read more