  • Dag 68

    Kilauea caldera

    21 maj 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Yay, made it to Kilauea! The most active volcano in the world 😃 It's been erupting from its east rift zone since 1983 - that's before I started work! Tomorrow I'll be moving to stay near where the current lava flow enters the sea ... I'm hoping that will be the most amazing location, for the night sky too.

    Today I went along the north section of the crater rim drive - the west and south sections are closed because of the gases drifting over from the crater.
    It's impossible to get a pic of the whole caldera because it's so large, and what I hadn't realised is that the caldera the road circumnavigates is an inner caldera contained in a much larger (about x3) outer caldera which I was already inside!
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