  • Dag 8

    Hör auf, es zu genießen

    13 mars 2020, österrike ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

    "Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it." - William Feather

    We slept in today. To be honest, there was a little bit of an urge to do nothing but lay around and mourn the ruins of our honeymoon. But we got some treats from the patisserie downstairs, had some tea, and got moving.

    We spent our early afternoon walking around the city center, discovering museums and historical landmarks (that were closed), and enjoying each other's company. We stopped at the Palmenhaus for some lunch, walked around Hofburg palace, and found a spot in the grass to lay down and read.

    The rest of our afternoon was filled with more wandering, relaxing, and eating local Viennese food. Then we went to a concert. Sure, it was no Wagner at the Staatsoper, but watching a small group of performers playing the hits of Beethoven and Strauss was a wonderful evening.

    Budapest was amazing, to be sure. The sights and experiences were amazing. But we had so much to see and do, the focus was often on experiencing it all. Now, in a weird twisted sense, we're being forced to just stop and enjoy the happiness of being married to each other.

    So thank Coronavirus, I guess?
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