Voluntariat Dom Rep

May - June 2022
A 35-day adventure by Lisa Read more
  • 31footprints
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  • 35days
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  • Day 38

    Food poisoning in Santo Domingo

    July 2, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    After Windsurfing, Udo drovs us with his car to Sosúa to the Caribe Bus station, where we would hop on the bus what would bring us to Santo Domingo. Thanks to Udo’s crazy-dominican driving, we got there just in time. The drive to Santo Domingo was very very long, 4.5 hours and there was a really strong air conditioning and we were freezing. I had forgotten my hoodie in my Backpack even though I usually always have it in my bag, so I was sitting there with my crop top and goosebumps on my whole body for 4 hours straight. Theresa slept but I couldnt fall asleep so I listened to music, texted with Micka, who was on the bus from las Terrenas to Santo, and ate some Nuts & Crackers.
    Eventually we arrived in Santo & took an uber to the Island Life hostel, where Micka was already waiting. The others, Henrike, Rene and Matteo had already arrived a day earlier but where in the city at the moment and we found their stuff in the 12 bed dormitory where we would all sleep together that night. I was super exited!
    While Theresa showered, micka and I went to the zona colonial and walked around, saw some street artists, musicians and found a plaza where we danced for a while until Theresa joined us. On our way back to the hostel we stopped at Casa Barista & Co., the glutenfree caffe/restaurant where I had already eaten with Nina some weeks earlier and ordered food to go. Micka knew how important this was to me, so he offered me to share two things that I could choose, he would eat whatever. I chose glutenfree handmade ravioli with ricotta and spinach and Vegetable panini. Plus while we waited we ordered a glutenfre croissant - it looked really good and since it was a croissant I had to try it. It tasted like a real gipfeli and the consistency was also like I had in mind. I was amazed, it was my first real gipfeli since I got the diagnosis of cealiac disease. We got the food and went back to the hostel where the others were already waiting for us. We ate all together and I have to admit the food was a bit disappointing, but still good. Then we played pool in the hostel and drank some sangrías, which were very good. Afterwards we went out. I really wanted to stay out for a long to me because it was my last night but unfortunately at about 12:30 after drinking an energy drink to keep my awake longer I started feeling sick, I told Micka about it and soon decided to head back to the hostel to get some sleep. Rene drove me back with their rental car and so Micka and I sat down on the couch in front of our room in the hostel for a bit and hoped I would feel better soon so I could go to bed. I knew sometjing was wrong with my tummy and I tried to throw up but it didnt work. The moment I I got up and went into the dorm to change and put on my pyjama I suddendly felt sick and ran to the washroom. I wasnt able to reach the toilet though and I threw up. The whole washroom floor got dirty - it was a disaster. Micka came right away and cleaned everything while I washed my face and hands. We stayed a bit longer on the sofa. I still didnt feel much better so I stayed on the sofa a bit longer. I‘ll keep it short: I threw up 2 more times that night. Again I missed the toilet the second time so Micka had to clean up everything one more time and the third time I didnt even manage to stand up from the couch. It was a mess. I didnt sleep at all that night and Micka didn‘t either, he stayed there with me during the whole time. At about 8am I felt a bit better so I stood up and packed everything. At 9:30 my uber arrived and it was time to say bye to everyone. I cried especially because of Theresa and Micka, but I knew that I had to go on and I was thankful for the time I had had with them. In the uber I cried on but eventually calmed down and focused on what was coming next. Another adventure was about to start!
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