  • 日4

    Day 3

    2017年8月6日, ギリシャ ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We decided to take a boat to Gavdos island so we got tickets then had breakfast at the ferry snackbar, yogurt and fruit with figs this time. We bought a couple of cheese and ham sarnies to take with us. Boat trip was a bit packed and limited on our little boat so not much chance to move around, took an hour and 15 mins. Was ready for a large cold Mythos when we arrived, Marie had white wine which always is retsina and very nice too. We missed the bus to the nearest beach so like typical brits we set off across the island in the mid day sun and soon got fried. Luckily as we stopped to put more sun cream on a hippy in a camper stopped and offered us a lift, we jumped in and he took us to the beach. Very nice of him indeed and i was amused by the strong smell of skunk weed in his van. The beach was very laid back with lots of tents and hippies and nude bathers but very warm and no shelter near the water. We sat out for a little bit but then retreated to a palm leaf umbrella chair and table at a little bar and had some drinks. The boat ride back was very similar, in hindsight I would rather have got the big ferry for 1 euro more each way (€21) because you can wander around the boat and there is a toilet etc. Got back and tried the Samaria restaurant again, food was fab but service was shite. Wrong drinks came, both Maries main course and starter came first then after she had eaten these they brought out my main course and starter. Then we had to keep asking different waiters for our bill. It was like they had spliffed up before we arrived. Oh well not the end of the world.もっと詳しく