  • Dag 7

    Red Beach Holiday Park

    31 januari 2020, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Our first night in an official holiday park! Laundry, showers and a homemade sandwich were all on the agenda. Florence LOVED that there were ducks trying to steal her food, until one DID steal her pepper, and then she chased it crying "mine". The duck dropped the pepper and Florence tried to eat it, but I saved her. All of this meant Jason essentially set up our campsite, took down our campsite and made dinner on his own.
    While each of us showered Florence had the chance to play at the playground and she loved the slide and climbing the play set. I could definitely tell she has grown up and become more co-ordinated since last having the opportunity to be on a playground.
    Finally before bed we walked to the beach but Florence was overtired and desperately afraid that we were going to go in the water so we ended up just going back to our site to put her to bed. It worked out though because Jason and I had the chance to sit together and talk and have a drink just the two of us.
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