
мая 2017
7-дневное приключение от The 3 month holiday Читать далее
  • 2следов
  • 1стран
  • 7дней
  • 12фотографий
  • 0видео
  • 11километров
  • День 1


    20 мая 2017 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    We arrived at Senggigi from the Gili islands by boat and hired a private car for transport, there's so many people trying to rip you off so try and get a bluebird taxi on the meter, they are easy enough to spot. Lombok has a beautiful coastline and tropics feel, cliffs and long stretches of beaches and palm trees as far as the eye can see. Craving some western food we went to a place called the Cowshed that evening for steak and beers.

    Due to it being much quieter than Bali and the roads infrastructure pretty decent I managed to finally persuade Bailey to hire a scooter to explore. Neither of us has any experience on a scooter and after a shaky start (careering from one side of the road to the other, losing a flip flop and giving everyone observing this a heart attack for our safety) we were off! Being on the back of a scooter is more frightening than I expected and I was happy to crawl along at 20mph and have every car overtake us. We explored a couple of beaches with amazing soft black sand and not another soul around.

    We attended a cooking class at , they were so accommodating as they don't usually run classes on a Saturday but put an extra one on just for us two as Friday was fully booked. We both loved the experience and learnt so much, my arm was aching from grinding spices in the pestle and mortar but the flavours were definitely worth it. Can't wait to try and recreate these dishes at home especially the corn fritters with some ice cold beers. I made chicken satay and a banana leaf fish curry dish and Bailey the corn fritters and chicken curry. The staff and setting were perfect and they even provided transport.
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  • День 7

    Mount Rinjani

    26 мая 2017 г., Индонезия ⋅ 🌬 31 °C

    Based on a recommendation from Bailey's friend we decided to tackle Mount Rinjani, signing up for a 2 night / 3 day trek with a company. We were collected from our hotel at 5am for the 2 hour journey north to the starting point. Banana pancakes for breakfast, again, the novelty definitely wearing off. Our group consisted of 3 Chinese, 3 French, German and Deutsch, most people spoke English and for those who didn't we managed to get by and communicate with smiles and hand gestures! First up we had to sign in at Sembalun and that was when I realised we were massively unprepared for this trek when other people had proper walking boots, poles and backpacks. It was a hot and sweaty 5 hour climb up to the base camp with a couple of stops for drinks, biscuits and lunch. The porters were carrying all the tents, cooking equipment and resources using bamboo baskets, they weighed 30-40kg and they completed the climb carrying them and in flip flops 😱

    Camp was set up and we had another meal before an early bed of 8pm as we had to get up at 2am to climb Mount Rinjani. It was pretty special to be camping above the clouds and the sky was unbelievably clear and filled with stars. The mountain was in sight and to be honest from our vantage point didn't look too far away, a gross misjudgement on our part.

    We were woken up at 2am with a cup of tea and biscuits before quickly changing and setting off. Deciding it wouldn't be wise to take our whole backpack up we left some things behind, including all of our snacks BIG mistake. The first hour was a steep climb using bushes and branches to pull up before reaching the peak leading to the ascent of Mount Rinjani. The next bit was the most physically and mentally challenging, there were short sections of flat ground but it was mostly uphill on volcanic sand/stone that for every step you took slid back down by 2. We reached the summit just before dawn at 6am and it was absolutely FREEZING. Other people were obviously prepared for this change in temperature and had thermals on, we jealously looked on in our one jumper layer and thin pants. We found one of our guides who thankfully gave us some biscuits 🙌🏼 the descent was mainly sliding down the rocks/sand but in the daylight it was clear there was a sheer drop either side if you fall off this section. The sun eventually became strong enough to warm us up and we lost some layers. The descent took 2 1/2 hours and we thankfully had time for a nap and breakfast at camp before setting off for the lake. This descent took a further 3 hours and was again mentally and physically challenging due to having to consider where to safely place each foot and the loose stones which can cause you to slip and fall. The lake was stunning and went to some hot springs to wash and clean up, the water was amazing and refreshing and we came out spotless. By this point it was half 2 and we were all in food moods due to lack of input for expended energy!

    The last part of the trek for that day was another ascent up to the crater rim for camp that evening. By this point I'd have happily camped by the lake, after setting off after each rest my legs and feet would ache and demand to stop. We managed to complete this section in 2 1/2 hours and fell in to the tents as soon as they were up!

    The third and final day 😃 more banana pancakes! We set off at 7:30am despite massive protests from my legs. This was much more intense than any feeling after I've completed any running races. The initial terrain was difficult and full of loose stones which caused lots of slips, bailey and I developed a tactic of him going first and me running at him so he could stop me. The descent seemed relentless and we didn't reach the final gate and end of the jungle terrain till 1:30pm.

    Whilst waiting to be collected to get our things from the hotel in Sanuru some girls who were starting the trek the next day asked how it was, poor timing! Once back in senggigi we had long showers, beers and a nice meal. Full body massages and mani/pedis had us feeling relaxed and refreshed before our flight to Kuala Lumpur the next day.
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