  • Dag 9

    Mutianyu Section - Day 5

    21. oktober 2015, Kina ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Woke up feeling a bit soar and achey from the previous days trekking but really positive mind frame , because this particular section is by far the most difficult and challenge.
    I didn't come all this way for a stroll in the park!
    It was a short bus transfer to the beginning of our estimated 6 hour trek.
    The first photo in the album is our arrival point, if you look closely you can see two watch towers, thats our target!!
    So we had an 90 min steep , wet challenging wood land path ahead of us.
    But first time ever i had to perform a Poo outdoors!
    To arrive at Photo 2 , 1000m high , the highest point of The Great Wall Of China , what an achievement!
    The views were unbelievable , we were above the clouds.
    We then wrapped up cold and trekked at the very top of this Mutianyu section this was so rewarding with spectacular views all round us.
    Shortlly along this section we came across a junction where a local was serving red ribbons which you could tie on to trees for all different personal , things got very emotional , very fast. As a lot of the group like myself brought a ribbon and left it there in memory of why there are here. After some group hugs , we continued on.

    Ive bonded really well with all 20 of us , but in particular Emma, Matt , Chris , Harriet and Paul , So much in fact that just before we descended the famous Heavenly stairway , we were suggesting doing another Charity Challenge all together =) I voted somewhere with less steps !

    After the descent from No.23 Watch Tower , we descended down to No.10 ,
    In between there were so really steep bits that made my a bit wobbly, but thats what I'm here for , to be pushed and challenged.
    At No.10 Watch Tower , instead of taking the nice warm cable cart down ,
    We choose to take the famous " Thousand Steps" .
    Literally means that , we descended 1000 steps home.
    A nice fresh subway was waiting for us though , so a happy ending.
    90 minute transfer to our hotel we are in for two nights.
    Laundry Service will be used , I'm out of clean clothes!

    3 down , 2 days trekking to go , over half way !
    Yellow flower city tomorrow.
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