South America ’23

September - October 2023
Join us on an epic Sth American adventure! From tango nights in Buenos Aires to samba vibes in Rio, we'll desert-hop in Atacama, get high (altitude-wise) in La Paz, salsa through Colombia, and wrap up with sun-kissed LA. Ready for a wild ride? 🌎🌞🌵 Read more
  • 149footprints
  • 12countries
  • 52days
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  • 55sea miles
  • 48sea miles
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  • Day 7

    "No more mas"

    September 7, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    After the jungle drive and 250 stairs (we need the practice for Brazil and Colombia) we arrive at a very powerful jet boat on a river that is flowing at 2 million litres per second where they strap us into a life vest and say "enjoy the shower." Thrown around in the rapids to applause and wooos we get to the base of the waterfalls, which we were only at the top of a few hours earlier watching the volume of water falling off the edge of the cliffs to what waits below... Well in that moment it was us that waited below. Bow first the boat pushed under the falls and no mercy was given to any piece of unprotected clothing. I had the camera, since I was on the edge and becoming disorientated was an understatement. I didn't know which way was up or down as my vision was completely white washed from the downpour above me. What a shot of adrenaline this was, and the perfect way to get a kiss goodbye from a simply epic place.

    (Before getting in the boat we were told to call out "Uno mas" meaning "one more" in Spanish to get the driver to go under again. After the third time getting drenched I mistakenly called out "No more mas" as a joke, which makes literally no sense in any language 😂)
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  • Day 7

    Aqva Restaurant

    September 7, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Don't ask me what the name means, but the food was exceptional and a good price.

    I picked a Malbec at random and it just happened to be the most Argentinean choice I could have made. The front label had a depiction of the last supper with Lionel Messi in the place of Jesus with the FIFA trophies in front of him.

    Steak and risotto, amazing pork ribs in a type of gravy. Dessert was an interesting creme brulee with a Yerba mate foam on the side.

    It couldn't have been a more perfect dinner to say Chao to Argentina. Tomorrow morning we leave for Brazil, part two of this holiday.
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  • Day 8

    Parque das Aves - Pink Flamingo

    September 8, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    The best bird park I've ever been to, seven if it was bucketing down with rain today.

    The colours and the varieties like nothing I've ever seen before. But not only that, the whole design of the park with it's plants and enclosures were just beautiful.

    A great way to start our leg of Brazil.
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  • Day 8

    First look at Rio

    September 8, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Flying time was only 3.5 hours, but waiting in airports was 8 hours, so it was a long afternoon. But we arrived at our beautiful hotel and got our first look at Copacabana Beach at night over a complimentary champagne. It was impressive and everything I imagined from the movies. But, to wake up to that view in the morning and look over it as we ate breakfast like Kings was even better.Read more

  • Day 9


    September 9, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    First activity in Rio... Leave Rio. We headed for the mountains to aclimatize ourselves first since the last two locations were relatively cold. We headed for the historic city of Petropolis and we're really glad we did.

    The main reason, as we learned, was Brazil had a brief history with a monarchy from 1822 to 1889 but the legacy that was left can be found almost everywhere in Petropolis as well as Rio.

    Starting with Dom Pedro I, he declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. Less then a decade later his son Dom Pedro II took over and Petropolis was the summer home for him and his family. He did a lot for the people of the Brazilian Empire, but so did his daughter Princess Isabel who was known for abolishing slavery in Brazil.

    Our first stop however was Quitandinha Palace, which was originally built as a casino in the 40s before in the same decade Casinos were outlawed in Brazil. Now it stands as an extremely opulant building and, while I wasn't expecting to be impressed, it was unexpectedly huge on the inside and the definition of grand. Outside is a pond which is in the shape of Brazil.

    Next was the Imperial Palace of Dom Pedro II. He loved this area so much, when they were forced to leave Brazil he would write in his letters and ask "How is my beautiful Petropolis?". But we couldn't take pictures there. We even had to wear these funny little slippers for our shoes and scuff around the ground like we were on ice.

    The Catedral São Pedro de Alcântara was next and this is a neo-gothoc cathedral and the final resting place of Dom Pedro II, his Wife Teresa Christina and Princess Isobel.

    It was so fascinating to learn about the history of this area and it helped put into context all the old style buildings in Rio.
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  • Day 9

    More Petropolis and Beer

    September 9, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    So we continued walking and driving around town. Stopping at the Crystal Palace which was a glass house for Princess Isabel. Later it was turned into a multi arts function centre. The day we were there it was a dance crew.

    Later, since the car was parked close, we stopped at the Bohemia beer factory and had ourselves an original.
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  • Day 9

    Feira de São Cristóvão

    September 9, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Saying goodbye to our guide for the night, we were dropped off at a market fair dedicated around the culture of the Brazilian North East.

    Colour, food, music, dancing it was exciting and fun and our first time being alone in Rio. We ordered some amazing food (by luck, thanks for photos in the menu).

    It was obvious this was not a regular tourist spot. We enjoyed meandering around the different stores to see the different items and foods for sale, most of which I'd never heard of before.
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  • Day 9

    Rio by Night

    September 9, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Oh my goodness, what a crazy night. Taken around Rio at night in the only way that you should.. By a local Carioca (Someone born in Rio).

    We didn't really know where the night would take us, but in the end it went in every direction and we loved it.

    First we went to a place by the harbour that all locals make a regular appearance at with friends, family and lovers (and rarely tourists). You sit on this wall and drink, eat and talk the night away. Carioca don't like to be indoors, I know that's a general statement, but we've heard it from three people now.

    After a beer, we headed to Lapa, arguably the centre of nightlife in Rio. But nightlife doesn't start until after midnight here and we were there at 8pm, so still a while off. We went for a quick stop at a roof top bar in a hostel to have a look at the view of the aqueduct and surrounds. Then we shuffled over to a bar called Rio Scenarium, which is a three storey place filled with crazy collections of things. Music of different themes from Samba to Rock. And considered one of the 10 best bars in the world.

    Walking down to central Lapa, we stopped at a bar aptly named Bar da Lapa. Here the music was loud, so it was time for another beer! So we ordered a tall, something I never expected I'd ever say, and out came a bucket of ice with 10 of them inside. It seems that here in Rio if you like a drink, you like it a lot. We listened to the music and drank our beer and did some people watching.

    Somewhere we never thought we'd be, and never really heard of before. Salgueiro Samba School. Samba schools are in each community and are there for rehearsals and earning some income to help support the ultimate goal of winning a place in the top tier of Carnaval. Boy were we in for a show. The music was loud, the people were energetic and the alcohol was strong! Our feet started to shuffle to the beat of the drums and music, but no where near the speed of the dancers on stage. They were amazing and talented. Finishing up with a pizza and another caipirinha, after being talked into it by our very "happy" tour guide.
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  • Day 10

    Sugar Loaf Mountain

    September 10, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    "Prepare yourself for a queue tomorrow" was the last advice for our guide Maria. She had seen some videos of the day before, and the queue was down the street. This is one of the busiest tourist attractions in Rio, so we expected it already.

    When we arrived though, there was no line. Our luck from Paraguay border continued (Plus some sage planning from our guide to get there as early as possible.)

    Sugar Loaf Mountain is in two sections with two cable cars. Advice was to skip the first mountain in the way up and rush to get the best view points from the higher section at 395 metres, half the height of Christ the Redeemer.

    The view over the bay and city was stunning. Not only did we have an excellent boarding, the weather was crystal clear.

    One of those places you see all the time in advertisements and then have to pinch yourself when you're actually there. We did that while drinking the water out of a green coconut. Because, Rio, right?
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