China 2019

april - mai 2019
April 2019 Les mer
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  • Dag 1

    Sydney to Beijing

    29. april 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We arrived at Sydney airport at ten to 8, only to find a systems failure meant we were in for a 53 minute queue just to get thru the depatures gate. Landed in Shanghi 40 minutes late.....which meant a mad rush through security and boarding gates to catch our flight to Beijing (Hully, Hully!) - however the flight was delayed so we didn't take off until 12.30am Bathurst time. reached Beijing 3am Bathurst time - we're all hoping we don't have a 6am start tomorrow.Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City

    30. april 2019, Kina ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    After a short 4hr nap we met the Cambeys for breakfast, (mmmmm....broccoli and intestine cold cuts), then hopped on board our bus for the drive to Tiananmen Square; via a quick stop at a fresh-water pearl farm/store - didn't buy any pearls BUT we did buy our 1st Chinese beer!

    Lot, our tour guide, warned us not to mention the student protest while we were there, and then led us around the outside of the Square and through the Forbidden City - VERY impressive!

    We ate a late lunch/ early dinner at a real Chinese restaurant before watching a dance/acrobatics show which featured an on stage watetfall mid-act. Our room has its own hot spring spa on the balcony (I KNOW!) so we had a quick soak before an "earlyish" night. The Great Wall tomorrow - can't wait!
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    The Great Wall is GREAT!

    1. mai 2019, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    At 8am, after breakfast we headed out for the Great Wall - via a jade showoom today. I foolishly looked a little intetested in a $2500 bracelet and then spent the next 25 minutes being chased around the showroom by a very excited sales girl....left empty handed :(

    At the wall we had 2 hours to climb as much as we wanted, however we couldn't go past no.12 guard house - right at the top. Di and I sent the boys on ahead as they were determined to go all the way - which they did- and I met them on their way down at 9 1/2. What spectacular views....

    Back on the bus we drove past the Olympic stadiums, to see the "Cube" and the "Birdnest", on our way to a very traditional, historic area of Bejing to visit a local family for a meal.....via a VERY crowded alley (due to a public holiday) and a rickshaw ride.

    The 50 minute drive home was loud and raucous due to new friendships made - and "fire water" consumed!
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Quacks and Pandas

    2. mai 2019, Kina ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    We started the day with a stop at a Traditional Chinese Medicine centre. While we received a 25 minute foot massage, a team of " doctors" gave us each a private consultation - just by looking at our tongues and feeling our pulse. Amazing!!!

    Apparently I have a weak pulse - which means I am always tired; hormonal changes and may be going through menopause and "enhanced" breasts. This could all be fixed with a prescription which would only cost 8800 yuan (approx $2200) for a 4 months supply.

    Matt's kidneys could do with a bit of work but other than that he was okay.

    He seemed quite put out when we decided NOT to buy and came back twice to Matt, to tell him how sick his wife was .....before moving on to the Cambeys. Di has a stiff neck and one breast bigger than the other which could have been cured for $880 dollars, while Cambey's kidney and liver were in alignment.

    We then drove to Bejing Zoo to visit the did several million other people, as it is a 4 day Chinese public holiday celebrating May day. Chaos - but as Lot , our guide, kept saying; Welcome to China!

    Then it was back to Bejing airport for a 2 hour flight to Shanghai; before meeting our new guide, Jacky, for a 90 minute drive to our motel. Matt and I headed out to explore a bit of the local night life - making sure we didn't get lost because there wasn't an English sign to be seen. So cool!
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Venice of the East

    3. mai 2019, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    After a quick stop at the Suzhou silk factory (and a beautiful red cadhmere scarf later) we visited the Lingering Gardens and squeeeeeeezed our way through 10 000 other people also visiting on the 3rd day of the National Holiday - only 1 more to go

    We then cruised along the Grand Canal to view life along China's longest waterway. Marco Polo christened it "Venice of the East" : he must have visited the opium dens before his visit. It had water and bridges but the similarities ended there. It was still really interesting to get a peek into the "backyards" of the peoplewho live here.

    Matt and I split from the group who opted for a traditional noodle lunch by the water and strolled (pushed and shoved) through the crowds and back alleys and stumbled upon a bar where we "had" to stop for our 1st IPA of the trip.

    Then it was back on the bus for a 2 hour trip to our next stop, Hangzhou. We had a walk around the neighbourhood near our hotel, and then had a reasonably early night as we had to be up at 5.30am the next day.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Hangzahu to Shanghai

    4. mai 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    We started the day at the premier tea farm in China - they were very proud of a 25 year old photo of Queen Elizabeth drinking their tea. At $A550 a kg, Matt decided he would stick to Twinings English Breakfast! The tea plantions climbing the hills were beautiful with the early morning sun shining on them.

    We then headed to a UNESCO heritage lake and garden for a peaceful cruise before jumping back on the bus and heading for Shanghai. We arrived at our next hotel at 4pm and were given the option of chilling, or taking the bus in to town to see an acrobat show. Most of the bus chose to chill - and so did we.

    We walked around a garden park and watched an old lady catching small fish for her tea and then met an even older man who was very excited to see us and insisted on getting his photo with us. He rolled up his pants leg and took off his artificial leg to show us, and when we showed interest in this, he lifted his shirt to show us bullet holes and stab scars. A very interesting afternoon with the locals.

    After a Tequilla Sunrise (or three) we walked around the local supermarket taking photos (bloody tourists) and then headed to bed for a big sleep before a very long day tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Ming, Markets and Magic

    5. mai 2019, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Today we visited the Bund, where they have a Wall Street knock-off that Matt just had to pose with. Di and I held up the line in the toilets while we took action shots. We then had 80 minutes to explore 4 floors at the National Museum, so we hunted down a Ming vase to take the obligatory photo. We lunched in the French Quarter then headed to the biggest markets we've ever seen, where we were chased and harrassed to such an extent that we took refuge in a tiny 2nd floor Tea House that sold cold pintago. Off to Nanjing Road which is Shanghi's answer to Time Square, where Matt went looking for a souvineer for Moo at Sephora - not enough money! It was back to the Bund for a night cruise that puts Sydney's Vivid to shame, before heading home for our last night in China.Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Our Last Day

    6. mai 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    As our flight didn't leave until 8pm, Jacky, our guide, had a few last things for us to do - starting with a trip to the top of the 3rd tallest building in China. It was the smoothest and fastest elevator we had ever been in and the views were amazing; back over the Bund where we had walked the day before.

    Next, it was a visit to the knock-off markets, the largest of its kind in the world. We were given a brief lesson on the art of the negotiation before we were let loose to browse Gucci, Rayban and Chanel, just to name a few.

    To the cries of "What you want, lady? I get for you", we set off to try our luck. We were taken down back alleys, and led through secret doors in the pursuit of Gucci shoes and Louis Vuitton bags - which we got for a "steal" due to some expert haggling on my behalf from a fellow Tripadealer. I tried it for myself with Calvin Klein undies and Rayban sunnies, but I don't think I did very well as they agreed on my price very quickly.

    Matt went looking for an Omega watch and was led to a small handbag shop and taken out the back, where a secret draw was open. He was asked, "How much you pay?" and when he named his price the drawer was quickly closed with the words "You dreaming". No watch for Matt.

    Last trip was a ride on the magnetic fast train. With a top speed of 431km/h, it is the fastest train in the world. Matt and Mat were very excited; Di and I, not so much!

    Then it was off to Shanghai International Airport for our 8pm flight home.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    ....and we're home!

    7. mai 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

    Touchdown at 8.13 am. Home in Bathurst at 1 pm.

    My highlight - The Great Wall
    Matt's highlight - The fast train

    Where to next, I wonder.....