  • Dag 50

    Getting to Zurich

    9 september 2019, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Inter city train travel is quite a pleasant way to go as long as you don't have suitcases. I'm very glad we didn't bring our big one. Some trains have narrow doors and a few steep steps to test your agility and strength, both of which some days just don't work. Perhaps it's the lack of a good coffee in the morning. Once aboard, you have to find somewhere to stow them. The overhead shelves seem to be getting higher or perhaps the suitcases are getting heavier. Some trains have a small luggage space with shelves and it's usually only the top shelf that is vacant.

    This is our last intercity rail journey. Fortunately, this train had a gentle step to negotiate. We were second onto our carriage, the lady ahead used the prime bottom shelf but second shelf was adequate for both our suitcases and we easily found good seats so this was probably the easiest boarding of all. Time now to sit back and enjoy the Swiss scenery.
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