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  • Jour 12

    Treak School

    28 septembre 2022, Cambodge ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    The UniSQ students have slotted into the daily life of Treak School so well. Many of the children have emerging English skills which has presented a good challenge for our students who are quickly adapting and modifying their approach; such excellent insight into some of the challenges of their future diverse classrooms. We are also quickly learning how some of our cultural norms are considered rude here (eg pointing) and we're all constantly berating ourselves when we slip up. Each day represents two "shifts": morning and afternoon. Children attend the school for only half a day (either morning or afternoon), and then attend the other half at the local government run school which only really covers maths and Khmer. Treak focuses on enriching their learning and opening up opportunities by teaching English, science, art, and recently, a personal and social capabilities course. The work they do is so important and has great potential to transform the lives of these children who otherwise may only ever consider farming or a small handful of other subsistence jobs.En savoir plus