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  • Jour 7

    Bye bye Prague...

    31 mai 2018, République Tchèque ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Designed by Czech architect, Vlado Milunić, and the legendary Frank Gehry, Dancing House was inspired by film idol dance partners, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. This was the morning start... Afterwards we strolled along the Wenceslas Square, where the entertainment and nightlife centre of Prague, and the main shopping and commercial district are.
    Ever since it has been a parade ground for all kinds of organisations and political parties. From anti-communist uprisings to celebrations of national sporting achievements, Wenceslas Square is where the Czechs gather to let off steam. The square can hold up to 400,000 people!

    At the top of Wenceslas Square is the monumental National Museum, and just off to the left is the Prague State Opera.

    In the neighbourhood we also passed by this franchising restaurant named after The Good Soldier Švejk - the main character of the most translated novel of Czech literature. The story begins in Prague with news of the assassination in Sarajevo that precipitates World War I. Švejk displays such enthusiasm about faithfully serving the Austrian Emperor in the battle that no one can decide whether he is merely an imbecile or is craftily undermining the war effort.

    Just before we left the city centre we crossed again Charles Bridge, for the last time, and a one-man band was there for the final farewell... Nice way to say "bye bye Prague"...
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