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    • Day 7

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona

      September 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona
      Today I had a rest day. Or so I thought. But I ended up walking 10 to 12 km throughout the day. I visited a beautiful church! A famous Catholic in Pamplona called “Catedral de Santa María la Real de Pamplona”. So beautiful, as Catholic churches are! I also shopped for a bag to send some of my overpacking to Santiago to wait for me. It was a nice break.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 3 - A day of reckoning

      September 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      ."Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

      Day 3 - Villatuerta to Villamayor de Monjardin
      -13.1 km

      7:15 am start and today was a hard day. Physically and emotionally. I definitely had a leak in my waterworks! So many times today I just cried. I am disappointed in the distances I’m walking as they are not as long as I had hoped. Disappointed in myself for gaining my weight back, not training for this and all manner of other things. And honestly, despite the beauty, the amazing people I have met and the fact I am privileged enough to be here at all, I just kept thinking “I am NOT having fun. I am NOT enjoying this”. One thought built on the other and went on repeat as I slowly worked my way up and down hills and through towns.

      I rested a lot. Had breakfast in Estella at a lovely place called Namas-Te (a tea house!). As the server put my pintoxs in front of me, in walked Bill and Rip. We ate pretty quickly (wasn’t getting caught out again). They were headed on the alternate route to Luquin and I to Villamayor de Monjardin. The ladies in Namas-Te could see I was upset. More tears with them.

      The blues hit me bad again on my way out of Estella. I cried and walked and cried some more. I stopped at the Irache wine fountain at the Monestario Irache. (the vineyards add 100L of wine to the fountain everyday, for pilgrims to enjoy). Carried on walking and cried some more. I was actually hating what I am doing, at that point. Rested a bit more and of course took ages to get moving again, due to the foot pain.

      Made it past Irache and on to Azqueta. Lots of downhill this section which means only one thing…the uphills are coming. Rested here, cried a bit more. Got going again for the last 2km - majority of it uphill. Not steep this time - just continuous. I cried when seeing the church spire of Villamayor de Monjardin - well made the motions - I had no tears left!

      Got to the Albergue at about 1:15pm. I have not made any reservations and they don’t open until 3pm on Sundays. So myself and other pilgrims sat and waited. I was desperately hoping for a bed (they only have 21!) as I knew the next town was “Completo” (fully booked already). I got lucky! Bed in a shared room of 5. Luck is subjective though…hit the shower to find I may have picked up some hitch hikers after all. Red spots all over my chest, torso and arms. Right where my long black shirt had been sitting. And the black shirt was stuffed into my backpack beside the lightweight backpack that Marie gave me back the day before :-(. Hand washed my clothes, dried in the sun and sealed in my drysack to avoid any cross contamination with my other clothes… I hope. My next stop needs to have a proper laundry and dryer so I can heat dry everything and hopefully prevent and more issues. Other than that little downer, it was a great dinner with all the other pilgrims and volunteers from the Albergue, and a quiet evening.

      No more tears. Well, today anyway! I am able bodied and need to be grateful for that. Grateful for my ability to carry a pack and slog it out. Grateful that I am here. Part of my Camino is to learn to be kinder to myself and have a bit more grace - for myself and those around me. Big lessons learned today, but I am sure it won’t be the last one!

      We will see what tomorrow brings. More kms I think, but I hear it is flatter. Woohoo!
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    • Day 11

      Lorca to Luquin

      May 6, 2023 in Spain

      We absolutely loved our lodging choice last night and did NOT want to leave. Close to 12 miles on today’s agenda. No days off planned for the next week so we just keep walking 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

    • Day 4

      Gratitude for Leadership Roundtable

      June 26 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      I start my day today with gratitude for the organization I’ve spent the last 15 years of service - Leadership Roundtable. I feel as strongly today as I do for its mission to serve the leadership and management needs of our Church. I’ve had the privilege of seeing so many facets of the Church and hopefully strengthen it for its all important mission - the transformation of our world into a peaceful and just society where everyone lives in sacred communion with all creation. I lit two (electric 😆) candles for the staff, whom without I would not be able to have this experience. Thank you for all you are doing to cover for me while I’m away.

      When I lit the candles in the chapel of Santiago two Dutch volunteers came into the chapel. I snuck a quick video of them singing, so beautiful. They quickly snatched me up and brought me inside to sing briefly. Apparently there is an agreement with some outfit in Holland to send volunteers here on a rotating basis. One of them welcomed me yesterday as Jon and I entered. She was superb at her job!

      17 miles to a quaint little hotel in AKERRETA. The location in movie, The Way where the alburgue owner dreamed of being a bull fighter. I read that Martin Sheen stayed at this location throughout the shooting of the movie. If it’s good enough for Martin Sheen…
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    • Day 4

      Wait…this is hard!

      June 26 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 84 °F

      After our second day, Jon and I agreed, the theme so far is that we keep underestimating how hard these last two days have been. It was much hotter today (89 degrees) and toward the end of the day we felt that. Especially since it was a lengthy 17 miles.

      Jon and I caught up on how our family members are doing. We also explored how his work is fulfilling him and the type of work he is doing at the moment.

      We also have identified trail names. I’m Food Truck, Jon is Red Eye. 😆

      Food truck because of the first day when we were supposed to arrive upon the mythical mobile cafe in the Pyrenees. Well, today we found it!!! And it came just in time as we both were tapping out of energy. However it was not the dining experience either of us hoped for. Jon passed on the microwave meal and opted for a sandwich consisting of a sliver of chorizo and a slice of cheese while I went in on the TV dinner style lunchable. It was microwaved chick peas in a sauce with a quarter of a chorizo sausage. Less than appealing but it definitely boosted the energy (oh, I gathered up some snacks too!).

      Cerne is Red Eye (subject to change) because his eye has been red and bothering him since he landed. He thinks it’s a combo of jet lag and sunscreen irritation. It’s been getting better.

      The day had less hills but the heat was intense. Tomorrow should be a bit easier but the 90+ heat. But we’ve thought that before! It’s only a 10 mile day (before training for the Camino I would’ve never considered walking 10 miles easy!). One of the shortest on the trip. I’m hoping we can do it in a morning and then enjoy the day in town - Pamplona, where we can enjoy a Michelin star meal in our hotel!

      Upon arrival the hotel is cute. Looking forward to dinner and a relaxing night. And fresh laundry done by the staff. 🧺😊
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    • Day 7

      Day 4 To Puenta La Reina

      June 26 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We had our 1st 20 mile day! We only had planned on 15, but that's how it goes when you are spontaneous. The heat got up to 91 on our last 5 miles, and it was harder to deal with than the 20 miles. When we made the summit, we all were elated to have done it before noon before the heat. I was able to leave another rock at a rock memorial on the mountain for our passed loved ones. Our is the tiny purple one. Did you see it? We continue to meet wonderful people. The countryside is beautiful 😍Read more

    • Day 7

      Part 3 of Day 4

      June 26 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      WARNING... the video you're about to watch may hurt your ears. I'm still pinching myself that im in Spain walking the Camino to Santiago. Bonnie Taylor's song is one of my favs and I had to bust out the mic 🎤 . Not ever expecting walking into an albergue to buy a chilled coke and listening to an American song. Here are some pics of beautiful 12th century churches we visited. And did I mention that im in love with Baguettes 🥰Read more

    • Day 5

      Onward to Pamplona!

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      We got out a bit earlier this morning and it paid off by beating the heat. According to our travel service today’s walk was a #2 difficulty day. Day one was a 5 and yesterday was a 4. We like #2 days! The walk was very pleasurable and we made it to Pamplona by noon!…

      …However, my feet began to feel different than they had the first two days. It’s something I hadn’t felt even in my practice walks. I was concerned about the famed hot spots (places where blisters may begin to form) that I hadn’t really experienced yet. I stopped briefly to check my feet and add a bit of sheep’s wool where a hot spot may have been forming toward my heel.

      The feeling persisted as we got to the outer city limits. Upon arrival to the hotel I checked my feet. There’s one location where it looks like a blister was beginning to form and one of my heels felt a bit raw. I added some moleskin and compede to the two locations in hopes that it mitigates any foot issues. We shall see. 😰
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    • Day 8

      Day 5 to Estella

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We walked 15 miles today. That seems to be our average. The hike itself was hard but the heat 🥵 sucks the life out of you. Seems our tolerance can't go past 90 degrees. Beginning at 6am helps beat the sun. Our detour to use the community pools was on point. We could tell our bodies were thankful to refresh in water. Found a street name San Salvador which is the capital of El Salvador and I was born there ❤️Read more

    • Day 5

      Oh look, its Pamplona!

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      Pamplona came upon us fast. It was a nice, easy breezy walk, barring what seems to be some emerging blisters!😰 Jon and I reflected on the significance of milestones and how in our culture, and in the Christian faith, they help us to transition to new experiences by letting go of what has come before. Upon reflection, it was significant for me to think of all the many milestones I’ve passed through in my life: birthdays, anniversaries, sacramental celebrations, graduations, deaths, births, beginnings, ends. I’m glad I’m celebrating my 50th in a away that gives me the opportunity to reflect on all the goodness that has come to me through both the blessings and challenges of my life. I so appreciate being able to live this milestone transition over an extended period of time to be able to reflect on the impact of the experiences and people in my life.

      One group of people in my life that has had great significance are the people and staff at Our Lady Of Mount Carmel church for the last 10+ years. Jon and I found the cathedral church and lit some candles (again, electric😣) and prayed for them. I cannot say enough about how much I have been moved by the people of this community. They continue to inspire and teach me about true Christian discipleship. It is a privilege to work and serve amongst such people.

      A final observation of the day is that I think for the first time in a very, very long time I have not known what day of the week it is. Noticing this today has had special importance to me. I think I’ve known the day of the week every day for what seems like decades. To have the capacity to live more in the present moment and less time attending to the multiple responsibilities of both myself and those that I’m caring for is a true gift. Jon and I noticed that we are already five days into the trip. For most vacations, I would already have my mind back into what I need to do when I return at this point. Nothing could be further from that reality for me now. I’m happy to live in greater Kairos than Cronos.
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