Fiji 2018

July 2018 - June 2024
An open-ended adventure by Bronwyn & Kathy Read more
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  • Day 2

    Sydney Ready for Flight to Fiji

    July 12, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Up early at the Pullman Hotel. Nice $1 breaky before being picked up by the shuttle bus. Our flight was delayed but we finally boarded with a 4 hr flight with Fiji Airways. Mum was very satisfied and relieved that she received a gluten free onboard meal.Phew!!
    It’s all about keeping Millie safely fed and watered!
    Kath went back for a red wine at lunch even after waking with a slight headache. Not letting the team down on this trip. After our safe arrival at the Sofitel, the first job of the day was to fill the ice bucket and have a welcome drink with our duty free. We ordered room service and the gluten free pizza was disgusting but the chicken paté passed the test. We have filled the drawers with our snacks that we bought from home. Brenda will be very proud of us! It’s too dark to explore so we are saving that for tomorrow. So tonight we are making do with our new in room bar and watching TV.
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  • Day 2

    Fiji With my Mum and Big Sis!

    July 12, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    It’s been touch and go but our trip to Fiji is happening. Allan will not have it any other way. So after lots of rushing around and a quick trip up to see Brooklyn before I left, mum Kath and I are on the train heading for Sydney. Our flight is tomorrow at 11am.Read more

  • Day 3

    Bula! From Fiji

    July 13, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Our morning started with a sleep in then rush to breakfast buffet as they have a large variety of gluten free options for mum. Not as cheap as Thailand but the selection is good. After a walk around the resort to get an understanding of where everything is, we grabbed 3 deckchairs overlooking the beach and under the shade of some beautiful trees. Trip back to our room to grab supplies and disguise them with all Brenda’s tricks. A book each, a drink and snacks, the sound of Fijian drums behind us and breathing at the pace of Fiji time. Yep it’s easy to get used too!
    Dinner is at the Lagoon Restaurant with band playing on the beach for us. Beautiful sunset, great company, pina colados, seafood, fire dancers, cute Fijian waiters. Millie said we can’t go to bed at 8pm and Bron said why not?
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  • Day 4

    Same Same but Different

    July 14, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today was even slower than yesterday. We are really taking advantage of Fiji time. Kath was enjoying the one movie channel and indulged while mum and I went for a swim. Millie swam straight over to the aqua aerobics and I waited with our towels. Wherever she gets her energy from I hope it’s hereditary and starts kicking in soon for Kath and I. For a taste of local action we bought $7 ticket on the Bulla Bus. The open air bus goes all day to the marina and past all the resorts. We stopped at the Lula cafe for a late lunch, burgers for us and fish for mum. Kath and I just had to try the Vona Fijian beer (turtle beer). It didn’t disappoint so we had two. Kath and I went for a swim on our return while mum had a rest. Tea tonight is casual using our food stores and duty free. It’s nice not having to be organised by a clock and lovely to be on holidays!!Read more

  • Day 5

    Lazing by the Beach Day

    July 15, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Kath woke up today with a great idea! “Why don’t we go over to the pool and secure some sun lounges”. As we are out of the room before midday that would be a good idea. She did a great job, 3 lounges by the ocean away from all the lovely children and sweet talked one of the men to find some padding for our chairs. Now she is off to tell Millie where we are or not!...and order some bacon and egg rolls for breakfast by the ocean. Put a hold on that tranquility as a bus load of Chinese have just plonked themselves down behind our 3 lovely chairs! Not to worry she has booked neck and back massages for us at the spa, so we will take turns to save chairs for later.
    What timing, the resort is just demonstrating feeding the fish with the spectators, right where we were sending mum to swim!
    The weather is overcast today but still very pleasant. I disappeared for a nap while the ladies stayed for pina colada’s.
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  • Day 6

    Special Memories from the Sofitel

    July 16, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It’s 7:30am and I am out on the verandah waiting for the sleepy heads to wake up. Plan of the day is pretty much the same as yesterday. Kath and I venture down to secure some seats while Millie has a cup of tea in bed. Early morning swim in the Coral Sea then hit the chairs. Dancing in our chairs to the aqua aerobics music. For dinner tonight we tried the Wahu restaurant which is the child free area with lovely infinity pool. After being seated we realised it was fine dining and $80 entrees were probably not for us so we politely excused ourselves and shared a tapas plate instead. Back over to the Salt restaurant and Kath ordered a Perri perri chicken dish, I had some wedges and mum just went for the liquid meal of a pina colada. Some live music playing in front of us on the beach. That’s us done for another day of doing absolutely nothing too strenuous.Read more

  • Day 7

    What will we Do Today?

    July 17, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Another beautiful day in Fiji compared to what we are hearing about the icy cold temps at home. Today we are back on our sun lounges, under the palms and being cooled by the slight sea breeze coming from Nadi Bay. Focus today is are we going to spend our next couple of days before we head home?Mum is having a slow start and well deserved sleepin today. She has to listen to our night time snoring percussion and Kath turning on movies at 3am. Due to a shortage of ear plugs we had to improvise and mum got the luxury of using lollie bananas to stick in her ears.
    Everywhere we go the locals call mum our sister or comment on how great she is for her age. We are very grateful for this trip and time together. Tonight we are splurging on seafood at the marina. Bonefish restaurant for happy hour of White Sangria and a cocktail while enjoying a Fijian sunset wasn’t hard to take. Meals were amazing and passed the Millie test. Our bellies could not squeeze any more in (even alcohol)! It was a lovely meal. $7 taxi home to a Baileys and ice and Paramount movie re-run.
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  • Day 8

    Off on an Adventure

    July 18, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Early start today as our private tour guide was picking us up at 9:30am.
    We visited the Chiefly Fijian villages of Viseisei, the legendary landing site of the first Fijians who were cannibals. That was until the missionaries arrived and eventually changed the Fijians into Christians. Sadly, a few missionaries were eaten before the Fujians all changed their eating habits thou.
    We then travelled the ‘free massage’ road to the Garden of the Sleeping Giant. There we saw the famous collection of orchids and tropical plants founded by Raymond Burr (Ironside) in 1977. After he died he left the garden to the Hawaiian Society. The Nadi Hindu Temple was very beautiful as it had only just had its 12 yearly paint job . At the farmers markets we tried Kava, the traditional national drink of Fiji. The photos explain the taste but we were reassured by our driver, who after grinding the roots and making his 2 litres worth everyday, he is more relaxed and ready for the next day. He said better than alcohol...we don’t think so!!!
    The afternoon was spent lounging on the beach until sunset. A pina colada for mum and a Vonu
    beer for us. Sitting back now listening to the live easy listening music. Kath and mum head back to the room via a swim in the dark and then we settle back with room service meals and renting a movie ‘The Foreigner’.
    Special memories with special people.
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  • Day 9

    Last Day

    July 19, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Kath was up extra early today and went for a walk along the beach to check out other resorts on either sided the Sofitel. Our sun-lounges secured for the day, in a good possi over looking the beach.
    We were very successful today in eating most of the snack food we brought with us and finishing all the duty free alcohol. Some of us had doubts we would be able to do this. Silly!!!!
    Last swims in pool and beach. At 5.30 pm we headed for a Fijian Lovo a night of traditional food and entertainment just outside our room 135. Mum could eat nearly everything so that was a plus. The dancers were great with the night ending with impressive fire dancers on the beach.
    Off to bed now as our wake up call is 3am.
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  • Day 10

    Flight FJ 917 Home

    July 20, 2018 in Fiji ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    That wake up call felt like we were dreaming it just felt like we had just gone to bed!
    Transfer to the airport and a breaky at Gloria Jeans where a cappuccino was $10 Fijian.
    We are ready for home now after a lovely holiday together.
    Love Millie, Kathryn and Bronwyn xx
    PS: Where will our next adventure be?
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