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  • Giorno 50

    Off to Xi'an

    21 maggio, Cina ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Travel day today from Chongqing to Xi'an. Unfortunately we have a bit of sickness going around our group, with Ross and Vela recovering and Nathan seeming to regress back into his illness or picking up something new...

    We were dropped at the airport by Vela's step dad (after nearly going to the wrong terminal) and although we were a little rushed, our flight ended up delayed by half an hour. Once on the plane, mum and dad took advantage and caught up on a few winks. We arrived in Xi'an and took a taxi into the old walled city where our hotel is. It was about 2pm by now and 29 degrees outside, so we all took a siesta rather than braving the outside.

    As it started to cool off around 5.30pm, Ross, Diane & Vela went to explore the wall around the old city. A quick stop for a sugar filled donut for some energy to climb the steps. This obviously is not "The Wall" but it is one of the largest city defence walls still standing in China.

    After climbing the wall they explored the nearby bell tower and city lights as the sun went down. Some neat night time photography courtesy of Vela before heading back to the hotel for a late dinner at about 10.30pm.
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