  • Giorno 21

    Not much today.

    31 luglio 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Very quiet day.
    It was sunny but a bit windy.
    Emily worked.
    Part of her job today was to create an Australian symbol out of ‘Post It’ notes.
    A team building exercise.
    ( Her job confuses me, often.)
    Photo attached.
    Apparently there was a team meeting while she was doing this.
    Everyone watching ...
    And much laughter coming from Bumper.

    I read, a lot.
    Walked the sandbars and beach with Lacey.
    That is always so much fun.

    Decided to borrow 2 of Daryl’s boogie boards to try our hand at riding the tide as it raced into the lake.
    Haven’t done it yet but we have to give these wetsuits a real test soon.
    Hope to pick them up this weekend.

    Daryl is also going to deliver my kayak on Sunday in his Ute.
    When I used it for the first time on the lake while we were still at Daryl’s, I broke one of the buttons that lets you separate it into 2 pieces.
    I was too enthusiastic!
    So hence it is stuck in full size mode and I can’t fit it into Tin Tin.
    Can’t wait for that to arrive.
    Really keen to get into that on a daily basis.

    Daryl and Martine and Scout came for drinks at 5 pm.
    We sat at the picnic table just opposite our sites in the beautiful lawned area on the lake’s edge.
    Lovely night.
    They bought so many nibblies, we didn’t have dinner!
    They left about 7pm.

    Set up Tin Tin for an early night.
    And that’s it.

    Mum’s back is playing up again.
    Hope you are feeling better today, Mum xxxxx
    Thinking of you heaps. ❤️
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