  • Giorno 13

    Road to Rone

    7 giugno 2018, Italia ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    We left Florence and stopped at SAN Gimignano a town very high up on a hill. We took an elevator and then buses to get to top. We had lunch in an Italian restaurant, 4 courses. In this case I did like the antipasto. At other restaurants I didn’t like it. A creamy tomato sauce on some pasta and then pizza and briscotti. The chef made homemade pasta and chatted while we were eating, don’t think l will be making pasta anytime soon! The town was beautiful and had a gelato and shopped. Very unusual location for a village.
    When we got to Rome we had a walking guided tour with a local...very crowded and hawkers everywhere, selling anything you could think of...hats, watches, umbrellas, paintings, purses, selfie sticks. Threw some English money in the Trevi Fountain, that was a madhouse, so many people. Walked to eat from their. Very different appetizers...started with a huge anti pasta and then chick peas and beans, pasta, and the main course chicken or veal or pork, and finally desserts. Walked to bus and had a tour of Rome at night. Will add that to tomorrow
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