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  • Hari 6

    Day 5

    20 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

    What an extraordinary day! We had a nice breakfast and then left in a chilly 43 degree, windy rain. We faced more uphills. So glad I brought my gloves. I had everything I brought on. Kept meeting up with those we met the night before. A nice break was a food truck where I had some hot chocolate and Steve had boiled egg, coffee and banana.
    We had a very messy patch that resembled a muddy bog. Hated having to sink my feet into the muck-mice running all over. Also passed an area that in the Middle Ages, they would hang or burn witches at the stake.
    Then we came to my favorite spot. Horses, cows and black faced sheep wear cowbells. The music was so beautiful.
    The rain kept moving in and out. Finally we arrived at our destination Albergue de Roncesvalles. It is run by the Dutch. Mainly volunteers from Holland. We are now in Spain.
    Today we did 12 miles and 28,470 steps.
    Today I am reminded that I am grateful to Dr Gursky for the new hips. Dr Mogelnicki for making sure my feet/toes were ready for the trip and to my every day coach. Steve Ludiker
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