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  • Day 16

    My leisurely Sunday

    October 2, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    After such a huge week I very much needed a day of rest. This began with a light breakfast at Little Red Fox cafe (owned by an Australian so good coffee and great vegan options!) followed by a yoga class. My tuk tuk driver didn't understand my desired destination on the map and ended up giving me quite the detour but we eventually got there, laughing about the mix up. After yoga I had planned on a bit of lunch with Becca (on site coordinator) at a lovely little social enterprise cafe then back to my room for some rest, but we met up with some of the students and ended up strolling the streets of Siem Reap until dinner time! Not quite the physically restful day I'd planned, but leisurely all the same.Read more