Flying from Calgary to Barcelona

This was a 13 hour overnight flight with a time difference of 8 hours - the local Calgary arrival time would've been 4 am, and it was 12 noon in Barcelona.
This was a 13 hour overnight flight with a time difference of 8 hours - the local Calgary arrival time would've been 4 am, and it was 12 noon in Barcelona.
bus stopped here for food and bathroom break.
there was also an unexpected bus transfer at this point. fortunately a nice spanish woman i had been talking to made sure the bus driver knew I was goingRead more
Stayed at Sercotal Europa hotel
First thing this morning, I tried to ship my carry-on suitcase ahead. The cobbled city steps made a loud ruckus as I pulled my suitcase across Pamplona to twoRead more
It is a holiday in Spain so the post offices are all closed.
I went to the bus station and found out the bus ticket I had purchased was for the day before and all the buses today are sold out. I hadRead more
music on the camino
festival day
Met a Taiwanese girl named Kerry (early 20s?) who has 32 days to walk it. She was also waiting for the pilgrims' office to open.
She will also walk right after but did not book her accommodationsRead more
Lit a candle in memory of my mom, said a prayer for a safe camino and that the sacrifices away from family will be worth it. Also said a prayer for Kerry and hoped that she'd find some accommodationsRead more
with kerry and nick